Liz Burba
Affection (Affection - affection, love) can be expressed through touch, words of encouragement, gifts, flowers, compliments, minor cases (or larger), voice, or just a warm smile. If your life is lacking in affection, maybe you just forgot to sow it a little?
Often, people easily become attached to their pets than to other human beings. Often seen as one of the couple sitting in front of the TV and caresses your dog or cat, and the other at this time to himself. When you refuse a man in love, you create an obstacle in your relationship.
My friend told me that she and her husband and daughter feel more affection for each other after their dog died. They had never occurred to me that they all love given to the dog, ignoring each other.
Remember that the source of all energy on Earth is. What you put your energy, you get an. The attachment will grow and you will reap even more, but can never get less than invested.
The more you let circulate your energy of love and affection, the greater the reward. Studies have shown that in meeting the basic needs of the child (his feed, diaper, etc.), but without the manifestations of love for him, the baby can die! We need a relationship with each other!
People often say "yes" instead of saying "no", because in need of attention of others in their "love." We have a need to love and be loved. Interaction with each other is vital for all of us. The best way to communicate - to offer help and knowledge, their affection and love, without expecting anything in return. Then the flow is never interrupted.
If you feel you have no influence on the lives of others, but your environment affects you - this situation is a serious effort on the balance in your body. The flow of your energy stops, you find yourself behind, even more isolated. Make contact with your feelings - expressing them - show your love and "defrost"!
Your goals and objectives are critical! In the morning, they pick you out of bed - it's your intention. If I asked you a minute to call my next goal (6 months), aims for a longer time (5 years) and long-term goals (20 years), what would you have me say? You can call three in each category? It can be tough - especially if they do not exist!
If you live, do not aspire to any problems, then the vital energy becomes stagnant - it ceases to flow, because it simply can not run! The presence of target enhances the quality of your existence - it becomes a life! Put it in front of specific goals - including the ambitious. It is better to slightly under-collection from a major purpose than to get full of small.
Do not be afraid to set a goal - you can change them. If you made a decision for six months to learn French, and a month later decided that you prefer Spanish, switch! Just make sure you continue to go forward.
It's important to understand the difference between goals and desires. The objectives of the grow desires, taking action, you become a desire to target. For example, you want to own a home. This home is your goal from the moment you start to do something to acquire it. Put your energy into achieving this goal - begin to cut out ads from newspapers, visit offered for sale at home, learn to "feel" the market, mentally furnish your home and save money.
If I offer you for a major project like buying a home to start saving $ 10 a week, do you think I'm crazy. "It can help in buying a home 10 dollars a week? It will take a whole life! "A sense that this is a step in the right direction - you say your subconscious mind that it has begun to lead you to your dream!
Many people live alone. Most of them want to meet her "mate", but have not taken steps in this direction. Instead, they live life, looking at the TV. So how can they hope to meet your soul mate?Go ahead - start each day to meet and talk with people. Your half of wanders somewhere close by.
The dream becomes reality when you turn it to their goal. You must be full of energy and feel clear goal. Keep an eye so as not to show excessive rigidity - to remain flexible. She needs you, because the road to achieving the goal will not be perfectly straight. Going through it, you can find many favorable options.Keep your eyes and ears open and to maintain open minds.Deciding to give up any venture, do not let others force you to continue.
When you decide to turn the desire to target, do not discuss it with other people (especially those who are easily frightened and will do everything possible to dissuade you.) Talk to your superconscious. It will give you a clear understanding of whether your dream - that's what you need.
If you do not set goals if you do not have goals, you will always feel a lack of energy. You're going to have depression, lethargy and apathy. You may have problems with feet, hands, eyes, ears and nose.
1. Vvozmi sheet of paper and write down the needs of your emotional body.
2. Identify which of these needs, you are neglecting. In what emotional nourishment you need?
3. Learning to meet their emotional needs and nurture the emotional body, you gradually mastered their emotions and become a master of his life!
(To be continued)