Monday, May 18, 2009

Epilogue. How to withdraw from the system?


How to withdraw from the system?

1. Reality. Our life - is a consequence of our worldview. Reality, then to understand their own worldview.

2. Change reality. The reality of our world - a consequence of this worldview all humanity and in our particular. To change reality, you need to change their outlook and all mankind.

To do this, you'll need:

1. Trust yourself. At each point in time to determine the validity of just each other.

2. To help people begin to trust yourself. To them it was good to you they were good.

I hope now it is more clear mind and a soul closer

But you can still shorter. If you trust yourself, then we will inevitably find a way out of the system.

Main originate not from the current level of personal development and the understanding that the more we real-than susceptible we become, the more precise our actions are, the closer to the truth of desire. Now we do not see the opportunities that we opened when we start to trust yourself. Why does it happen?

The essence of a trust - trust that divine idea, a direct conversation with God, connect to a universal information space, where all the answers.

No middlemen!

If you collect all the wishes, will trudge greeting card But it all comes down to one. I sincerely want you to become a happy person. And all that this is concluded. And love, and children, and joy, and freedom from the system, and abundance and love.

In addition to the natural human happiness, for your happiness I have a personal interest in this.

Happy people - is a stronghold of freedom of spirit and faith, soul and mind in our complex world. A small but very bright point on the planet Earth, which fact of his world, helping very many people around. Ogonek, which is able to light those people in search of happiness, inspiration for the first step, to help make the next, to reach the end.

I want to live among such people. Here's my concern.

The aim - to find and combine the closest in spirit and philosophy of the people.

How to join?

First, energy. I do not know what the laws of the universe this is happening, but the images are laid out in this book are echoed in the souls of people. Their thoughts and feelings we do, these images are powerful, we help them shape through our actions. We help each other. Even if we are not aware of

Secondly, spiritually. We are strongly of the sense that apart from us there in the world yet the people who see little more than your system. We cease to be lonely. This makes us stronger, strengthens our spirit. Now we can be confident that humanity has a chance, all is not lost. On their own, we can change a lot.

The third is at the level of knowledge. Have you read this book and found it a grain of true knowledge. This does not mean that the book sets out the true knowledge. This means that in the process of reading, you realize that something in ourselves, in the world. The book just send your thoughts to where we rarely find the time and effort to pay attention.

Also the book read the thousands of other people. It is invisible to unite all of us. Thoughts that are born in our minds, the answers to the questions that we understand all this now has a total space of the information universe. Now everyone can benefit from this.

And fourthly, we have an opportunity for the business association. Each of us is the case, there are resources, there is a need, there are ideas. Each of us need more resources, including partners. Always want to deal only with the closest in spirit to the people. They are fun, safe and happy.

For example, knowing me, my resources and needs, perhaps you have ideas of mutual cooperation. In particular, is pleased to consider proposals for the publication of this book. To be clear, explain in more detail.