Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Liz Burba

"Ego", or vanity, - a topic, discussion of which most people feel uncomfortable. The reason is fear - so we are faced with fear, who throughout his life trying to hide under the guise of the ego. Subconsciously, we recognize our Divine Perfection. But we must also understand the need to surrender to its simplicity and guiding force. We still want to "control".

I have not had a chance to meet a man who defeated his ego completely.

People with a strong ego is very easy to learn - they always try to be "right" by blaming, criticizing and condemning others, trying to change them to feel superior. Their illusory power over others compensate their lack of inner strength.

How selfish it seems people from the outside, the more fear he is inside. The human ego - the greatest of the pitfalls: a major cause of rivalry between people and nations, the cause of hatred, intrigue and war. Giving small, empty power, it hardens the heart and prevents love. People, led by the ego, see themselves as "winners," while in fact they are always the losers.

Allowing the ego to take over a top, you lose a lot. The consequences will be severe - for your relationships with people, your health and happiness. You'll experience life as a perpetual "war" as a heavy battle. Does it deserve such treatment?

Selfish people are too passionate about each other - his persona. In this case such a person completely no contact with itself, so any attempt to enlighten doomed to fail - nothing but contempt, it does not arise. Egoists do not recognize other people's opinions - especially opinions on your account - if those views are not the same now own. They prefer the company of those who indulge in all of them.

If an egoist performs good deeds, only for some hidden reason, with a secret desire to earn the praise and applause. Many people, balanced in all other respects, take up something with the purest intentions, and find that it fails - if the actions of intoxicated ego. It is necessary to recognize and guard against both kinds of vanity - intellectual and spiritual.

For intellectual vanity characteristic confidence that you know everything - such a person does not suffer when others express their opinions, and constantly interrupts them mid-sentence. He speaks fast and loud and makes every effort to completely hold the attention of others, until he was finally unable to subordinate their own and hear, "Oh, yes, we understand, we agree with you ..." - he must be always right!

Another typical feature of such a personality - the frequent use of the phrase "I knew it!" How often do you catch yourself that you pronounce this phrase? Be attentive. This suggests the needs of your ego in flattery. The person who really knows everything, sees no need to cry about it. Knowledge - a deeply personal thing.

They are divided only when the other person asks for it - when the other man opened the doors for your knowledge. Speeding up the process - a manifestation of ego.

The ego resists any internal transformations and prevent you from seeing God in everything and in everyone. It suppresses the feelings and emotions and refuses to establish relationships with your true "self." It will dissuade you from self-improvement, you will not forgive and will not allow even suggest that "you were wrong."

The ego exists in order to get you to overcome his delusions. When you own ego, you are no longer yourself. Ego - a thorn that irritates you constantly, forcing realize that you still need a long time to grow. As long as you feel it, you'll be aware of the need to get rid of it. Acknowledge its existence - if you want, give it a name.

Each time, feeling her irritating presence, tell her you're more in it do not need it. By doing so, you will actively contribute to its disappearance and eventually be able to get rid of its influence.

Remember that your ego is stubborn. It will do all it can to survive. He does not like to be subjugated, it feels itself the master. Once you make up your mind to do without it, it starts to harass you in every way. At first, may be particularly difficult. I personally took about three weeks to calm down the resistance of the ego, and then things got easier.

Your ego is frightened. It is like a neighbor, who at any time of day and night come to you to tell horrible stories of his life - and you let him do it. Feeling that you fairly with, you will say to him: "Go away. I do not want to hear. " In response, he will be angry and offended. He passed the position and will make an attempt to recover them. You must be vigilant to maintain their position and their power.

The ego is always trying to push forward, it guided the behavior of mankind for centuries. Ego - this exaltation of the lower "I" of our personality, in contrast to the High "I" or personality. When you develop your personality, or higher "I", the ego loses its power over you. Since it is not easy to handle, but a daily serial, soft, simple acts of love to help tame your ego.

(To be continued)

Imagine for a moment, how to change your life, how she will play with new colors, when you expand the list of their roles and be able to skillfully apply them in life, for the benefit of themselves and the environment.