Friday, April 10, 2009

Recycling. Predefined commands. Analogue marking. Pronunciation of words by letters. Linking language ...


Erickson used the recycling to the fullest. He used all that said the client. He used every sound and every event that happened in the room. During one of my (BB) training school fell from the wall poster. Ted James said: "The old notion of fall". Once, when I used hypnosis with a client, played relaxing music. Suddenly the tape has ended. I knew that soon recorder clicks and turns off. So I said: "Now you will hear a click. This means that you are totally and completely get rid of the pain ". Soon the tape recorder clicked and pulled the body of the client, totally free of emotions.


Client: "I do not think that I know".

NLP-Practitioner: "Of course, you do not think, you know".

Client: "I can not be mesmerized".

NLP-Practitioner: "True. You can not be mesmerized ".

Client: "I have not concluded a deal".

Seller: "Of course, because you have not asked one question, which will allow you to make a deal".

Predefined commands

Through the embedded commands Erickson gave masterful guidance subconscious. He highlighted the words that would send a unconscious. To give such commands and to provide the words, we must lower the tone of voice and increase its volume. "Using embedded commands, you can instruct the client's subconscious recover now". Tell me you got a team of dedicated word? When your client is in a dissociated state of their line over time, it gives you the opportunity to send a team built his subconscious. When using the techniques on the time the customer enters into a deep trance.

Analogue marking

If Eriksson wanted the word went into the unconscious, he had marked them. Marking this underlining specific words or phrases with the help of changes in key votes. While the team and select a word, lower the tone of voice, and simultaneously increase the volume. Through the embedded commands, you can instruct the client's subconscious to recover now. Have you received a command from the tagged words?

Analogue marking - the use of voice tones, expressions, gestures or touching, that nonverbal emphasize certain words during the conversation; marked words convey additional message.

Pronunciation of words by letters

John Barton said that proiznosya key words to be spelled, we draw attention to them. This helps bring trans. You z-and-a-s-t-e, that the pronunciation of words in the letters are entered in the transport, is not it?

Linking language

This applies to the verbal description of the observed behavior of listener and verifiable (adjustment). Then, using the "connecting words", the speaker turns to the description of (maintaining) the desired behavior. Of course, people react individually for each pattern. Binding language includes recycling process, coupled with specific binding words.

A. conjunction

Use to connect the observed behavior and experience desired conjunction, for example, union

"And". Conjunction linking statement tuning with the expression of reference. (X and Y). Example: "You sit here, breathe and read this document, and you can start to breathe more deeply and become more relaxed". The objective in this case includes communications made by adjusting with the expression of reference, so that the latter seemed logically derived from the first. Thus, the relationship breaks information boundaries to enhance a sense of continuity. Additional comments adjuster further improve the effect of (X and X and X and Y). For example: "You sit in a chair (adjustment), and reading this article (adjustment), and I am talking to you (adjustment), and you can breathe deeper and relax more thoroughly (maintenance)".

B. disjunction

Using the opposite, or negative forms of conjunction can sometimes lead to the same results (X and X and X, but I). Examples: "I do not know whether you would prefer to continue to look at this sheet of paper (adjustment) or to look anywhere else (adjustment) or to breathe deeply (adjustment), but I know that you can consciously enter into trance, to be perfectly meet your real needs (maintenance) ".

B. Clausen adverbial or implied kauzativ

Kauzativy often function as denoting the time the words imply that one event is invariably linked in time or caused by other events. The main implied kauzativami are: (1) "If X, then U". "If you start to breathe deeper, you can relax even stronger". (2) "When X, then F". "When you usyadetes comfortably in a chair, then you can let your eyes slowly shut down". (3) "While X occurs Y". "While you will remember a particular time and place, you can begin to enter into a comfortable trance". (4) "After X should I". "Once you become very comfortable, you can enable the trans worse". (5) other implied kauzativami are: "often", "as a", "before", "for", "after", and "for".

To see these linguistic patterns, write to each of the five kinds of proposals. Please include in your exercise violations metamodel. You will find that these skills are most useful in all areas of communication, and that they are helping with public appearances.

"Hypnosis" and trans are not anything new, strange, magical, surprising or mysterious. Our consciousness can "rise" (condition "aptaym") and "drop" (condition "dauntaym"). When it goes inside, we enter into another world, the inner world of values, beliefs, concepts - the spiritual world in which we create our reality neyrosemanticheskuyu.

We can not avoid it. We can only realize and understand that we can understand how hypnosis and trance work in everyday communication, it gives us more choice and more control over them. This will allow us to choose the skill of our hypnotist. We will be able to know when "enter trance" and when to get out again! We will not allow itself unconsciously or unconsciously yield to a bad suggestion, which is constantly trying to implement some people. We can learn how degipnotizirovat themselves from dysfunctional negative suggestion left (in our mind) in childhood. We will be able to take preventive attitudes toward communication positive suggestion to improve themselves and other people. This will give us the opportunity to exercise professional conscious communication.