Friday, April 10, 2009

NLP ... Replacing the reference index

Obviously, the work histories / stories and metaphors linked to the symbolism. The characters - are all objects, situations or people who have become anchors of certain reactions. Many everyday metaphors are like "Once I knew a man who ..". What is the symbol? The word "man". Further communication will arise on the basis of similarities of in history. These symbolic links illustrate the concept of "reference index replacement".

This means that when someone tells about their experiences, but does so with great uncertainty (uncertainty clever), we, as listeners, understand history in terms of its own experience. You know what this is! In doing so, we change shifts or reference index. (Do not worry, do not mind the police arrest you for this!) When we do so, we begin to listen with empathy history. This allows the history of influence on us and the "contact us".

Shifts reference indices are occurring all the time. All we are doing that every day many times. This happens on a conscious, and subconscious level. We distort our sensory representation, changing the reference index, "belong" to the history and the history of placing its charms. Then comes the magic in action.

Stories, stories, metaphors and so encourage the replacement of reference indices. In doing so, the history of acquiring quality "as if" and then begin to work within our minds and bodies. When this happens, we suddenly feel that is moved to another time, place, to another body, etc. "spell" introduces us to cross. We are losing a sense of time, place, itself, the environment, etc., as well as transferred to the new and other worlds and realities.

All language functions metaphorically.

Stories, stories, metaphors and so encourage the replacement of reference indices.

Then the animal, another person, and even stones in the history of the objects are transformed and take special values. They often become our powerful symbolic representation. In the stories we get in the World Legends. Themes, main and side-plot lines, dramas, comedies, tragedies, victories, heroic journey, and so define, describe, limit and / or relieve us. White and Epston (White & Epston, 1990) on the basis of this surprising phenomenon has recently developed a completely new model of therapy. Of course, the parables of Jesus existed even before the White and Epstona. The development of narrative psychotherapy have also contributed to Friedman and Kumbz (Freedman & Combs, 1990,1996), with GLP.

"Isomorphism includes a formal similarity between the representation of different reactions ... After examining the operation of other systems, people can learn a lot about the capabilities of their own behavior. If we imagine ourselves in a certain situation, not a lion, a bird, it opens us to many different variations of reactions, and many others deny. In general, the characters determine the structural aspects of metaphor, while isomorphism is dealing with relative or syntactical components.

Neural network of the brain is constantly compiling information, making it possible to study. Isomorphism describes the ability of the brain to include information about the behavior of a class in another similar class. This is a study using cross-grade "

Isomorphism describes the ability of the brain to include information about the behavior of a class in another similar class.