Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Liz Burba. False hosts

Liz Burba
False hosts

Sometimes the category of "false hosts" include physicians. Learning to trust your inner master, you will find that you no longer need to constantly consult with your physician before taking any decision in my life (going or not going on vacation, move or not move house, change or not change their occupation and t . etc.).

For example, a patient who is thinking about moving for a career, but is nervous and afraid of something, may seek the advice of a doctor to avoid this move. Such a patient would have been wiser to look at yourself to determine what caused this fear, and then listen to the voice of his body. Then it will become your own boss.

In the past few years, started a powerful movement for holistic medicine, which is based on an understanding of the relationship between mind and body and focuses on disease prevention. Learning to listen to your body, you'll be set to its signals and needs and be able to enjoy the health and integrity, which is a normal human condition. Acting hand in hand with your body, you'll be able to take control of your health.

Once you refuse to have control over their health, another master is false treatment. There are drugs on anything - from headaches, back pain, abdominal pain, pills to sleep, to work to calm go for the addition of energy for respiration, digestion, absorption, excretion ... Whatever you imagine, you will be able to offer this pill!

In any treatment there are always side effects - the way in which the body expresses its protest. If you think you will change the treatment, you are quite right ... you change it, causing damage to the health and well-being. Recourse to treatment should be only when you are completely exhausted its possibilities and really need it. Keep control and be your own boss!

The disease is a false host for the one who treats this condition as normal. This is not the case. The natural state of the body - healthy.

Fashion - one of the most absurd false masters. It controls the lives of people living in perpetual fear of what others think about them.

The work, if it becomes an obsession, too, turns into a false master. For those whose identity is determined by the work, the idea is to relax or some time not working, causing a terrible feeling of discomfort. They can not for a long time off from work to enjoy your family, go on vacation or just to smell the flowers.

Yet no man on his deathbed did not say, "I would like to spend a little more in my office ..." Ask yourself whether you bring your job satisfaction. Does it help you understand others? Does it give a sense of calm and satisfaction? If it allows you to grow spiritually, you're on the right track. If you work just for money, power or recognition, then you are more in control of themselves do not. Work was your boss.

Superstition, too, can become a false masters, if you take them seriously and make a choice under their influence.

For people whose decisions are determined by reactions based on the emotional, irrational thinking, mighty hosts are false ego, fear and guilt. What is the ego, you already know from Chapter 15, and the concepts of guilt and fear can learn in Chapter 19.

Perhaps the most common false host for the people of our materialistic culture is money. They control almost all of our decisions - or at least relate to them. Preoccupation with money stems from insecurity and fear remain without them - this is what allows money to manage human life.

Ask yourself how your daily decisions are determined by the state of your bank account? Whether it restricts you one way or another to get what you want? It's time to sort out his attitude to money. You should understand that they - the energy that should be used on their own.

Like electricity, water and wind, the money is a form of energy that is plentiful. Like all forms of energy, this energy has the power and exists in order to use it. If you kopish money out of fear that you may not have them, and afraid to part with them, it indicates a lack of faith you have in the Divine Law.

Take the money as the sunlight: the sun is still to be sunbathing on the beach, three people or three hundred - it will shine equally in any case. It is important to understand that money - a form of energy: the more you allow this energy to circulate, the more it will come into your life, the more it will gain strength, all the while multiplying.

The same is true for many other things. From each seed of wheat or tomatoes, if properly planted, will grow dozens of other tomato or wheat. If you sow and feed them is not the way you want, or keep in a drawer, the seeds do not yield new fruits.

If you can not understand that money - the energy, freedom from financial insecurity will be a very lengthy process. Look at his past life. Are there some cases when you really wanted to buy something, but you can not find the money? Have you too suffer from the fact that you put money against their will? I'll take the liberty to assume that you have bought the desired and it brought you joy, improving your life and you add energy. You deserve it!

Your view of yourself - your own sense of values ​​- determined by you and only you. Other "otzerkalivayut" the view that you made about yourself. If you prefer to hold money for a rainy day, navlechesh itself failed. If you instead show your attention and take a vacation, you acknowledge that money can work for your inner "self." Either way, you always manage to make ends meet.

When shopping, be aware of their thinking. "Price" is determines what you eat? I do not think that you avoid doing anything "special". In the first place is your desire to buy a certain product, but a good price - it's just a sensible thing. If you buy a product of lower quality, or prefer to buy a brand because it is cheaper - you are deceiving yourself and you send yourself the wrong message. Tell yourself that you deserve better and that you will have the best!

Start with small daily victories - stick to your approach and do not overestimate yourself. For example, do not start with a mansion on the ocean or the "Mercedes". Just buy yourself the highest quality products instead of bruising and discounted. Begin to raise your vibration, conscious of its own value. The crop, which you sow, will match what you vnesesh in the flow of energy to create money. The more you allow this energy to circulate, the greater will receive. Be careful - you must be sure that a new sense of self-worth comes from your true "self" and not from the ego. If it comes from the ego, you will continue to seek to gratify their own desires and your way of thinking will always be wrong. Instead, the flow Give yourself and have fun.

Let go of fear, leave your "as if ..." and go on vacation. Forget to ask yourself "what would happen if ...?"

Know if this happens, you will be able to handle this. With faith, you'll be able to make ends meet and enjoy life. If you decide that really want something, then do so to make it happen! Most people are arranged their priorities wrong. If they say that their TV is too old and it is not worth repairing, they go and buy a new one. Somehow they find the funds. But how much they need this TV? Nevertheless, concluding that it is you really need you somehow to cope with it. Some want to study at the Center stops my price. The same people spend thousands of dollars to help others or to acquire wealth, but do not value yourself enough to spend several hundred dollars to own transformation and inner happiness! You did not notice that buying someone a gift, you often you take exactly what you would like to have your own? Treat yourself that way - you and have your best friend!

Observe the same time, what influence money in your life. While they do not cease to be your master, you will be under their pressure. When you become their master and understand it, in your life will be profound changes! If you believe in the great law, which states "what goes around, comes around", I'll reveal a little secret: start right now to send wishes of prosperity to every person you know. Wish them as much money as they want. This is you provide a powerful energy circulation. Soon you will notice that this energy back to you much faster than if you only think about their own well-being. As you already know, we're not here to change others. Our task - to change your own mindset. Embody the new thoughts and ideas into reality, and they will show all around you. Do not let the opinions and criticism of others to destroy what you're doing. If you decide to change their attitude to money in a positive and want to subjugate them yourself, you must understand that this is your personal journey that should take you myself. Others will begin to change, when they are ready. Everyone has their own path of development. When you reach happiness and inner peace, you will begin to radiate happiness and peace - and others will feel it. Becoming a master of money, you will always have as many as you want. Your savings will no longer be defined by fear.

1. Make a list of all the false masters of their life, which you can install.

2. Identify which one you have on biggest impact. Over the next three days, continue to recognize the false host and try to take power into their own hands. You should not jump to the next chapter until you learn it the exercise.

Your level of awareness of false owners will determine the speed of your personal development! Learning to overcome their false masters, you really become a master of his life.

/ To be continued /