Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pattern NLP to work with the sub

Advanced 6 step

1. Set repeat. The first step of establishing a repeat of neosoznavaemoy part of the mind. When a person explains the problem, to join it, otzerkalte it and adjust to it. This allows us to repeat with neosoznavaemoy part. We can begin to establish communication with this part with the use of such nonspecific verbs, as the "chat" and "confirm". Such words inspire neosoznavaemuyu of talk, using their own representative system. When this part start to say, we are able to adhere to its predicates. Moreover, it is important to remember that the subconscious often uses a representative system, that of the representative system, used by consciousness. When a customer accesses neosoznavaemoy part, pay attention to the linguistic features they use another representative system. If so, to accede to the representative system neosoznavaemoy parts.

2. Determine the communication signals. Then, if the problem lies outside of conscious control, we need to help the client establish conscious communication with their neosoznavaemoy part. If a client can or can consciously control the behavior, let him do it. However, in most cases, people seek help is because they have an internal conflict between the conscious desires and neosoznavaemymi forms of conduct that they can not control. Often subconscious knows much more about human needs than consciousness. Subconscious often knows about the client's needs more than we are. Therefore, a wise psychologist will be interested in sub.

When the man said: "I want to stop to gain weight", - he gives to know that trying to consciously stop overeat, but it is not possible. He deliberately did not take the opportunity of choice. What we should do? Go directly to the source of the problem - how he made his map of reality and has kept it in their subconscious. To detect in neosoznavaemoy of positive intent, which is causing the problem, we need to talk to her. Thus, communication with this part allows us to detect its positive intention for human beings. When we find it, we can help customers to find alternative forms of behavior that would be much better.

3. Access neosoznavaemoy of using questions / statements. Now we can formally establish communication with neosoznavaemoy part. On the assumption that in a certain context, all forms of value and useful, we admit that this part is trying to do something important. This helps us to establish communication with it.

"I recognize that you have a part that caused this behavior, which you do not like and that you no longer find useful" (so we put people in metasostoyanie). "This behavior has a certain value or significance for you, and you long to do so. You can also begin to believe that it is doing something useful for you, even if you do not know what exactly is this utility ... Also, you realize that you do not like the results, and you want to stop this behavior, you create problems. I do not know the positive intentions of neosoznavaemoy ... Based on your answers, you probably too. But you do not want to know them? So let's address the powerful part of your this and see whether it tells us that she wanted to do good for you. When we set it to communicate, we must find that, for perhaps many years, this part wanted to tell you. I find it interesting that s about it? So, now we can give her a chance ".

4. Make a client sensitive to signals from the subconscious. When you go inside yourself and ask the question neosoznavaemoy part of yourself, you can draw more attention to internal sensations, images or sounds that will be present in the response. You do not have any influence on the answers. Your neosoznavaemaya part, which generates the behavior would be to communicate as desired, but you can just watch ... the way in which it is responsible. Just ask this part: "Do not want my part, responsible for this behavior, contact me and tell me about their positive intention?".

We can keep that part separate from the behavior, if we speak about the "part that generates the form of behavior", and not a "(called behaviors) of the". When refreyminge we must be particularly careful to obtain information on the positive intent neosoznavaemoy parts. These intentions will be different from the behavior of "critique" (behavior) is different from trying to "correct the situation", "correct something that I think the problem" (intention). Consequently, when we formulate comments and questions, we must make sure to talk about neosoznavaemoy part of the behavior and how about different things.

When people hear our words and repeats them inside themselves, we need to follow very closely the developments or changes in its physiology. In doing so, we carry out the calibration in order to see whether we can find it neosoznavaemye reaction autonomous nervous system. We often would watch a man change when asking questions. We will get the response and non-verbal signals people even before he was aware of them. In doing so, we observe the changes of breath, jumps fingers, shrug, a change in the person of color, etc. All this is possible signals from the subconscious - the external signals. Sometimes a client will celebrate the feeling, voice or picture inside himself - sees this as a signal of the subconscious. It differs only in that is internal.

5. Identify signals of "yes / no>. When we receive the signals from the subconscious, we can use them to ask specific questions which can be answered "yes" or "No". If you have an internal signal, say: "Only for the fact that I clearly understand you and can better evaluate your goal, if it really means" yes ", please make the signal stronger ... and if so at really means "no", please weaken it ". Repeat this until you feel that you are confident in these signals. "Do not add to this part, or internal state that generates this behavior, this signal is" yes ", so I knew what you really mean" yes "". "And the brightness of the signal" no "related to the decrease in brightness, to weaken further, if I understand this is your signal to" no "". We ask questions "yes / no" in that order, and usually can get the "feeling of" yes "" or "the feeling of" no "". Our interior painting in the case of "yes" could be brighter, closer, rich, etc. Our inner voice in the case "no" can be louder, faster, or may have a different tone. Our internal kinesteticheskie feelings could in the case of "Yes" to be more warm or cool, as in the case "no" - more tense.

Outwardly, we may notice nodding his head in the case of "yes" or termination nodding in the case "no". Sometimes neosoznavaemye answers will emerge in such a clear manner. We may also notice more facial muscle tension in the case "no", and their relaxation in the case of "Yes".

6. Sorry to neosoznavaemoy part. If neither you nor the other person, apparently, could not find neosoznavaemuyu reaction, consider that this part will not be talking to you. She refuses. What does this mean? Perhaps it feel abused and undervalued.

"When you dive deep into yourself, you might begin to realize that the way in which you have talked for years with that part of himself, insulted her, so she does not feel right or estimated, and this was due to the fact that you simply can not knew that she was trying to do one way or another, something precious to you ... but now, when you began to understand that you can apologize to her so that she learned that now you want to reconcile and make friends with her, because if you and she unobjectively treat each other, it only keeps you in a state of stalemate "

In doing so, go back to the definition of signals "Yes / No".

7. Detect its positive intentions. Defining signals "yes / no", let people sink inside yourself and ask the question: "Would you have me consciously aware that you are trying to do for me that I can assess as having a positive meaning?". If the answer is "yes", the path of neosoznavaemaya inform people about their positive intentions. If "No", people ask: "Can you right now and continue to believe that your neosoznavaemaya part has some positive intention, even if it is not tell you about it?".

8. Get access to the creative part. Get access to the part that creates, updates, invent new fantastic idea and make it yakorenie. Now ask for a part, control the unwanted behavior, to communicate their positive intentions of the creative part, and each time the creative part of creating a new behavior that will work well or better than the old, though she sends you a message to "Yes".

9. Implement changes to adjust to the future.

When people sink into himself, let him ask his neosoznavaemuyu part: "Do not primesh Do you assume responsibility for the use of one of these three new forms of behavior in their respective contexts?". Let your subconscious signals to determine who will run the new choices, and fully enjoy the simple and automatic possession of one of these new options available in this context.

10. Conduct environmental scan. Again immerse themselves inside and ask: "objected Does any part of my possession to one of these three new options to replace the old behavior?"