Thursday, April 9, 2009


Despite the diversity of groups, some of the processes of social interaction in them are the same type. Thus, all groups have rules and leaders. However, there are also specific to each type of group behavior. Much of the research of small groups were experimental. This gave the opportunity to confirm emerging hypotheses. Studying one particular, researchers have been forced to ignore other important features of real groups. The group - it is fascinating phenomenon, an exhaustive knowledge of which (if such a thing at all applicable in this case) equivalent to its destruction.

Let's go back to the general laws and the specifics of their manifestation in different groups. In accordance with the theory of groups, there are two main motivations of the people:.

functional - to perform a task (to build something, to play in any game) that requires the involvement and interaction of a number of individuals;

emotional - to get pleasure from contact with other people.

All groups committed certain acts, but the ratio of functional and emotional motivations at the same time - the value of a variable. People join the group for economic or even asocial explanation, but "included" in the work group. Sometimes it brings them pleasure, and they link their lives with a group on a more long term. Group of friends can enjoy the company of each other, but must comply with the act, whether the joint party or exchange of news. Several people are a group or if they like to be together, or if they need to jointly do something, or (more often) for both reasons simultaneously. The group becomes cohesive when its members lose interest in the alternative contacts, gain a sense of community, identify themselves as "we" more often than with "I".

To become a cohesive group, must be met certain conditions:

spatial proximity;

similarity of origin, interests, values;

a positive experience of being in the group, including the satisfaction of the outcome of joint action;

presence of an authoritative leader, able to support the agreement in the group;

The lack of hostile persons.