Friday, April 10, 2009

NLP ... Transderivatsionny search

Transderivatsionny search - this is the neurolinguistic process through which we heard the characters (words, language, etc.), comes in the memory banks, a library of links and get access to the internal links to ensure that character values. This search we carry out within themselves. (Imagine transderivatsionny search as a journey into his inner world.)

When we describe the experience, we move from the actual experience to describe the experience. We move from our "Map" "territory". Now, our language, a description of verbal or symbolic representations of experience, moves us in neyrosemanticheskoe dimension of reality. At this level of experience exists only as an internal mental representation. It does not contain any external reality. It exists only as our internal paradigm or model of the world.

Language is always located on metaurovne in relation to the experience.

This means that language is always situated on metaurovne in relation to the experience. Language operates on a higher level of abstraction than the internal representation, to which he refers. Therefore, in order for language "work", he should call us within the sensory representation. We understand the language when the words (as symbols) force us to see, hear, feel, smell, etc. The reference objects on the screen of our mind.

What is the word "automobile" in terms of sensory representations? Is it you have a black "Pontiak", as I have (B. B)? Probably not. This link is a result of my transderivatsionnogo search. What led you to your transderivatsionny search? Well, of course, to the "Toyota" (M. X)!

What is the word "dog"? What leads you to your transderivatsionny search? I have called the internal-representation of black Cocker spaniel. Which breed of dogs in its library of reference are you?

So we allow the language of meaning. We "realize" by searching among the learned and retained visual, audialnyh, kinesteticheskih, olfactory and / or tastes, of the linguistic symbols that we use and hear. Therefore, we say that the language (all language) functions as metaphor.

The process of establishing a link between language and audible internal representation we call the "transderivatsionnym search". When we commit a transition from the surface structure of metaphorical language in its deep structure, we are conducting an internal search. So, when we listen to history or a metaphor, our brains and our nervous system is carried out unconscious transderivatsionny search for the connection of our metaphors and models of the world. Metaphor helps us in this. Stories from the active participants in their search for "memory banks" heard to give meaning in the context of their own models of the world.