Sunday, May 17, 2009

Science joy.

Science joy.

Remember: never wrong you will not be affected until the fear of infidelity and the lies do not affect you. Evil obnoxious atmosphere of purity, and it runs it. And only when melknet thinnest cracks of doubt in your heart, only evil can come closer to you.

You should be a lot of evil, that someone else will be able to use it. Evil puller to a person, not because it is surrounded from the outside, but only because within the human heart is ready boiling crater where evil just pour out your oil, adding his forces baser passions. Good Heart - crater love, and butter it is a joy. It is free from envy, and therefore a good day is easy. Hard irritated. Because the boiling passions of his heart did not give him rest. He is always in irritation, always open to his heart the way the whole evil. This person is not aware of lightness. Not aware of its independence from external circumstances. They pressure him everywhere and in all and has gradually become its master.

Humans are not able to be a gentleman himself, and all the time experiencing a paroxysm of anger, and Rabies attacks the pangs of jealousy,
This is not a man. This is only the threshold of the human being, two-legged zhivotnoe.Ne always help people, because within it lies the first obstacle to aid. The man is so zakreposchen in their prejudices, that it was his, for his manners understood loyalty of a friendship, love or faith, enduring truth, a great light and a view of his life. And such a person take the life of the man the rest of the universe with its laws of life, Carmen, and follows on the heels of its regularity and expediency to the chaos of the dead, where its share fell to them undeserved grief and agony. To be able to do something for the person, we should not only have the most to this effect. It is necessary, so that the man wanted to take him served and are able to own them, your heart and mind, able to keep them clean and to conduct all of their day so
to bring the entire body in harmony. We can not think to bring assistance to people who know no joy, do not understand the value of the whole
his life as a sense of spiritual creativity, and what passes for everyday life of comfort and grandeur of a similar money.

There are bad people. No one is born thief, a traitor, a murderer. But those in whom ulcer of envy and jealousy eating their bright thoughts and pure hearts, roll into a pit of evil itself, to where they draw their own passions. Decomposition of the spirit takes place slowly and low. Initially, the jealousy and envy, like rust, covered with people. Then, somewhere in one place, the heart guzzle rust hole. It starts above the concentration of malodorous garbage decaying mind, as it starts dripping pus, more potechet his jet. And everything that touches a person so vividly decomposes into their minds, everything will fall in its value, if not able to save themselves from infection. If the heart itself is a stench of envy, fear and jealousy, it met with a stronger level of evil, fell completely under his power.

Anger - not innocent activity. Every time you're angry, you are attracted from all sides of the evil currents of ether that stick to you like leeches, ugly red and black leeches with the ugly head and the spout, which can possibly imagine. And all of them - creation of your passions, your jealousy, irritation and anger. Once you appear that you have calmed down and took possession of them, a storm in the atmosphere around you will still be able to continue for at least two days.

These invisible sosut you leeches and fed you quite the same way as ordinary leeches, sucking the blood of man. Any pure substance is very sensitive to the stink of these small animals. And it runs those who surrounded them a ring, who is deprived of his self. Net creature while meeting with a man accustomed to live in dissolved nerve, in fretful cries and continuous explosive disorder, suffers from no less than meeting the leper. Evil is a person who has a tenacity of will, mchitsya toward a substance with delight when they saw in it an instrument for their purposes.

If you exclude the land from the life of the current understanding of life as a secular context, causes and consequences, it is reduced to zero. Without the prospects of the world that you can make to the work of the day, without knowing that the light burns in every human being can not live creatively. Who lives, not realizing that in a world that is adjacent to the ill will, I think that it can conquer the world, make him serve his passions, his pleasure.

All the so-called dark forces is nothing but ignorance. People seeking to spy the forces of nature, one finds the will of their head. Usually these are people gifted developed more than other people, mental abilities. But because their objective - knowledge, serving only their own selfishness, their passions and enrichment at the expense of the common good, they were off in separate groups, calling themselves the various clever names. They picked up a companion, bound with a large and persistent will, power of hypnosis. This is a very long story about it in two words do not tell. Stretches it to us from ancient times, and the pockets of its lies and hypocrisy are many: here and magician, and alchemist, and visions, etc.

The dark force has everything disharmony and anger. Her motto: "Vlastvuya won", while the slogan children of light: "loving to be winning." Persistence will of the dark - that evil, in which they have confused the network delay of each, in whom greeted the possibility of awakening a thirst for fame and wealth. These two tiny hook conditional and temporary benefits gets those poor people, of which they make themselves the servants and slaves. First, pampered them, offer them imaginary freedom, then zakreposchayut, the temptation of property values, and so surrounded raznuzdannostyu passions that unhappy and would like some time to escape, but do not already have the power to withdraw from their prehensile paws.

