?Make no mistake about the word" knowingly "and" unconsciously. " They are not possible. They-just a way to describe the events useful in the context, called a change in psychotherapy. "Knowingly" is all about what you are aware at any given time. "Unconscious" - all the rest ?.
If we talk about these terms and their use for the movement in the territory of human knowledge, ?knowledge? is a more focused definition, while the ?unknowingly? covers a lot. In this case it means the ?rest?! Accordingly, we must distinguish between different kinds of unconscious awareness. Thus, we have at least the following aspects of the subconscious.
1. Conscious, which has become unconscious.
2. Autonomous nervous system, the remaining ?outside conscious awareness?.
3. Unconscious information is not reaching the threshold of awareness.
4. Forgotten information.
5. Displacement information.
6. Metaurovni awareness.
1. When the conscious becomes unconscious
George Miller (Miller, 1956) wrote his classic work ?Magic Number 7 +2? in the early development of cognitive psychology. This distinctive feature allows us to understand our cognitive processing of information in terms of ?Jang-King?.
So, we say that organize information and strukturiruem volume from 5 to 9 ?Çankaya? * information at a time. All we did, when he first learned the alphabet. We came to school and saw ?Aa? on the board as ?Çankaya? information, the teacher wanted us to explore it. When we have mastered this ?Çankaya? in terms of visual and audialnogo recognition and kinesteticheskogo play (the actual writing of this letter) - a major task in those days! - We turn to ?BB>. Ultimately, we reprezentirovali and retain many ?Çankaya? ... and when this becomes commonplace, we have done less consciously.
* On pp. chunk - a piece.
Continuing to learn the alphabet, we have mastered all the more ?Çankaya?. Eventually, we reached the limits of ?5 to 9 Çankaya? information at a time (from the A / C to G / h). But then stepped in another process. When our ?Çankaya? become accustomed, they started ?grouped? together, so that a ?Çankaya? became ?A / a B / B / in?. Then Çankaya become ?G / D / d E / e?, etc. Ultimately, all 33 letters have become one Çankaya. Then, all this knowledge of themselves (for, ?chanking? and how to implement the ?chanking?!) Has become unconscious Çankaya.
In other words, ?Çankaya? enlarge. They are grouped together to form larger and larger sequences isolated moored, or related items of information together, which then function as separate units. We moved to a conscious / unconscious levels of learning to read as follows:
1. Unconsciously incompetent - we are incompetent and do not know about it!
2. Perceived incompetence - we are smart enough to realize their incompetence!
3. Perceived competence - education leads to better and better knowledge of the skills and understanding.
4. Unconsciously competent - knowledge are grouped together, and then ?go? from conscious awareness.
5. Perceived competence to unconscious competence - the state of mind the coach (or expert), which allows him to teach and train other people's skills through conscious access to unconscious data.
The process of development of neosoznannosti to realize describes the process of learning. He pointed out that when we learn something consciously and memory so that it becomes in our nervous system, customary, this knowledge ?integrated? in what we call ?sub?. In doing so, we are truly and deeply ?know? the material! When our knowledge reaches this stage, they make up our intuition. This term describes our ?internal knowledge?. We have intuitive knowledge about the subject. For example, we intuitively know how to drive a car, skate, read, solve mathematical problems, playing the guitar, etc. As a derogation for example, that Daniel Деннетт (Dennett, 1991) believes that the phenomenon of ?unconscious driving? better described as ?an example of collapse of consciousness in rapid loss of memory?.
This also illustrates one of ?the easiest way? to the unconscious - conscious learning. We can put information in their subconscious, through education and training of excess.
2. ?Unconscious mind? the autonomous nervous system
Another aspect ?unconscious? a ?reason? (Intelligence) of the autonomous nervous system. This ?reason? supports our heart rate, regulates the concentration of neurotransmitters, hormones, biochemical processes in the nervous system, controls breathing, internal organs of the digestive, endocrine and immune systems, etc. This ?mind?, obviously, gets input from the external environment information describing the temperature, pressure, oxygen, odors, gravity, balance (vestibular system), etc. In response to the ?message?, he handles this information in terms of their internal needs and desires. He then acted in accordance with the information shown in neurophysiological and behavioral reactions. He does so without using any symbolic system of rights (language, music, mathematics, etc.).
