Saturday, December 10, 2011

El Tat. Overcoming Karma. Favorite

El Tat. Overcoming Karma.

Well, when the beloved wife and coincide in one person. Harder when they are different people. Relationships with loved ones are built much the same way as their spouses. But if a marriage can be difficult karma, love - it's always happy, and it is given as a reward, apparently for good practicing their karmic debts, it must be preserved as a precious gift.

Love - a high state of mind. Love, we become higher, better, purer, disinterested. We become wiser by cosmic standards. We are a little soar above the bustle and life, see the world is divinely beautiful, such as it is in reality.

If true love is not mutual, it still gives us a higher state of mind when we are able to wish happiness to another favorite, with those whom she loves.

Energetic interaction between lovers can be only one - a gift. Give the whole world, to give himself, to give every ounce of his energy. Feel like with each new breath of a priceless gift does not disappear, but only multiplying, growing, gaining new strength.

Only in love for another person can understand themselves, learn to appreciate the high state of mind, flight to feel the creative energy and experience of God. Love, like commitment, allows you to experience the divine power, so in true love, we always buy more than we give.

How can that be if the spouse and loved turned out to be different people? And if you're young (or young) and you have a lot of fans (fans) - how do you know if any of them your love?

We often call love totally inconsistent with it things: passion, enthusiasm, calculation, loneliness and boredom. However, everything comes and goes, but love - eternal.

They say there are different love: love for a child to his wife (husband), love of country, love of life, love for knowledge and love of God. That's not true. Love is one, it is easy to distinguish. If the object of his love for you ready to sacrifice everything, even life (if you approached the edge ...), only if it's love. Everything else has other names.

But we want to love, I want her all-embracing state of the sublime, and we call love everything. For example, I have a serious love of green apples, and a deep love for my country house.

Leo Tolstoy said: "It is bad if one does not have something like that, what he was willing to die." This is so because love - higher state of mind, to which man is capable. Together with the mind is the second priceless legacy of our heavenly Father who created us in his image and likeness.

Think about whether you feel for someone feel? If so, before it all fades away. For the sake of the feelings we can and must sacrifice everything.

Something to hide, not everyone is capable of such love, but striving for it as the desire for God, must necessarily be present in the soul. Not all of us deserve mutual love. But everyone at least once in their lives can experience this truly heavenly feeling for anyone to do anything ... Such love ennobles the soul. And even dream about it already makes you beautiful.

There is a version that Love, infinite, real, like a fairy tale, perhaps, given to us in the last incarnation on earth, when all that is needed here, we have already done. We're leaving in the new space travel necessarily together (it alone we can not afford). Who knows, maybe this is the case.

Why old, blamed the so-called random links, and sexual relations in parallel with multiple partners? Sexual contact point creates seamless exchange of energy clusters, which should not be diluted "by chance". Never had anything good it did not end, because due to the large energy losses and, therefore, with the rapid aging of the organism and, furthermore, a lot of karmic complications, such as dragging himself on the karmic diseases partner. There are methods of purification, but they also require a lot of time, and large forces, in any case, such "cleansing" is impossible, as the bath once a week!

(To be continued)