Thursday, May 14, 2009

About a dream.

About a dream.

1. Birth of Dreams.

What would you want the first step to a new reality - to clarify what you want:

"I want to find the three new friends who share my passion".

"I want to learn to play the mandolin".

"Next year I want to go to India and Thailand".

"I want to help the movement for the world".

"I want to live in a small village" ..

"I wish for two years to double earnings"

"I want to build your own house".

"I want to express their anger more openly".

"I want to find work that truly love".

Write down all your dreams, including as much detail.

2. Why do you want?

How does this specific goal will help you become more so, than you are? How it will change and enhance your life? Write down all the reasons why you want it. Maybe it will bring harm or damage? Will be replacing the internal changes that you need to do?

The crucial point at this stage is the honesty of your motivation, because you may find that it is not your own dream, or what the motivation is questionable as: "It would make me calmer. It gives me power over people. It would make me special. This is what my partner has continued to advise me. This is exactly opposite to that advised me, my partner ". (In accordance with the "A C ourse In Miracles": "Any desire, which comes from the ego, you want about anything and ask him not to eat, please"). In this case, allow yourself to release a special desire and work on another dream. Or you can see what you want more money to, say, have more free time, or to participate in the charity, or go abroad. If so, Program yourself to what you really want, and it may come unexpectedly at any time.

3. In what direction moving?

Which of "probable future" you make now? What will probably happen if you stay at the current path?

If you are the seller, but looking to have your own business, what are you doing in this direction?

Did you save, reading about the management, studying the market, whether a set deadline, or you simply dream of sorrow over the cash register without any intention to turn the dream into reality? If fantaziruete on warm, gentle ways, whether there have been attempts to meet new people, learn from past mistakes or to be warm and gentle to yourself and others, or sitting at home waiting for суженого or narrowing, that they knocked on the door, holding a crystal boots?

Be honest with them! Are you moving toward your dream? Are you worried the future that is unfolding before you? Or are you serving his time in the hope that the good fairy vzmahnet magic wand? We create our reality. We vzmahivaem magic wand. If you do not change direction, where the your life? Become a prince (princess)? Or pumpkin?

4. Examine their beliefs.

If we want something that is contrary to current belief, we will arrange an internal conflict, so look carefully at their beliefs or attitudes: which of them may block or restrict here this particular dream?

If you want more fun, for example, Do you believe also that justifies your existence? Or that jolly squander time? Or that the "best" to be serious and heavy-hearted? If you want good health, do you also believe that the health - a question of luck, or that you are painful, or that the body - the machine? If you want a world without nuclear weapons, if you believe that the world's political leaders - mad militarist, or that humanity wants to destroy himself, or that the world - a dangerous and evil place? If so, you need to change these beliefs, before moving on to the next step.

(To be continued).