Question "You want to raise the right or left hand?" Offers a choice of how to raise your hand, but the question assumes that one hand be sure to rise.
You want to start now or later?
When you sleep, or when awakening ...
Before you leave this room, or after ...
When you lie down, or you will see dreams or not.
You will start to change now or after this session?
Would you like to quit smoking today or tomorrow?
You want to buy this car now, or want to first pass on it?
You either will or will not (followed by a non-verb).
Use as much time as you need to complete it for the next five minutes.
You can change as quickly or as slowly as you want.
If you do not burn at least one double bond, or very soon, you automatically think of one, or be surprised when you come to a head one double bond, so that you can burn it.