Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So how is "hypnosis"?

"Hypnosis" is based on the use of the words that drive human mind "enter the interior of a", to give meaning to your speech. In a "hypnosis" are hypnotic language patterns. This applies to the words and linguistic structures that are "hypnotizing" people and "introducing them to the trans". Nominalizatsii are the best "Trance" language ( "attitude", "self", "pleasure", "motivation", "relaxation")! These "verbs turned into nouns", have lost their direct links, it is unclear describe the process and, consequently, to determine the meaning of the words the listener to "enter inside ourselves" and make reference transderivatsionny search index.

These induce trance words facilitate gipnotizirovaniya - until one enters into a state of "aptaym" and does not undertake metamodelirovanie words. Indexing of the words with the help of meta essentially degipnotiziruet. This happens by calling your attention outward, "enhance" Consciousness ( "aptaym"), but not inside you, "downward" Consciousness ( "dauntaym").

When I (M. X.) doing hypnosis with clients, I know that first of all, using these words trance.

"You can now lie down comfortably, aware of the growing awareness that are going to experience deep relaxation, which allows you to free up some unused capacity, so you can begin to act in everyday life much more successfully, you should increase the efficiency in a way that your consciousness and the subconscious will be pleasant and acceptable ".

Are you so dislike? You have those words when they read? Or do you read them analytically? Check it. Give yourself a chance to notice how your mind processes such words and "gives them meaning". After all, the whole "hypnosis" relates to the fact that we turn inward and gain access to a conceptual awareness within our souls. It moves us from the outside inwards. O'Connor and Seymour (O'Connor & Seymour, 1990) described the ownership of this hypnosis:

"Trans - a condition in which you are highly motivated to learn from your subconscious to focus on your inner world. This is not a passive state, and you also are not under anyone's influence. This collaboration client and psychotherapist, and the reaction of the client allows a counselor to know what to do ".

"Abstract words by their very nature have a strong hypnotic effect, so as to" give them the sense of "you must log in to your inner world of values (ideas, beliefs, understanding, etc.) and gain access to the conceptual links or they are moving in to your inner world of abstractions (which you can easily do with open eyes), you develop your inner focus "(Hall, 1994).

"Creative use of linguistic ambiguity allows you to talk hypnotic language patterns. To stimulate the mind (his or others') with the help of nominalizatsy, non-nouns, verbs, etc., to encourage the recipient to use the words that are transderivatsionny search, and to establish on the basis of the eigenvalues of emotions, status, emotions, etc., which indicate your words. This linguistic ambiguity sounds very clear. This is because the listener "gives meaning to" your words, plunging in and bringing them together with their knowledge and understanding. Here's how the hypnotic language patterns "(Hall, 1994s).

In addition nominalizatsy, hypnotic work, any word that is an abstract assessment of anything. In NLP distinguish between sensory and evaluative words distinction that shows us the way to the country of hypnotic language. The language is related to the "reality", which we can not see, hear, feel, smell or taste. Evaluation reality someone else's values, beliefs and values exist in the world, is not located outside of the nervous system, as well as within it. They exist as neyrosemanticheskie abstraction.

Therefore, every time we tell (yourself or other people) estimated values, we have been involved in the hypnotic process. We are dealing with internal abstractions. In order to "give them meaning", other people must take an internal focus. This explains why we Americans are usually not "gallyutsiniruem * concrete nouns denoting persons, places and objects. We "gallyutsiniruem" psevdosuschestvitelnye-nominalizatsii and evaluation. In our world we "see" disrespect, ignorance, laziness and abuse, we "hear" accusations and irresponsible, we "feel" humiliated himself. Do you know the concepts, judgments and perceptions, you "gallyutsiniruete"?