Saturday, December 10, 2011

El Tat. Overcoming Karma. Children

El Tat. Overcoming Karma.

Chief karmic debt living person on Earth - the duty to the child. Evolving life on Earth, and its development should go forward and upward. Who, if not a parent (ie, almost all adults), may encourage young people to reach new, unexplored frontier. But if on your favorite our goal - to give love, which in itself is a great happiness, for all the children a little differently.

Parents stimulate the direction of the child, his mind and feelings and emotions are monitored, approval or censure. With parental feeding usually absorbed by the concept of the world, good and evil, they are absorbed somewhere deep in the feelings, even when this is said out loud.

Different ways of parenting can be. How many people - so many options. Ultimately, however, the process of educating every child should get independence and freedom of thought, love of peace and the desire to learn. What a way to interact with the child you choose - a matter of taste, character education, but most importantly, ask yourself often: "What I'm stimulating the action of its data, this particular word?"

You punish your child - that he showed you? An example of cruelty and hardness of the hands, which has the power, or how to be free and to be accountable for their actions? How much tact as subtlety requires a parent to feel that it responds to the little man in response to the actions and words of adults. Only the infinite energy of love to a child can help in this difficult, often intuitive operation of the soul.

The parent is always energetically nourishes her child (and not necessarily his). So mom and dad often annoyed with respect to children. Children are like little "vampirchiki", "pull over", absorb energy and information surrounding area and people around them. Of course, this can not be called vampirism, because it is a normal, natural process. Growing up, children are increasingly becoming self-sufficient. 12-year-old boy is quite capable of making independent decisions, as well as to energozaschite. Before this age, he tries to settle down under the protection of energy an adult they trust.

Giving energy to loved ones, we always get twice as much, even if our love is nonreciprocal (included complex hormonal and energetic processes in the body). Children, we just give, give nothing in return. The need to care about them, as well as the joy of what they are nice, gives us strength, but the energy spent on them, we fill in other ways. Energy exchange with a child under 7 years minimum. Equivalent can not be even a 16-year-old. This must be taken into account when building their relationship with their children.

Feed the child can be in many ways. You can fill it with love so that it would be bad, he will get used to all get easily, and we do not fulfill the main task - to prepare for independent living.

You can "feed" the child negative energy emissions. This, unfortunately, we see too often. Shout, make, dress down, to tear at her son or daughter of his bad mood (you can always find a reason) - this is the favorite methods of educating today's parents. And the child gets used to respond to negative adult swallows it and learns. And then unconsciously provoke adults to another thrashing to get the flow of your energy, even if it is negative, but the other is not present, and the energy he needs.

What energy and information you "feed" your kids, then vzrastet on the fertile soil of actively absorbing souls. Next we shall discuss in more detail features of the energy of interaction with the child.

(To be continued)