However, when we begin to explore mechanisms that allow us to enter into this more ?rigidly mounted? part of the nervous system and the human experience, we understand that the world is largely unconscious way. Or we can say that they managed our ?unconscious?.
Now we know that stimulate and activate the right hemisphere of the brain for more vivid emotions and feelings the images, scripts and metaphors we ?mesmeric? create a concentration of internally focused, that it activates the processes of the autonomous nervous system. So we can control blood pressure, heart rate, intensity of pain, etc.
As stated by Noam Homsky in his classic study of language, defeating bihevioristskuyu model of Skinner, we also have a ?genetic reason?. We do not teach the language and can not examine it with the help of simple associations of type ?stimulus - reaction?. Instead, we have a generator inside a language and mastering the language of some of the mechanisms that are part of our species heritage. This enables us to unconsciously create and understand the words - even those that we have never before heard.
3. Subliminal
Another aspect of unconscious raising concerns that information which does not reach the threshold level and, therefore, precedes awareness. Signal the importance of this information is located below the level that we ?feel? meaningfully. Robert Dilts has described these aspects of the book ?The Origins of NLP? (Dilts, 1983). These are subconscious elements such as the light outside the visible range, the sound / vibration outside the audible range, etc.
The existence of another ?reason? in our mind that can tap (so to speak) the information from the external environment and which does not appear to understand, to find the second ?The easiest way? to neosoznavaemoy part of the psyche, namely, learning without awareness. It seems that many find themselves in neosoznavaemoy of ?mind?, bypassing consciousness. We collect information and tasty pieces of small incidental details. This information is provided ?unconsciously?. We learn, but do not know what we learn - if you do not talk about what we learn.
What type of information comes to us this way? We believe that this information is structured as an integrated team that shifts tone, connotation, suggestion, suggestions, metaurovnevy freyming etc.
Such a ?learning?, it seems, functions as a side effect that we simply live. That is, we are constantly learning something, but do not ?know? (consciously) about it. We especially feel it in our dreams. Often we have to include the sound of this water, alarm, human speech, barking dogs, etc. from the outside world, but continues to sleep, making the incentive part of sleep. Once I (M. X.) wandering thoughts somewhere far away, shaking with a chair, and when suddenly ?came? from reverie, noticed that unconsciously synchronized their rocking with some background music.
The idea of overloading awareness is described in the literature on NLP. Some people took that idea and used it in their training. They have advertised their approach: ?We are overloading the realization that the overloaded condition all just slip straight into the unconscious, immediately giving you an unconscious competence?.
As we see it, this raises some problems. If the overload is thus and so good, why do not we organize a primary, secondary and tertiary levels so that children learn in 12 hours? Why teachers do not read them lectures for four hours without interruption, overloading them, that all ?just slip? and ?get it?? Why are we not doing? Does overload in your case - if you suddenly become a ?superior energetic learning machine??
This is simply not the case, is not it? Assumption underlying this idea, when careful study is not confirmed. Typically, the majority of learning takes place with the participation of consciousness, which acquires the information it takes to execute, apply it connects with existing knowledge, etc. In this case we have the unfair advertising, which is not very well served GLP.
It is obvious that the ?side effect? man does not receive large amounts of data, and that these data are not even the best. How many of these data? And as we then treat them to a useful way?
4. Forgotten information
We call a sub a ?reasonable? within us, where we store all our memories and the whole experience. In the 1950's, Penfild and other researchers have found that electrical stimulation of different areas of the brain is automatically anamnesis long forgotten experiences. These ?memory? is not simply contain the ?data? in pure or abstract form, but, apparently, are re-experience information. Then the scientists concluded that all of ever experienced by us somewhere recorded and stored.
