Friday, April 10, 2009

NLP ... Stories, metaphors, analogies

What can you learn:

* The role of "history" and metaphors as hypnotic pattern
* How to use stories to trance induction
* The ability of metaphor to cause changes
* How do I edit my personal history

Robert Dilts (Dilts, 1976) defined the "metaphor" as "a rhetorical reception when something reads as if it was something else". The word "metaphor" itself literally means "transfer". Thus, with the help of metaphors we transfer the message in the mind of another person. The listener interprets the structure of metaphors in the frame of reference of his own experience.

Robert Dilts (Dilts, 1976) defined the "metaphor" as "a rhetorical reception when something reads as if it was something else".

However, due to the fact that we put a message in the frame is not related stories, it usually bypasses consciousness and, thus, it allows the subconscious to receive the message. A well-designed as a metaphor for a set of directions of thought, which modifies the belief in the conversation must have the structure similar to the human experience. These similarities at the structural level, in fact, encouraged to interpret the metaphor of the unconscious in relation to their own needs, and describes the term "isomorphism".

As communication tools, history, metaphor and story are much more reliable way to call the changes than direct advice. How does it explain? This is partly due to the fact that the metaphor implicit message masked.

Moreover, as history has a multilevel structure, we can use it for simultaneous communication on many levels. Milton Erickson was very talented in this. He used a metaphor for the simultaneous communication and consciousness, and subconscious. In doing so, sending the consciousness of pleasantry and entertaining message, he at the same time with the help of stories dealt with more in-depth human interest. First, the surface story took consciousness, and then with the help of analogies in the history of subliminal "moved" Message deeper (or higher) structure. Accordingly, in hypnosis, we primarily use stories and metaphors.

Theoretically, in terms of the meta language, the way metaphor is to present the surface structure of meaning with the help of surface expression, of the content of stories. At this level, we simply hear the story. But at the same time, activates the deep structure of values transderivatsionny Search our library of links, which then connects us with history at this level. Mainly, it occurs outside of conscious awareness. We are unconsciously regard.

Sometimes this process can provide a good therapeutic effect on the unconscious level. With this treatment we do "crossfire display submodalnostey". Stories function as metauroven in relation to the processing of lower-level, carried out by the autonomous nervous system.

As with other patterns refreyminga, that we have mentioned, there are metaphors direct our internal representations. With the help of metaphors, we translate the new strategy, the value of the state, notions, etc. at a lower level. The difference is only that the metaphors operate outside conscious awareness. In this case we use the history and story to test the new values in the "as if".

Have you suspected that the story, metaphor, story, poetry, etc. can be associated with such a deep and complex processes? On the surface it seems such a simple story. But be transformed by the force of history is not on the surface, and under it.

The nature and process of narration include three major components:

1) transderivatsionny search;

2) replacement of reference indices (symbolism);

3) isomorphism.