Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Open up your heart (Jill Edwards)

Jill Edwards
Open up your heart

My friend Dorothy decided to divorce her husband, pokolku felt every year as more and more away from him. He refused to go with her to consult a family counselor, and she felt lonely and useless. One evening, when he wrote a progress report, she had the courage to talk to him seriously. In desperation, she called for help and his soul was literally overwhelmed by what happened after that.

As if the reality has shifted and changed. Instead of a cold, hostile and uncomprehending husband, how she used to see him, Dorothy suddenly discovered a child frightened by a man who is confused and can not fend for themselves. Then she realized that she so often rejected and condemned it! Looking at her husband, she felt as overflows with love, you felt for him many years ago, when they were young and full of hopes and dreams. Her anger and resentment at once dissolved, it no longer worried about the future, knowing that whatever happens will be fine.

That evening, Dorothy did not say about the divorce, she just sat down next to her husband and asked, "Bill, can you talk? I love you, and in fact I almost forgot about it. I feel lonely and lost. It seems to me that the same thing is happening to you. Remaining in us love so that we can help each other? "He immediately laid aside his report, and for the first time in many years, listened attentively to his wife. They took a long frank talk. Since then, it took six years and they still live happily together.

When we moved into the carefree time, fears, doubts and negative thoughts of our ego disappear like morning mist. We do not even look at another person in terms of our ego ("Just look just like he treated me," "She does not with me is," "Well, where we do not.") We are considering another with higher perspective. We open our hearts and understand that every person is holy and innocent that everyone wants to love and be loved, and hostility and defensiveness - only the mask of our ego.

When we speak of the heart, not mind, when we act from the standpoint of infinite love and wisdom, we open ourselves to miracles. Love transforms everything. When Dorothy decided to approach her husband with love, he knew at that moment she felt no guilt, shame or self-pity, so he had no reason to defend. He also answered her from the standpoint of love. That night was a turning point in their lives. If Bill was acting selfishly, now the couple have been divorced. But he made the right choice and opened his heart.

Whatever the problem, in any relationship between people, as soon as you open your heart, your assessment of the situation is changing, and, accordingly, becomes a different answer your interlocutor. The next time the feeling that you get stuck or stalled, that you're angry or annoyed, call for help your soul, ask your heart to be open. Wait a bit, and you will feel warmth or tingling in the heart, or feel the calmness and expansion. Then look at the situation again. When you no longer perceive it subjectively, and look at everything with an open heart, what do you see in reality? What you say your heart is in this situation?

When you open your heart, it also gives you the ability to listen, and then you become able to truly comprehend another person. Most of the time our heads crammed with all sorts of thoughts. We think that the other person is saying, as we have on this or that now must be said in response. That means we do not hear it. When we open our hearts, our thoughts are calm, we feel love and fully present in the moment. And now we actually hear what we said our source.