Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lessons from hypnosis

Seminar with Dr. Medicine
Milton H. Erickson
(Lessons from hypnosis)

Eriksson: I will tell you another story of disease. One professor was a two-year course of psychoanalysis in our country, and his wife looked over the years. Then they went to Europe, where the professors during the year Freud analyzed himself, five times a week, and his wife during the year was one of Freud's disciples. The next summer they returned to America and offered their services vusterskoy hospital.

Professor told me about two years of psychoanalysis, for a meeting with Freud and psychoanalysis about two years of his wives. He and his wife wanted to go on my course of psychotherapy. I just started working in a research department and was very loaded with their own affairs. I said I would have to wait until I can find for them.

In the first week of my work was in Wooster Book Fair. I liked to buy books, especially when brought in by publishers to sell the remains. Professor joined me, he was also a bibliophile. Come on, we on the street, and then from the shop, five meters in front of us is very rich woman, rising one and a half meters and the same width.

Professor turned to me and sighed: "Milton, you do not want to get into the hands of such a thing?" "No, I do not want to" - I answered. "And I would have taken." We returned to the hospital, I called to his wife and told the professor: "We were walking along the street we are behind a very thick, women, straight heels - one and a half to one and a half, and your husband asks, I do not want to hold for the ass. I replied that I do not have the slightest desire, and he said that would be supported. "

My wife vzvilas directly: "And he said that he would have supported it for the vast fat ass?" "That's right, and with a great sense," - I answered. "Just think - she finally rebelled - that all these years, I morila a hunger to keep slim girls' thighs. End hunger! That fat ass otraschu that will be his hooks for that leap! "(General laughter.)

She comes to me in a few weeks and said: "You know, my husband is a gentleman too. Chistyulya prim. Thinks he understands all. I want you to say to him, as I should love. He believes that the only way - is when he lies on me. And I most want to lie sometimes on it. "

I asked for her husband and explained to him that love in any position is good, if both partners enjoy. And if one dissatisfied, then the position is not suitable. Explained it all to the last detail. By this and brought all of my psychotherapy.

(To Party). How did this professor for three years, psychoanalysis has not been able to ascertain that the girls' thighs of his wife he was not to his liking? And why was his wife for two years of psychoanalysis five times a week, not dotyukala that her husband likes voluptuous bottom bust?

In general, it took me only two conversations with them to successfully complete the entire freydovsky review and analysis of its everyday. Professor now departed from the cases they have grandchildren with his wife, she was one and a half to one and a half - and both are happy. (Erickson smiles.) Here's what psychotherapy.

Arriving in Michigan, I am on the first day, drew attention to one girl who, as it turned out, worked sanitarkoy. She was very pretty above the waist and below the knee. Popko But it was rare size. Once it vilnut hip prodyaschego to pass as he fell, unable to stay on your feet. She was experiencing because of their shape, but to me it seemed interesting.

Soon I found out that it was rather strange habit. In the days of visits, she stood at the entrance to the hospital and asked three questions of each member with the child's mother. I could see from the window of my office. Mother nodding in reply, and went to visit the houses of relatives and sanitarka collect kids and worked with them, if the day was fine. If a girl does not spare her the day off to play with other people's children, it means that she loves children.

Suddenly, about a year later, she started hiccup continuously, day and night. We are in the state was 169 physicians. Each was examined by her and all recommended a consultation with a psychiatrist. The girl knew that this consultant will be me. My reputation was known to her: I know the sense in his case. She flatly refused.

It touched her direct supervisor: "Look, June, you do not pay for the stay at the hospital, took a full medical examination. All recommend consultation with a psychiatrist, but you refused. For you kept your job and you receive a salary, though lie in bed as a patient. Either you agree to the consultation, we will either call an ambulance fee and send you to the paying hospital. If you agree to the consultation, your workplace will be for you. "

The prospect of paying a hospital is not pleased, and she agreed: "All right, let him come."

I came about two hours, and very carefully covered the door chamber. Preduprezhdayusche raised his hand, I said: "Do not open your mouth, be silent (Erickson raised his left hand as if stopping the ongoing operations), and hear what I say. It is a pity that you did not read the "Song of Solomon" Solomon. This is from the Bible that lay on the table from you, and you have not read. This is your problem. If you have not read the "Song of Solomon," I'll explain everything. I watched the whole year for you as you care about the babies of other women, not to spare so their output. You ask every mother, can I give her child the cud, конфетку or a toy, whether you look for the kids while their mothers visit sick relatives. So I learned that you love children. And you imagine that because of your major Popko at you not glyanet no man. Read You "Song of Solomon" Solomon, you would not think so. " I was able to awaken in her curiosity.

(Turns to audience). I doubt that anyone of you have read the "Song of Solomon" Solomon. (One of the students.) Do you read? (Erickson nods.) I have explained it: "Anyone who wants to take your wife, someone who will love you, look at your huge, fluffy, soft, Popko and sees in it only the cradle of their future children. This will be the one who wants to make the world a lot of children. And he rejoiced to see the cradle to these children.

You are currently not stop hiccup. Stop somewhere half the eleventh or eleven. Still think that the cure happened by itself, suddenly, and I'm nothing to do with it. You keep hiccup and all think that I, too, nothing happened. And when I go, fear the "Song of Solomon" Solomon. You'll find it in the Bible that rests on your desk. "

Several months later, Joon wait when my secretary went to dinner, and looked to me to show your wedding ring. And a few months later, also in the absence of the secretary, she gave me her groom. He told me that he has his own plot of land and with his fiancee planned to build a house. In the house they will have a lot of sleeping rooms and a great child. (Erickson smiles.)