Sunday, May 24, 2009

Strongman - a people business! Psychology of Business.

Strongman - a people business!
Psychology of Business.

A strong personality - a man, realizing his life in an independent, ideologically and economically independent CASE, based on his own initiative, for which he bears full personal responsibility, both material and moral.

A strong personality - a person who by definition can not be anyone to obey, serve, or for someone to work, except for himself. A strong personality - a person who did not, nothing and no one is not obliged to, except himself.

Strong personality it is impossible to get to do what it itself does not want or do not like. A strong personality is not working at paid work. A strong personality is not man the posts, titles and prizes, and create their own business and earns money order business, which she likes to do.

The strong identity of the party of parties, movements, major economic and social organizations, bureaucratic institutions, because it degrades human personality, making it feel more cog in the bosom of a large image.

Strong personality adapts or not a person - not a chief nor a president or a parent or a husband or wife. Strong personality always said "I", and very rarely said "we".

Strongman - a particular worldview. A strong personality has always expressed itself in a specific case, so her name is known. And although not all are popular - it is a strong personality, but all strong personality - it's always well-known in certain areas, people.

Poor people often perceive a strong personality to hostility, because it threatens their actions sustained livelihood of the weaker people.

Example? Please. As you know, Bill Gates said that the TV that do not outsource their work to the Internet bust. Why? Because Microsoft is working on a new version of Windows, in which the emphasis placed on expanding the possibilities of multimedia.

Movies and TV shows can be viewed directly from the Internet, and those that you want to watch and exactly when you want. Simple and ingenious!

There is no need to click on the television channels on the remote control in the never-ending search for, what to see, what to choose. Thus, you will never miss your favorite soap or transfer. You will watch only what you want to watch when you want to watch.

So what, is undeservedly Gates gets his money? Is this news does not create a bunch of problems for those working in the media market?

A strong personality does not live quietly. She always invent something, something is seeking, something wants to modify, change and transform. That is its essence.

The essence of a weak personality completely opposite - that the pursuit of some obscure "stability" (hired job - соц.пакет-age pension). Weak person is afraid of serious change (they are simply afraid of her), she is afraid to change anything in his life. Weak personality does not know how to set goals and achieve his, she does not know how to make money with his / her work, she does not know how to invent new ideas and projects.

Weak identity is doomed to be not successful in this life. At its heart is a constant fear of more powerful people often envy, anger and even boredom.

Any employee - this office the twenty-first century.

Employees are not born, but are, rather educated. Employees - this is not the initiator of change. He passively accepts them suspicious and always refers to him as the convict, pending the action of his punishment.

Employees are not born, brought up by employees. Employees - this is the one who has either no ideas or no will and initiative to be implemented. Employee accustomed "step on their throat song".

The main problem in the life of a weak personality - lack of ideas, initiatives and will.

Weak person thinks so: "Yes, they are big, strong, smart ... They decide how and what to do ... I'm small, can be void my fate - to fulfill other people's decisions and initiatives. Well, okay, so this is my destiny. What to do? "

So thinks a weak personality. Strong personality thinks completely the opposite: "I am too big, I can and I will do ..."

We are doing a weak or strong. According to our faith and we should be.

"A, for example, science can deal with a strong personality?" - Ask me. Sure you can!

Research activities may be his own business, but only if you are making your own or a partner research project, they arrange it, have attracted the investors who declare their right to the invention (if it appears in the draft) and get their income from this (but not wages).

It is possible to think or how strong personality, can be as weak. Third it is not given.

The main problem is not Russia that she has little talent, natural resources or capital. All this предостаточно! The main problem in Russia that most people think, as a weak person.

This specific type of thinking, which is transmitted from generation to generation. This is a paralysis of will and individual initiative.

Oblomovschina? If! Oblomov, as a gentleman, could afford to complete apathy and paralysis of will, a modern man can not afford it. It can not!

But why, then, he agrees to his driven in stuffy offices, working in the booth with a thin barrier to the Chief of the evil could see and hear, what you doing?

One well-known American compared these jobs with pens for livestock.

Why is modern man allows that most of the time his life has managed other under penalty or dismissal? Why did he allow himself to work for meager handouts from the total income of the company or firm?

What is that? The new freedom? It is that winning a new democracy? What a tremendous freedom? Hooray, democracy has - shall be opened the gate!

Just something to me and those who share my belief, that freedom is not for everyone ...

A strong personality distinct type of thinking, in contrast to other people. It has other values of life and emotion-willed characteristics. Strong personality manifests itself only in the case as weak - no.

Traditional values, however, is that people-oriented and boy hired to work is unacceptable for a strong personality. At the employed work you hear every day - "you must be a", "You have to"! What is it? Voluntary slavery? Of course.

All actions always take place with the voluntary consent rights, even against his own personality.

Someone usmehnetsya: "Well, hired work - and that especially?!" Yes, in general, nothing special, if you do not believe that there is a level of personal development is significantly higher.

"Well, there is. So what? I am so satisfied with everything! "- Tell me.

So, here it is the weak response of individuals. As I mentioned there a little bit higher? "Stability", guaranteed pensions, little changes, "I am satisfied with everything" - here it is the psychology of a weak personality.

But the strong personality needed changes! But the same Bill Gates are not satisfied that there is. And he is not sitting on their millions, but again and again invent new products, changing market and sets a new vector activity.

That even Mr. Berezovsky is not sitting on their millions, and sends them to the changing political situation in Ukraine. Though, to think, well, on What the hell is it even necessary?

Weak personality serve "stability" - stable wages, stable husband (or wife), a stable job and a stable death.

And there is no stability! Man or intensively developed or heavily degraded. That is why the rich are richer, poor are poorer, intelligent all umneyut, and fools all durneyut.

And this process can not be stopped. So it was, is and always will be.

You, or is making efforts to independently develop, or the lives of you writes off the dustbin of history. But maybe you still want to be known by man, not a candidate for the dustbin of history. We want to or not?

When the Center "Strong personality" and was not even in my head, and traditional business, I have already order bore, in front of me with all the importance, urgency has arisen, one question:

"What's the major difference between the strong and successful people from the people weak, unsuccessful?"

Actually, thinking I did not have to, because the answer I understood very clearly. The answer is: A strong personality - a man ACTION!

This response contains almost everything. I think and argue with something that's useless, and nobody would argue not.

I saw people lucky, saw nevezuchih, people saw the gifted, talented, saw talentless ... different people. But I am always surprised only one ...

I always saw clearly that the success in this life and human happiness is only those who consistently act. And the fact that they were gifted or neodarennymi, talented or netalantlivymi not play any role ...

I thought at first that the existence of ability to play any significant role in the successful person. But the more I pass through the psychology of the individual, the more razveivalsya this myth.

And then I started thinking about what makes one be a "man of action", and the other to be "a man of inaction". The fruits of these reflections have led me to create a training Center "Strong personality".

Thus, I have identified the main problem for a practical psychology, the problem of a weak personality.

The problem of a weak personality - it is a problem of inaction.

But to say only this, of course, is not enough. What are the reasons for inaction weak person? Why it can not create their own business? Why it can not achieve meaningful goals? That her motivation? What is the difference a strong personality and motivations of the weak?