Tuesday, December 6, 2011

False hosts

Liz Burba
False hosts

I want to briefly talk about some well-known "false masters." First of all, you should definitely understand that there is only one true master, and the owner - your inner God, your Divine Essence. In every human being lives his own boss.

Webster dictionary defines the term "owner" as "he who controls the other or has authority over them." Many people believe that their lives run or managed by others (eg, spouse, children, parents, people with power, etc.). This idea can be explained by fear. Working with people who come to my seminars, I often observed the same pattern.

Classes are held in the evening and ended about half past ten. When the time is nearing that point, many of the women began to visibly nervous. If the occupation dragged on a bit longer than usual, they began to worry about in the open, looking forward to an explanation awaits their spouses. They restlessly in their chairs, and often looked out the window. As soon as someone came to visit a spouse, the woman went and missed the end of the session. The reason for this behavior - the fear of her husband. The woman is afraid of displeasing him. Rather than put himself (and his) in an awkward position, she should just agree with him, so he drove her a little later, or find other transportation. Faced with the fear of someone, you let him become his master ... and stop being your own boss. If this person knows exactly what you are "lovishsya," then you will always be manipulated. This pliability pretty draining your energy and leads to chronic emotional states that are harmful to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Another false master, oddly enough, are news. Remember that news and weather forecasts are generated by the media! They are carefully designed to keep your interest. Listening to the radio, reading newspapers go watching TV, people often base their decisions on the daily weather forecasts: if you expect bad weather, they change their plans, despite the fact that forecasts are often wrong! Do you know what impact a human being can have on the ambient temperature? If the thoughts of most people in the community instead of sad (rain)-suddenly become happy (sunny weather), respectively, and temperature changes. Remember that the Earth - is a living being, whose cells are closely related to ours and react accordingly. One who is easily influenced by the news most of his life in the bay. The "good" news are boring, so often we hear and see something negative. Hearing in one day the news of financial problems, people start to hide their money or transfer them to other countries banks. Hearing that someone has mutilated a young boy, we react very emotionally, and some days we walk under the influence. It is important to separate yourself from the experiences of others and recognize that we are not responsible for their lives. Then we will feel compassion without experiencing pain.

Power and social recognition - is always false masters. As we mentioned in the previous chapter, it tends to our vanity, the need for them is generated by the appetites of our ego. If your actions are intended to gain the recognition and / or gain power, then you are a slave of external influences and not to control his inner "self." You have no connection with your divine essence and true nature.

Often owners are false material values. Closer look at the feelings that you experience in relation to their property. You cherish all, like a priceless treasure? You are upset if your favorite thing is lost or broken? If so, you rule the wealth. What is the value for your next life will be broken crystal vase or a small scratch on your dinner table ... or stain on the carpet? Look at it in terms of future prospects. To be surrounded by beautiful things - quite normal and healthy. Environment plays a big role. But do not let good material wealth to manage your life. They are here to decorate your life, rather than direct it.

False can be a master of astrology when guided by it every minute. Many people have their natal chart. Many people base their decision on any position of the planets. Natal chart - it's just a tool that can help you understand the cosmic influence. But your life control your decisions and your actions. You have chosen a particular zodiac sign just to learn how to grow and to love in spite of various external influences. Realizing master. Here is an example of a situation which can serve as an analogy astrological forecast. You assigned to the position for one year, and you will be working with a very unpleasant person. You have no choice: in the year you have to work together. If you are conscious of negative impact of the situation, it remains very attentive, which allows you to effectively work with this influence. And with the astrological prediction: if you're under and determine the impact that your decisions are yours own decisions.

For many employers are false clairvoyants and mediums. With the increasing collective awareness appears more clairvoyant. What happens when you turn to a psychic? Psychics, also known as "telepathy" or "contactees" perceive the vibration of your subtle body. They are set to turn your thoughts on the state of affairs at the moment, because between them, and thy vibrations there is a direct connection. They are able to tell you what would happen if you stay on the path to where you are now. Since the future depends entirely on the choices you make now, the clairvoyant is able to "predict" your future on the basis of currently perceived vibration. If for some reason as soon as the image of your thoughts and you change yourself pereorientiruesh on something else, then the prediction would no longer be valid. But if you allow yourself to psychic influence, there is nothing in your thoughts will not change his prediction come true. " Remember, only you with your thoughts and decisions to determine their future. Throughout your life you can always change direction, you can even pass right through a few lives if will choose a path. Radical change will give you the feeling that you are "born again" and you will feel like a different person. All around your conversion will be surprised and exclaim: "Oh my God, I do not know you! What have you done to yourself ... You become a different person! "This transformation occurs when you change its basic direction. This rapid growth reduces the number of your future return to earth - it speeds up your spiritual development.

The official religion, which proclaims that it is only truth and therefore you should stick to its rules, serves as a powerful false master. If your life controls religion, cult or sect with its own ideas about what is right and wrong, you cease to be master of his own life. Religion arose many centuries ago. Their goal was to establish a framework for the conduct of cultures that have not yet reached a high enough level of consciousness to do without them. Like everything else, in every religion, created for this purpose, there are both positive and negative sides. Many religions, being created by human beings, are intended to control their followers, instilling fear in them. This is - nothing but an abuse of power, and it will not lead you to a balanced, harmonious existence, to which you aspire. God is love and fear - the handiwork of man. Understand that religion, which makes you feel any fear of it - is not the right religion, it hurts your spiritual growth. In our time, religion begin to focus increasingly on the concept of love. Tuning into your inner knowledge, you realize that you need, and then easily otyschesh religion that is convenient and useful for you.

The author uses the word master means that the owner, master, master. The phrase false master still can be translated as "idol." - Note. Ed.


/ To be continued /