Saturday, December 10, 2011

Liz Burba Step Emotional self-expression

Liz Burba
Emotional self-expression

In order to properly express any emotion and deal with it, define it and try to treat it objectively. Say: "Yes, I'm angry. My anger is caused by something and the something - can you help me find a solution? "The worst thing you can do - is to suppress or ignore your feelings, pretending that you mean nothing. People often say: "I will not give him pleasure, making it clear that it angered me." Remember: suppressed emotions very often manifested in the form of obesity and disease. Undeveloped emotions accumulate in the cells of the body and alter the place where chemical processes.

Cry it out, go for a walk or on a playground, to get rid of emotions, always better than trying to suppress them. But it does not disclose the reasons for them. You're going to continue to respond to everything that makes you this particular emotion, yet can not figure out the cause and not destroy the "trigger."

Here are the steps I suggest you take to begin to express their emotions. Do they honestly, one by one, and soon you will find that you stay calm in the face of external stimuli that were previously forced you to react. You'll notice recurring situations, but they no longer cause you have an emotional reaction. Referring in turn to each of the emotions, you can finally free themselves from emotional bondage, a hostage who you were, perhaps, since my childhood!

Step One: Define the emotion. It is important to know exactly how you feel - anger, frustration, depression, sadness, fear, anxiety, aggression and hatred? .. Some of these feelings are very similar to each other. We need to clearly define what you feel. Keep in mind that while the surface may emerge two emotions, and more.

Step Two: Accept responsibility for your reaction. You have to be clearly understood: to feel a particular emotion - it's your own choice. No one else can "make you feel that way." You have allowed yourself to succumb to external factors. In the heat of the moment to take responsibility for the emotion can be a daunting task, but this step is crucial. Creates difficulties, mainly ego. You must learn to take a step back and objectively understand how you feel.

All emotions come from one source - from the mind. They are never caused by something else! Never! You - the only one who is responsible for your emotions!


Step Three: Try to briefly and clearly express myself a person who has to do with it. This step may seem unnecessary to you, if you truly take responsibility for themselves, but in any case I advise you to try. If you are sure that he fully accepted responsibility for his reaction, from discussing the case with a party you do not lose anything. Your conversation will confirm that you understand their responsibility in heart, and do not mind.


Mastery of their emotions requires persistence and perseverance. I do not know one person who would completely fulfill this task. Try to imagine what comes to you and your girlfriend says, "You said (or did) something that truly offended me (or angry, or anything else), but now I realize that was not supposed to react in this way.

I take full responsibility for your reactions to yourself. " This change brought together more you, you feel like you are full love and forgiveness ... and a sense of mutual respect.

Experience anger and let him go, taking responsibility for that feeling - a huge step in your personal development. If you go ahead and express it all to whom it may concern, you use a happy opportunity to show their love.

As a result, the two of you can understand what your relationship is based on a deep trust in each other and you are confident enough about the man in your relationship, so do not be afraid to fully open your heart to him.

If you learn to take full responsibility for his reaction, then the repetition of the same situation you're not going to experience similar emotions. You will find that, freed from the shackles of emotions automatically get rid of old grudges.

Let's say you carry the emotional load of an unresolved conflict between you and your family or friends. It's always "their fault". You suffer and you keep it all inside, accumulating in the cells of your body the negative energy. Let go! Take responsibility for what happened and for their feelings and to express it to them. Freed, not only will you feel the inner transformation, but will find themselves in the physical changes - weight loss and a feeling of lightness and well-being and inner satisfaction.

Energy Center of emotions is between the navel and the heart. As we grow older and accumulate great emotional baggage, the size of our waist increases. Men are more often "swallow" their emotions than women - they do not allow yourself to express them. In my seminars I have seen thousands of people who have learned to be masters of their emotions. The results were astounding! The decrease in the waist after getting rid of emotional baggage for two to three months up to 15 centimeters!

Along with the emotional relief, many were able to restore your health and leave the physical ailments. Quite a few people even got rid of cancer!

When you learn to get rid of the emotional shackles, you will see that it could only be done sincerely - from the heart. If you expect that after the "talk heart to heart" the other person will change - so, you still rules the mind, not heart. To open your heart and do not expect anything in return, it takes courage.

Imagine the situation: you do not seriously irritates the open door of the kitchen cabinet, while the remaining households that do not touch them. The choice is yours. We can say this: "Is all so indifferent to my feelings, that no one can shut the door," and at the same time to be angry and offended by these "inconsiderate idiots."

Or ... can you say to yourself: "I am the only one who likes to door was closed, so I have to close it." To close the door, and require less power than to be upset. You have taken responsibility for their emotions. At this point you stop being angry or feel resentment. But now that you've decided not to change the behavior of members of his family, suddenly find that they began to close the wardrobe door.

Relax and take responsibility for the peace of mind - then nothing would not seem so important to you. Even if you're with someone does not agree, it no longer will have on you such an effect as before. What a relief!

1. Go through the entire process of expressing the emotions of another person. You can choose someone who was involved in the situation with you, someone with whom you are dealing with now, you can also wait until you get someone new. Believe me, the new man did not take long. Keep in mind: Before you express your emotion of this man, you must take responsibility for it. Recognize that if you did not know how to show their love.

2. Practice all three steps described in this chapter are not yet fully understand the entire process. You can enjoy the wonderful feeling of well being. You will see that it all comes down to one thing: the recognition that every word and every action lies love.
3. Emotional experience suggests that you feel some sort of threat. Learn to live by heart, learn to look through the eyes of love - and you become the master of your emotions. They never will take you over the top. Needless to happen so that you begin to understand the causes of a behavior of others.

/ To be continued /