However, more recent studies have questioned this Quantor community. Theorists will eventually come to the conclusion that much of the record of the experience, but not all. We do not write it down in the ?memory? is that we do not draw attention. Our ?ignorance? of such information does not mean that ?it neosoznanna?. This could mean that we are not encrypted as it is important to us. Thus, if someone has a ?white spot? in their line vreeni, this does not necessarily mean that he brought some sort of trauma. He could simply not encode anything meaningful in this period. Or he could lose interest in the information, and she slipped.
In addition, we may forget the information, and it really happens. We can forget the previous knowledge, experiences, conversations, etc. Just browse through old papers and notes that you wrote when at school 20 or 30 years ago. Or, read magazine articles about the daily conversations, feelings and events of five years ago, and you will be surprised that many did not even know. This was not merely unconscious, but unconscious and inaccessible.
I recently (M. X.) is satisfied that the experience when confronted with the old records that are made during the course of trigonometry in-depth study of mathematics. I just do not forget that the record did - I had not even been able to remember their meaning. ?What does this formula? I can not believe that once knew it! ?
5. Displacement information
While it is not Sigmund Freud introduced the concept of ?unconscious?, it is certainly to popularize it. In doing so, he made it part of the culture of the XX century. Accordingly, he spoke of predsoznanii, consciousness and subconsciousness. Under the latter, he understood that part of ?psychic?, which we have curbing and displaces. He argued that the use of various protective mechanisms, we create barriers to understanding. We do not want to know what is in our subconscious. We are afraid of knowledge (the structure functions as metasostoyanie). Because our ?Ego? (he called it ?the principle of reality?) can not deal with specific information, it constrains, displaces, rejected, throws her, etc. It produces installation (programs themselves) against the risk.
Freud looked at this unhealthy aspect of the unconscious as a place of displaced negative emotions, unrestrained, and no sexual fantasies and deep genetically caused motivation or ?instincts?, like the assumption they ?an instinct of death?.
Freud's talent allowed him to develop many methods of reconstructing displaced neosoznavaemoy information.
1. Free Association: lying quietly and simply pay attention to the fact that intrudes on your consciousness, allow this to happen, not pushed and not suppress it.
2. Recording and analysis of dreams: pay attention to images and representations that your subconscious will ask you to dream. Write down your dreams, then separate the apparent content of dreams of their latent content.
3. Pay attention to the ?Freudian slip?. Capture unconscious erroneous statements, which often indicate neosoznavaemye thought and awareness. Then, determine whether it is on a ?program? to a certain knowledge.
Regarding this aspect of the unconscious Milton Erickson (Erickson, 1976) said: ?Your patients are so because of the fact that they lost a repeat of its sub?. This suggests that the real mental health involves a good balance between the conscious and the repeat and neosoznavaemoy ?parts? of mind. What we call ?neosoznavaemymi parts?, develops from a lack of harmony between certain parts of the mind. The mind no longer functions as a whole.
6. Metaurovni awareness
Another aspect of the mind, which becomes neosoznavaemym and then shows the strength and nature of the unconscious, is linked to metaurovnyami awareness. This applies to the reference system, which we construct in the course of life - the frames, which we then use as our frame of reference metaurovnevoy. It includes such subjective intellectual and emotional phenomena as beliefs, values, criteria, ?rule?, the field of knowledge, concepts, etc.
When we study something, it not only becomes neosoznavaemym, but often begins to operate on metaurovne in relation to the daily awareness of the original level. Such information is becoming our metaprogrammami, our metasostoyaniyami, our metaurovnevymi areas of knowledge. We can definitely move the structures of (semantic) in mind, but usually they operate just as a frame of reference in which we live and act - as our supposed reality.
Thus, the perceived idea includes not only the knowledge of something, but at a higher level of awareness: awareness of awareness about something. I can drive a car with a knowledge of the streets, people, road signs, etc., but so far I do not have awareness of this awareness, I would think that I drive unconsciously. Rosenthal (Rosenthal, 1990) in his book ?Why are verbally expressed thoughts awareness?? Writes that a conscious state of unconscious is distinguished simple possession of the property ?thoughts of a higher order of this condition?.