Friday, April 10, 2009

Virginia Satyr ... Adjustment to the categories of Satyr

Adjustment to the categories of Satyr

When you change your categories to the Satyr, as a rule, you do not join them in the same way as predicates. If you are going to join the category of Satyr, you stop repeat and reinforce behavior that demonstrates a person. Satyr itself is always recommended to disconnect, in all cases, except in conjunction with a balanced. As we noted in describing the repeat, you can join the physiology and the volume of voices wrathful accused, but not to his threatening words and tone. A defendant in the position of accusing lead to controversy. Captation before ingratiating leads to competition for the whine. If you're distracted excluded, this would lead to chaos. Accession to, calculating with the help of prudent behavior may work, but the conversation would consist of platitudes and recondite thoughts. Most heads of the committees are meeting in the style prudently, and for this reason considered boring, and therefore non oduktivnymi. Thus, balanced - this is the only one of the categories Satyr, which you can safely join.

How to use categories Satyr in communication? First, if you do not know what to do, start with the behavior prudently. He prefers not to risk it, and his conversation bessoderzhatelen. This behavior will give you time to decide what to do next. Always try to avoid behavior Suspension. The actions from the perspective of exclusion make other think that you have a serious personal problem.

Satyr assumed that there is always the incongruence between what is said, we human physiology, and the fact that, in fact, he feels. The accused may be strict, and the decrees of the finger, but at the same time, it can be superficial and cocky installation. However, such an attitude could well enough to hide the failure and loneliness. Ingratiating may all their pozoy show that he is experiencing helplessness, but inside he could feel the futility. Outside forehanded may seem calm and trying to cooperate, but inside he can feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. Hide can speak and behave like a frivolous person, but in fact may feel unstable and unloved.

Stress almost inevitably leads us to change behavior faithful to one of the other. Most people have learned to feel comfortable in their preferred category of satire. However, this category can be a bad way to overcome the difficulties, as it reduces rather than increases the number of opportunities in humans. In the state of stress, we need all the available means of communication. As part of our preferred categories Satyr, we limit our response to others. As stressed, we need access to the full diversity of ways to respond. A wise communicator will develop the ability to use all categories.

As stressed, we need access to the full diversity of ways to respond. A wise communicator will develop the ability to use all categories.

Categories Satyr in public speech

Categories Satyr are invaluable tools for the public speaker. The ability to use all the categories will help you establish a repeat of every person in the audience. Use a tone and the physiology of each of the categories during his speech. Use the style of the accused, when you go something to prove. For many years, working a preacher, I (BB) was confident in my ability to the accused. Often, I came into this too far. Many people are tired of them out of guilt. So when you say the public is, use the style of conduct of the accused within a reasonable limit. Use of ingratiating manner to gain sympathy. Use behavior prudent to create the impression unbiased and logical person. Use the style of Dismissal to entertain the audience and take possession of her focus. Use of a balanced manner, to convince the audience of his sincerity. Alternately, use all of these categories at its discretion, and you can put people in an incredible number of states.

Categories Satyr are invaluable tools for the public speaker. The ability to use all the categories will help you establish a repeat of every person in the audience.

Questions for Thought

1. How would you have used five categories for the Satyr, expanding their style of communication?

2. Why is useful to know, to recognize and use these categories?