Friday, April 10, 2009

NLP ... An analysis of metaphors

An analysis of metaphors

What is said is a metaphor and what it does? Milton Erickson was down the street, sees something on the other side and close to that. What does this mean in terms of structure? In terms of structure, it is dissociated. He moves the street, coming to the factory and said: "It is interesting". So, we give a picture close-up. This not only improves the image, but when he comes inside, he is associated or dissociated? When he comes inside, he is associated. What did he hear it? He dissociated. What did he hear? Noise brings a boiler factory. This includes internal audialnuyu modality. So, he hears the noise, brings a boiler factory.

Here it goes outside, looks up, sees the sign and enters inside. What happens when he is inside? There so noisy that he could not think. Metaphor offers a direct line or isomorphic relationship that sometimes occurs in the minds of people. His hand gesture I make this room for training in the boiler plant. So, we are closing every person inside the room, that is, the boiler plant. We take the rivets and seals to the wall to make sure that everyone in a particular place (a room for the course) is in trance. Thus, in this metaphor is an enclosed room teaching and secure place.

So, Erickson went inside the boiler plant. He looks around, and what's next? Inside the factory, people talking, but he could not hear them. What is it? Unaware of the subconscious, he said: "Hey! I think it have something to learn ". Again, there is a direct line to what's happening in the classroom. What is he talking about? He discovered that what can be learned, so he recognized the importance of communication with the sub and said: "Can you call me the owner of the factory? I want you to have asked him to go outside ". The owner goes. Erickson said that he would like to sleep at the boiler plant. Then he goes home, takes a pillow and blanket,

find a quiet place in a corner and sleeps. This implies a cross, right? As he does before you fall asleep? He says he was able to take and remove noise from your consciousness and then he fell asleep. We use a visual anchor, having all the noise by placing it in the box and set it aside. This seemingly simple metaphor in its structure is much about the device classroom (or client), which is worth learning. Holding a bet that this is even more relevant r. .. Your subconscious knows what else is relevant, is not it? This is a great metaphor for the installation of the state of learning. I (BB) learned it from Ted James.