If you give a more formal definition, the "hypnosis" literally means "dream" and means "the state of sleep in relation to the world", due to the fact that people completely focused on something in his inner world. It is internally focused on some memories, feelings, people, some idea, thought, representation, etc. However, this definition is inadequate, and it led to a misunderstanding of hypnosis. It is true only in the following sense: someone is watching for a man in a state of hypnosis on the side often seems that the person is in a certain state of sleep. It seems that the person is in a trance - which meant that he would be absent, is somewhere else, lost in their thoughts. When this happens in everyday life, we waggle a hand in the face of such a person and say: "Hello? Is anybody home? Land is John! "
If you give a more formal definition, the "hypnosis" literally means "dream" and means "the state of sleep in relation to the world", due to the fact that people completely focused on something in his inner world.
But this only partially describes the hypnotic state. When a person is making the journey to their inner thoughts and "throws" external stimuli ( "mesmeric" experience), the inside of their sensations and feelings, he seems to have a clear conscience, more energetic and more controlling themselves than ever was.
Perhaps, the word "trans" more appropriate. It says on the transition (transition), which we commit from one state of consciousness to another. Professional communicators, psychologists and hypnotist distinguish many kinds of mental states, which we sometimes call "hypnotic". For example, consider the "road transport". I (M. X.) always go in trance, when driving a car over 430 miles on Highway 70 Kansas. I never can remain sufficiently careful to preserve the state of sensory urgency ( "aptaym"), so as not to "immerse themselves inside" and do not visit more interesting places in their minds.
"Aptaym" - the state in which the mind and feelings are directed outward, to the immediate surroundings, all sensory channels are open.
Before we continue, we ask you to put aside all the associations, definitions, and experiences relating to these terms. Perhaps these terms zayakoreny you to such things as the Occult, the manipulation of consciousness, drug trips, scenic effects, etc. Such misleading connection will only maintain your ignorance of the true value "hypnosis" as a form of communication and human understanding.
Values that we allow these terms to NLP, and their use by us does not have anything in common with these types of distributed representations. If you'd like to use a more comfortable everyday language when talking about these concepts, you can use as a replacement for one of the following phrases: "diffused attention", "dreams", "state before filling up or awakening", "brown" or "focus inner world ".
In NLP, we do not use formal methods of hypnotic induction. Instead, we informally use the processes of natural transderivatsionnogo search (see Chapter 13), occurring when the human mind meanings language. This means that the mind is always the listener inevitably "go inside ourselves" and uses the stored logic (knowledge, memories of events and experiences) to ensure that the values of objects. In this sense, hypnosis is not the opposite of reason, or to arbitrary control. In fact, it allows you to access them!
What is the value of all this? Once we understand the true nature of hypnotic trance, we are beginning to realize that people naturally use his destructive way to create problems. When people impose their attraction comes in spite of their own values, we say that he "did not believe", "is possessed", "does not control yourself", "went mad". In other words, a significant portion of our work with the "trans" and "hypnosis" will be bringing in people (including ourselves!) Of the old states of trance, ie degipnotizirovanii!
In terms of medicine, hypnotic trance is observed when theta-level sleep when our brain instead of the chemical neurotransmitter acetylcholine norepinephrine dominates. In doing so, we tend to pay more attention to not touch the incentives environment, and internal information in the patterns stored in the brain, such as memories. Many people point out that while their visual images are more vivid, and they have reduced ability to manage their own care, most people usually celebrate it during sleep.
In terms of medicine, hypnotic trance is observed when theta-level sleep when our brain instead of the chemical neurotransmitter acetylcholine norepinephrine dominates.
Recent studies on the implementation of control over the dreams and the call conscious dreams, as well as anthropological studies of cultures attached great importance to dreams, suggesting that the subjective sense of lesser ability to control attention may simply indicate a lack of training, not some innate feature of . It is obvious that people can not use any effective model guess, and technology (human or mechanical). Nevertheless, in itself, improper use of anything is not an argument against proper use.
Defining hypnosis as a trance experience, we should abandon what we see on television about hypnosis and in films, and say that this does not correspond to reality. Stories about the "management of consciousness", or that people are forced to act against their will, can fairly scare. But all this is not the truth about hypnosis. This is in line with the space shuttle "Enterprise", flying at a speed of Warp-l, or Warp-9, exceeding the speed of light. Pure science fiction!
We can not force people using hypnosis to do things that violate their moral principles or values.
