Friday, April 10, 2009

Virginia Satyr ... Categories

Categories of Satyr

Until his death in 1980, the Virginia Satyr was the most prominent family psychotherapist in the world. Throughout her career she wrote many works, and frequently lectured. Today, she has many followers in many industries and in different countries, they use its technology to heal dysfunctional families. Virginia Satyr was a beautiful model for Richard Bendelera and John Grindera at the initial stage of the development of NLP.

Categories of Satyr

1. Accused.

2. Ingratiating.

3. Calculated.

4. Hide.

5. Balanced.

Virginia Satyr noticed that people tend to use one of the five types of linguistic behavior. She called these five patterns as follows: The accused, ingratiating, forehanded removed, balanced. These categories describe the overall styles of communication, which provide reliable information about how the person prefers to communicate with others.

Criminatory usually looking for a man, who can be held responsible for the fact that everything is going wrong. Criminatory projects their feelings and thoughts to other people. Some refer to him as a skunk, because they are "besprinkle" people in your own words. They use strong gestures and usually indicate the finger at another person. Quantor common, complex equivalents and lost serve performativy accused in order to "ask them how to"! Until the accused did not want to change, it usually feels very lonely.

Ingratiating otzerkalivaet accused of that, too, wants to pass on to someone else fault. However, he is trying to transfer responsibility in such a way that others perceive himself as a nice person. Ingratiating may even take the blame for everything. Ingratiating uses metamodel such violations as cause-effect relationship, nonspecific verbs, and modal operators. Unlike the defendant, ingratiating not use the language of opinion and threatening gestures. Ingratiating acts more like a turtle than a skunk. Instead of "besprent" another person, ingratiating hides in his shell. He is trying to cause you a sense of guilt through the installation of "I am a poor, miserable". Approval of "as it turns out that I care about the world, but nobody cares about me" briefly expresses feelings ingratiating.

Prudent use of language that hides the emotion. His defense is to never pretend to. He otzerkalivaet Mister Spock from "Star Travel": a rational, always retains control neemotsionalny etc. forehanded is similar to Mister imperturbably. Some might say that such people - indifferent and insensitive. In marriage and other close relationships spouse or significant other may be prudent to accept it as cold and alienated. This always causes a lot of problems. Often these people live in isolation. Calculated using the language as a buffer. They convey a lot of "you"-messages. Often, they take responsibility, saying: "It can be concluded ...". Mark a violation of the metamodel in the form of lost performativov, nominalizatsy, the deletion of reference indices, identifying prudent. The majority of bureaucrats and accountants acting as prudent.

Hide at one point was accused. In another moment he would demonstrate the characteristics of ingratiating. He then switched to a type prudently. He just jumps over from one mode of behavior to another, so it is called, and dismissed. It is embarrassing and said with great speed. He uses the lost performativy, synthesis, and omitted reference indexes.

Balanced does not have a large number of characteristics. The main characteristics of the balanced flow from the absence of any other satire. Balanced is perceived as a person, based on facts and congruent. You can rely on the fact that the Balanced calls in its true sense. Physiology and language reflect the congruence balanced. The only negative characteristic of the balanced due to the fact that many people do not want to know the truth. This leads to the fact that they react negatively to the faithful.

Watching the English movement, you can in most cases to identify the category Satyr in action. Criminatory frequently demonstrates postures, breathing and gestures that correspond to a visual person. He has pointed fingers, the palm and finger dropped down. Ingratiating kinestetiku matches. Most of his palms turned upward, as if saying: "Please". Forehanded otzerkalivaet audialno-digital identity. Forehanded usually stands with his hands crossed. Hide takes the physiology of all the above types, switching from one behavior to another.

Once you've spent with the man a lot of time, you set the category for the Satyr, which he prefers. In the state of stress, we usually give us your preferred category. Therefore, use sensory acuteness, which gathers information from a person who is under stress. Do not make hasty conclusions about the preferred category of satire. Listen and watch for some time before you make a conclusion. As the changing situation and context, our use of categories Satyr may vary significantly. Apparently, when you are under stress and completely relaxed, you are acting according to different categories of satire.