Monday, May 11, 2009

Intuition - it's your sixth sense.

Intuition - it's your sixth sense.

Intuition - it is nothing more than an information-gathering process, which does not rely on your senses, memory, experience, experience, or any other mental processes, even though it relies on them in interpreting this information.

Definition of intuition.
We briefly define intuition as follows: Интуиция - this is a nonlinear, neempirichesky the process of gathering and interpreting information in response to questions.

This definition is difficult to digest, so look at it step by step - then we will understand what it means.
First, the intuition - it is a nonlinear process.

Deduction - a form of reasoning in formal logic - starting with the assumptions and information upon which the findings and conclusions are made. Intuition, by contrast, does not develop as a sequence of "logical" step. She does not use reasoning, and not need it. Intuition to know. Immediately. Where the mind makes progressive steps, acts like a flash of intuition. Intuition enables instant picture of the reality of particles and pieces, usually in the form of characters. These symbols must be interpreted and combined into a coherent picture.
Second, gather information through intuition neempiricheskie funds.

Empirical means "based on experience or experiment." If I ask you, if you come tomorrow at his office, the use of an empirical approach assumes the knowledge that this event happens every day, which means you'll be in the office (except in cases of sudden illness or other emergency). Intuition, however, does not need "evidence" to get an answer. With intuition, you can even answer the questions of what you "know nothing at all."

Outlining the differences, I must say that the boundary between the intuitive and empirical data are not always clear. Is an intuitive prediction of rain in the aggregate less empirical data than the erroneous forecast weather forecaster, based on such data?
All what we are talking about, this information from us in many ways in which we have access. Intuitive prediction of rain uses data other than the weather - but the same is happening with the sea captain or artritikom. When people have a tribe without a language, they are likely to use their "intuition to communicate and get information about the environment in a much greater extent than we have now. Intuitive information is not empirical, because you do not get it through their senses. However, an intuitive perception becomes empirical, as soon as you receive it, and use of their findings. When you accept an intuitive image of the future events, your conscious mind can use it as easily as any tangible way.
In the third, intuition interprets information.

Intuition does not just collect information, it interprets it. In fact, intuitive impressions should be interpreted to be useful - as well as information contained in the dream. The information that we receive through intuition, as a rule is a symbolic rather than literal. Such symbolism characteristic of an integral for the entire internal language (as opposed to a language that we use to understand the world).

Many of us feel the characters or parable primitive, ambiguous or indirect form of communication. Why, we ask, our intuition can not speak to us more "understandable"?

In fact, the characters - this is a very sophisticated form of communication. They convey a great amount of detail more economical than a literal description. The writer uses allegories and symbols to communicate information to the reader on different levels.
Lastly, intuition responds to questions.

Finally, the definition should be that intuition should be "put into motion" issue. The question focuses your intuition, and tells you what you need to pay attention to the world around you. Every second there are millions of questions to which you want to get an answer, and millions of answers are in the process of education. Even belief - it is an issue at rest. All our senses respond to the questions posed by the environment and the car body. " It is their job. Work your rational mind - interpreted the information supplied senses. This is done to better survival. Work your intuitive mind - interpreted these feelings (for the same purpose). Once again, the work of awakening your intuitive mind, you will see how far you are feeling.

Intuition operates to bring to mind the information that lies outside of the fact that our rational mind perceives from the five sense organs. This information about the people whom we do not know the places where we were (or are not able to see) - and the future.

Not afraid of whether the relying on intuition.

The conscious use of intuition requires courage.

Sometimes glibly say that you should "learn to rely on" intuition. We often hear how people advise others to trust their inner feelings "or" trust your hunch. " However, the use of intuition is more than trust, because sometimes you do not receive feedback for months or even years, until someone else is interested not call you and says: "Hey, you were right!"

Intuition to deal with our prejudices about how the world works, with our penchant for "logic" of excessive reliance on "common sense".

Here is a list of the most common ways in which people off from just hints of intuition:

It makes no sense.

This is illogical.

I just invented it.

Simply not possible to reliably know what will happen in the future.

It may not be correct.

It's unreal.

This is silly.

From how many of these expressions, you should get rid of your thinking?