How can you recognize that you dark? Are all dark ugly appearance, which would allow you to immediately know
that the repulsive force from the person you are causing your disgust, found all the outside? Among the dark a lot of beautiful people with even the charming appearance. Remember the legend of fallen angels: they are it does not paint a ugly creatures. In the exterior of these people is the same variety of forms, as well as to the rest of humanity. But that has all the common people, in one way or another got in the camp of dark? Each of them in the first place - selfish desire to possess the will of the counter. Older than to understand the meaning of the meeting, produces a dark force hypnosis, in whatever measure he or she has been developed: it seeks to put its counterclaim in a subordinate position.

He perfectly knows that the jump in the man he can only through the various passions read which is easy for any supervisory rights. A dark trained with the very first steps with signs of human passions, and to understand the degree of irritability rights. Irritability - first and foremost advantage of dark in the capturing of human beings. All kinds of ways they are trying to upset the balance of rights, then budyat of fear and greed, vtseplyayutsya buldozhey grip of rights and slowly - with an iron self-control and shutter speed - it will involve in the orbit of its own consciousness. This is the first, the general rule them all dark dark day.

SECOND continuing rule their behavior - to make every encounter lies, hypocrisy and mistaken as a counter-consciousness and attention, that people thought he met the great, friendly force, which will provide him support and assistance. It is clear strength teaches each person to understand that everything in it that he - an independent and completely free maker of his life, so the dark trying to impress everyone that he is powerless and weak, without the assistance and care, which alone can reveal the door to success, wealth , glory and honor. " Light said the power to everyone that he was never alone, that his power has no boundaries, because it particle unlimited. In the same dark speeches always sounded the call for otedineniyu. Promise of full obedience to all the material goods which only exist on earth, a dark counter said: "Do not seek to share their goods with by anyone. All that I will give you - all in the warehouse complex and keep to himself. If it is material treasures, copy them, because they have power and they have to conquer the world. If this knowledge, remember that they have acquired the ability to learn the will of the people. Not with whom they have not happened, try always to be in a position of strength and struggle. Friends are not needed, but enemies must be defeated, they quarrel among themselves. There are no other opportunities to win there. And the harder you treat people, the greater your strength, the higher you rise like the lord of life. " These regulations make up a third to exercise the dark.

Acting on these three rules, the dark master a whole lot of people inert and weak, envious and greedy, angry and denies thirst external benefits, career and fame. Denial of rights, his self, his desire is always in the dance of his "I" and bring it everywhere, I almost always lead to a meeting with the dark. People can be very good and honest on the merits. His heart may be full of love and nobility.

Yet in his mind may seethe a protest against its modernity, against the narrow framework, which he made in one case, or he may protest against the participation of some bad people he or did he revolt against the people from which it gets to the light ... And the dark force is preparing a new office, not even notice when and how he got in the iron clutches of the dark. Dark can be fascinating in appearance, their manners are gentle and captivate their persuasions may resemble the murmur of mountain streams for those little recognized, is not collected in his attention. And only a few times drinking this "mountain" vodichki, careless person will be able to deal with its bitter taste, the smell of her intoxicating his passions, will be able to understand where he zabrel, what is their negligence weaving evil.

But do not think that human dignity is the highest in the enclosure yourself from those whom we feel angry, or his enemies. The enemy must be defeated, but defeat is not a passive otodviganiem from him, but intense struggle, the heroic strain feelings and thoughts. You can not live a life of gifted person - a person appointed to make a drop of his life working in the creative work of mankind - in happy idleness, no storms, the suffering and struggle.

Remember, as a deep-rooted evil of people, as it is impossible to judge how handicapped people can not be upset. It must be borne by them, or try to curb energy evil, placing them firmly catapult, where people are weak to save themselves first and foremost. While he did not mature, not seeking help. Increased only evil and vnesesh more irritation in the lives of those who want to help if the not ready, if the can not act in full composure. I think, as you understand what Joy. On the first time as you experience it, you prorezhesh impenetrable to the evil abyss. Joy is a victory of love and evil gloom - for the tenacity of will. Persistence is the will - the sword of evil. This sword can strike where Joy lives. All human beings are divided into knowledge, freed from prejudices and pressing their passions, but because good and happy, and ignorant, zakovannyh to prejudice and passion, but because - and a litany of evil. Learn. In life, there is only one way: knowledge. Knowledge liberates man. And the freer he becomes, the greater its value in the work of the universe, the better his work for the common good and the wider circle of the spirit world, it brings with it. At a meeting with the true knowledge of every evil secret, not of itself nothing but a particular strength hypnosis, razletayutsya the dust. More and more style in all the folds of your mind more than once he said: "If your heart pure - no evil can not touch you. Before you clean, it is powerless."