Saturday, December 10, 2011

Liz Burba. Mental basis

Liz Burba
Mental basis

In many of the mental body needs, and some of them will be discussed in this chapter. Inability to meet any of these requirements has a negative impact on your physical, emotional, and - especially - the spiritual life.

The most important requirement is the need for truth. The truth - is the key to freedom, it gives you a spiritual awakening and expanding your vibration. Your subconscious mind responds to lie as to the violence over the inner "I", no matter where it lies neither came - from any other person or yourself. Faced with a lie, every time you feel an uncomfortable feeling. The words "it does not bother me" indicate that you feel just the opposite feeling. You really care about: you can not get rid of the discomfort, hiding it.

To be "honest" means to think, speak and do the same thing. When your words and actions do not coincide with the thoughts, your inner equilibrium is disturbed. When someone is interested in your opinion, you should be honest with themselves - if only for its own equilibrium.

The concept of truth is also the concept of justice. Pay attention to what causes the discomfort in you any unfair action against you or any other person. Maybe you had to watch as his mother enters unfair to your child (for example, placing it needs to last place).

Instinctively, you feel compassion for the child. Unfair treatment of themselves create the same internal conflict. Your superconscious mind, your soul shall be made in the fueling and maintaining its integrity. Any action or point of view that are contrary to this integrity, are harmful. If a person is insincere or unjust in relation to himself, his body is sending signals that manifest lesions of the throat and / or other respiratory organs.

Personality, according to Webster dictionary, is "a set of characteristics that distinguish one person from others." You are unique and must be respected and genuinely express this uniqueness. Enough to wonder what is expected, what they think and say about you other - be yourself.

Teenagers are often struggling to "find himself." This is critical, and often very painful phase in the life of a man when he is struggling to express themselves, and they require more space than others in order to spread their wings. Teenagers often feel that they choke when the parents or anyone else trying to squeeze them into a framework that they do not fit. When your own children become teenagers, try not to drive them into the framework, which at one time were so hateful to you.

Children of the New Age is far more consonant with the laws of nature, they feel thinner than an expression of their identity and true nature. If they are not allowed to express itself, it can lead to allergies and respiratory problems.

In important for self and others is vital to our mental health and balance. A person who respects people in positions of authority (ie police, teachers, employers, parents, etc.), is experiencing a terrible disappointment when it finds the respect of reciprocity.

Power does not give anyone the right to disrespect and insult people. On a soul level, no one is better than any other. The desire to somehow change the other person says a lack of respect for this man. If you do not respect others, remember that this is simply a mirror reflection of your attitude towards them.

Sincerity, Justice, Respect for individuality and - all of them are of paramount importance to maintain your health. They need your mental body to the same degree that air is essential for the survival of the physical body.

A sense of security in this context means peace of mind. It is caused by the thought that you have nothing to fear. Thus, the sense of security - it's lack of fear. The understanding that has nothing to fear, provides a calm mind - the main result of a sense of security. Many misunderstand the presence of insurance under a security account "to whom, in which case, you can use", or work with a good set of benefits, "just in case", or the vast stock of wealth, or, finally, just a spouse.

This security - the knowledge that at all times inside you have everything you need to perform their vital task and achieve the desired results. Any dependence on external circumstances will cause you a feeling of uncertainty, because eventually you're inferior to his power. The only real security is inside of you.

Feeling of insecurity is manifested discomfort in his lower back and abdomen. Fear of the future affects the legs, and the concern with money - the sciatic nerve (the signal from your body, for fear that there was insufficient evidence). Perhaps you had also noticed that people who feel insecure, often commit involuntary chewing movements.

Integrity, according to Webster, means "personal honesty and independence." This word also means completeness and unity. The word «integrity» (translated as integrity, honesty, purity) is associated with the word «integration»-amalgamation, merger. In other words, integrity means "that from the outside, then inside." You say then that means your heart.

There is no "secret agreement" or "written between the lines." The man does not keep his word or not fulfilled their obligations, promises, debts, acts dishonestly in relation to others - and especially in relation to himself. Sooner or later, he discovers that his dishonesty is the physical manifestation of the digestive system (dyspepsia, diarrhea, and disruption of the liver). A person who feels guilty for his indecent behavior, can attract an accident.

The cause of bad breath are often embarrassing, though unconscious thoughts that no man wants to open. In this situation, the person feels "dirty" from the inside. Unpleasant odor of its super-conscious states that it is time to "clean up their acts."

Need to send consonant needs to be useful to others. This return to the Divine Perfection. Feeling the need to help people and send them, we often do it wrong, giving them advice and make decisions for them.

Direct - means to share knowledge without any expectations. Accept and use this knowledge - this is the case with whom you shared. Sharing knowledge, make sure that people really open and ready to receive them. Unsolicited advice distasteful and inappropriate.

Feeling an overwhelming desire to share with someone with his knowledge, to know whether a person wants to receive them. If not, leave their knowledge with them and admitted that at the moment the caller will not be able to adopt them and take advantage of them. If he takes your advice, share openly, without expectations or reservations. He goes as he wants, according to your needs and schedule. This is your gift. Remember that the expectations come from your ego - out of his need for recognition.

Sometimes you may feel its uselessness. You may think that people do not take you or your advice. At the physical level, such thoughts are manifested in the form of a violation of the selection - there are problems in the kidneys or the intestine.

Arthritis can occur as a result of feeling that "you exploited." Usually suffer from arthritis fans give advice based on "return on investment of time and effort." In this case, you offer "assistance" and at the same time impose conditions. And when your expectations are not met, you feel a sense of loneliness and abandonment.

The vital role played by destiny, or the "raison d'etre." This creates a sense of enthusiasm and energy that every day make you move forward. Are you proud of your job? Do you excitement, talking about their work, and if you feel that it is not for nothing has come to this planet?

You should feed your soul - to implement creative and draw strength from their own source of life energy. When you do not, you fill feel sluggish and helpless - so make his blood circulate, so that you boil life! If you do not know what might inspire you, think and create yourself a goal!

1. Make a list of the needs of the mental body, and consider those whom you despise in your life. In the process you will begin to understand the sources of their dissatisfaction. Feeding your mental body depends on you. There's no escape - it needs to meet. This is necessary given your overall health and survival.

2. Make yourself look to each of these needs and take appropriate action. Just so you can come close to what you dream.

/ To be continued /