We can say the same about "hypnosis on the stage" - the show in its pure form. Moreover, there is a huge number of different techniques to facilitate such a mental and visual juggling, creating illusions and misperceptions. The truth is that you can and what can be done with the help of hypnosis is: we can not force people using hypnosis to do anything that violates their moral principles or values. Just hypnosis does not work this way! In recent years, the scientific experiments on hypnosis attempts to discover the limits of hypnotic suggestibility and "Management". The results indicate that hypnosis does not suppress human consciousness. Milton Erickson once made a comment that if we could control the people with the help of hypnosis, there would be far less sick and nevrotichnyh people! You can not force them to do something against their will - even change for the better! Hypnosis simply olyaet Call us to focus on something important and to exclude irrelevant.
What you can do with "hypnosis"? What is it worth? Mainly, we can use different trance state to enhance our innate power of consciousness and body. Since this experience can facilitate the concentration of mind (in fact, this is the main characteristic of hypnotic states), we can use this high level of internal focus and concentration to enhance their own resources. Hypnosis simply describes a deep meditative state in which all of our minds focused on something the same. It operates as a state in which a person can say: "That's exactly what ...". As an example, recall how athletes mentally prepare themselves before the competition.
Using the inherent capabilities, we can gain access to the healing forces of the body, slow breathing, reduce heart rate, slow the bleeding, reduce pain and much more, which is usually (in the normal state of consciousness), we can not do. There is nothing mystical or magical. This is just one way of human existence as "remarkable and wonderful creatures".
So, "hypnosis" - this is the natural state of consciousness that happens every day with every person. When the mind ceases to see, hear and feel that at this point is in the external environment, we "are in trans" and care in some inner state. We can "deep thought", to concentrate on something important, just relax their minds, to meditate, pray, "do not think about anything specific", dreams, etc. We can go inside the mind to create an image that would like perform at any time in the future.
The fact that we seldom appreciate such condition as "hypnotic", prevents us from noting the frequency and ubiquity of such experiences. This also prevents us to notice how fast and easy we are to change in and out of them.
The claim that in a state of hypnosis someone else "controls" your consciousness incorrectly. Nothing is further from the truth. In fact, the opposite has occurred. Many people, for the first time experienced the state of trance, do not appreciate it as hypnosis for this reason. "I remember all that thought and felt". "I feel so focused and so strongly control their emotions". A healthy and proper use of hypnosis allows a person to feel more control over themselves, rather than less.
A healthy and proper use of hypnosis allows a person to feel more control over themselves, rather than less.
In the state of hypnosis you can resist. You can fight as much as in the state of wakefulness. You can resist joining in the state of hypnosis. You can also resist any unacceptable to your instructions or suggestions. In fact, people always eventually find that when something is unacceptable to them, this leads to the destruction of hypnotic states and "output" of it.
This output from this interruption of the state also explains why most of the hypnotic nature of everyday communication is very poor quality. In such a communication shall not adjust to reality and poorly maintained hypnotic state. It is learning to do a good hypnotist. In everyday hypnotic communication recipients receive a mixture of words, relevant and not relevant to them. People are coming out of this state, if we are being disconnected from the reality of their inner values, beliefs, moral principles, etc.
Hypnotic state - a powerful tool that allows us to access states of higher sensitivity and sensibility, so it allows us to manage the knowledge. On why is it important? Through access to a comfortable, relaxed state and the transition to a state more receptive to ideas and suggestion, hypnosis makes us open to new knowledge and language. We feel more receptive to the ideas necessary to implement our programs. This allows us to overcome their own defensive reaction barriers and restrictions! Thus, it allows us to program for, approval and even belief, that we want to build. We like to think of it merely as another tool to update and change the mind, thus, "person".
Hypnosis makes us open to new knowledge and language.
Dr. Ernest Rossi (Rossi, 1988) wrote:
"A man in a state of hypnosis is still the same person. His behavior changed in a state of trance, but even so, it goes back to the patient's life experience rather than a psychotherapist. At most, a psychotherapist can be affected only in the way of expression.
Building and maintenance of trance gives a special mental state in which patients can reassotsiirovat and reorganize their internal psychological difficulties and use their own abilities in a manner that is consistent with their experience. Hypnosis does not change neither the people nor their past lives. It allows people to learn more about themselves and better express themselves ".
So, the meaning of the word "hypnosis" respect "of this sleep state" deep, strong domestic focus, created primarily through leading trance words. Those words send us "within themselves", so that we are implementing transderivatsionny search for meaning. Thus, the power of words ultimately derives from the attribution of our values. We are doing this, "going" in our inner "link library", we have built over the years in their files "memory", in which we have encrypted our values, beliefs, representations, etc. All of this simply describes one of the internal capabilities , which allows to attribute values of objects and have an internal world, as well as a sign of the presence in us "soul".