How receptive and internally focused state, trance can significantly help a counselor or a communicator to convey his ideas. Because the recipient is located in the most sensitive state - relaxed, open, deep in meditation - it allows him to take what makes sense, and do so deeply a part of their reality. In addition, given that an open and available to the unconscious tendency to accept uncritically suggestion, a man with whom we have a repeat, it will be easier to monitor our communications and to perceive them.
Trans helps us make a critical consciousness to change its position. Our mind tends to operate fairly self-centered way. It wants to do everything in its own way! When he is not, it comes on the war path. Then, it can block communication with other people, with the sub, with a useful creative ideas, etc. It is not reasonable steps for the "reason"!
Trans helps us make a critical consciousness to change its position.
Trance allows us to "push" the conscience of his ways so that it does not interfere with the protective reactions, cynicism, etc. Then we will be able to hear the wisdom and the position of the subconscious. Then, when our consciousness to understand the value and power of the subconscious, it can even communicate and cooperate with him. In this case, processes on the line time and relaxation techniques can greatly assist us in treating people.
Consider the hypnotic effects of stories and metaphors. Psychotherapist using the therapeutic metaphors, develops them so that they and the customer experience were isomorphic (similar). Because of this similarity of the unconscious client may interpret the metaphor in line with their needs. Customer perceive what I heard, and will undertake representation of this in terms of its own experience.
When we read or hear the story or metaphor, our consciousness is engaged in the details of history - the content. But the unconscious and the deeper levels of our mind interprets and hears the story behind the story, and draws lessons from it. Sometimes, we can notice this when someone said: "I do not know why, but the story had really touched something deep in me". Occupying our consciousness not related to the case histories, psychotherapist / communicator can put us into trance in order to convey its message to the subconscious.
In the case of a time line and other techniques of NLP, we are dealing mainly with the unconscious forms of behavior. When refreyminge such behavior, we first establish communication with that part of man, which leads to undesirable behavior. Then we take the other parts (eg, creative), which may lead to alternative forms of behavior. All these parts are located mainly at the level of unconsciously. Establish communication with the unconscious parts of the state requires a trance. Our task as psychotherapists includes "pushing" human consciousness from its path, so that we can help people solve problems that are saved and encoded in the subconscious. In fact, the majority of customers are experiencing distress because of the fact that they lost consciousness repeat with sub. Trans simply allows us to re-install the repeat.
Our task as psychotherapists includes "pushing" human consciousness from its path, so that we can help people solve problems that are saved and encoded in the subconscious.
When people ask me (M. X.): "How did you start to learn hypnosis?", - I say: "The church!". When I later searched for additional training, I already have good skills of hypnosis - I could make the journey inside themselves and to create in the minds of its fantastic and beautiful worlds / ideas, abstractions, etc.! I also owned the art of charm, with the help of words. I just never thought about it that way (in a new frame of reference)! Moreover, this art was not quite perfect.
Stories as a form of hypnosis "related to the mental blocks of the left hemisphere. Stories inform us indirectly, thus largely avoid the cognitive dissonance ". Stories are fed by the imagination and the right hemisphere of the brain pictures and dramas (Hall, 1985).
If we use the natural history for such a definition, then, listening to and experiencing new stories, we can redefine themselves. This is a psychodynamic force, which is in any history: from the petty gossip and film, fiction, life examples, etc. From what stories you'd like to start to make their lives meaningful, better and more pleasant?