Friday, May 15, 2009

FOUR STEPS - Epifanio.

FOUR STEPS - Epifanio.

From Pythagoras we have reached the height of the ancient initiations. From the top of this land to be sinking into darkness, like a dying luminary. This open star prospects, and is deployed as a droll, Epiphanie universe.

(Epifanio, or a view from above; avtopsiya or direct litsezrenie; teofaniya or manifestation of God, all relevant ideas, and different expressions to denote the state of perfection, which on, connecting the soul with God, to contemplate the completeness of truth).

But the purpose of exercise was not immersion of human contemplation or ecstasy. The teacher forced his students to wander in the immense spaces of the cosmos and submerged them into the abyss of the invisible. True on return to earth after the great itinerancy stronger, better and tempered for life tests.

During the dedication of reason was to follow the will of the dedication, the most difficult of all. It was that the student had to reduce the depth of truth in their substance and to apply it to all the details of his life. To achieve this ideal, to be on the teachings of Pythagoras, achieved three perfect: to carry out the truth in the mind, righteousness in the soul, purity of body.

Wisdom hygiene and reasonable restraint would have to maintain bodily cleanliness. And cleanliness is not required as a goal, but as a means. Any bodily excess leaves traces, and how would pollute the astral body, living soul, and thus suffers and the mind. For the astral body contributes to all the processes of the material body, in fact, the astral body and to produce them, as well as the physical body without it - only one inertial mass.

Hence, the need for a clean heart and pure body. In addition, it is necessary that the soul, the mind is constantly lit, acquired courage, the ability of renunciation, devotion and faith that it has reached the righteousness and victory forever relegate nature.

Finally, intelligence must be the achievement of wisdom, so that people could all distinguish between good and evil, and see God in the smallest creatures, and in the whole world.

At the height of a person becomes followers, and if he has enough energy, it takes possession of new capabilities and forces. Internal sense of soul and reveal the will become creative. His bodily magnetism, electrify it will acquire with the supernatural power of mind. Sometimes he heals the sick laying on of hands or one with his presence. Often only vzglyadyvaya to people he already enters into their thinking. At times he sees dreams events occurring at the far distance.

Here are two remarkable facts of this kind of completely reliable. The first took place in antiquity. The hero of his - a famous philosopher-magician Apollonia Tiansky.

Apollo Tianskogo clairvoyance. - While these events (the murder of the emperor Domitian) took place in Rome, Apollo saw them at Ephesus. Clement Domitian was killed about noon in this time of Apollonia teach in the gardens adjoining the Ksistesom (Xystes). Suddenly he lowered voice, as if covered by a sudden fright. He continued his speech, but it did not have its usual strength, as it happens with those who said, thinking about another. Then he silent, as though losing the thread of their speech, rushed at some invisible object flaming eyes, made three or four steps forward and exclaimed: "Razi Tirana! One could think that he sees no reflection of the events, but most development in all its reality. Living in Efes (Ephesus because all they heard Apollonia) have been struck by surprise. Apollonia stopped a man seeking out of the predicament. Finally, he exclaimed: "Do not waste your cheerfulness, Efesyane that the tyrant killed today. As I say - today? Minerva I swear, he was killed at the very moment when I stopped." Efesyane think Apollonia went mad, they really like, that his words were true. But they were afraid, as though from his speech is not got any danger to them ... But soon there were messengers, and announced the event, which was evidenced in favor of clairvoyance Apollonia; all the details of the assassination of the tyrant were absolutely agree with what he saw at the will of the Gods on the day of his speech to Efesyanam. - Life of Apollonia. Filostrata, now. Shassang.

The second fact. - Clairvoyance Svedenborga. - This has happened with the greatest clairvoyants of XVIII century. You can challenge the objective reality of the vision Svedenborga, but you can not doubt his clairvoyance, endorsed by a number of facts. Vision, which Svedenborg was at a distance of thirty league of burnt Stockholm nashumelo strongly in the second half of the eighteenth century. The famous German philosopher Kant brought inquiries through a friend of his in Gothenburg, ie, in the city where the event occurred, and that's what he wrote about this one of his friend:

"The next fact, it seems to me, is particularly probative force that is able to stop all kinds of doubts. That was in 1759 when the city Svedenborg, returning from England in late September, on Saturday afternoon about four hours, landed in Gothenburg. Mr. Mr. William Castell, invited him to his house, where the assembled company of fifteen people. In the evening, at 6 o'clock, Mr. Svedenborg who went before, came into the drawing-room pale and troubled, and said that in Stockholm zapylal fire in Syudermalme, and that the fire is spreading with great force, moving to his house ... the house of one of his friends, whom he called, turned into ashes and his own home is threatened. At eight o'clock, again entered the room, he said with joy: "Thank God! fire potuh third gate, did not came to my house. "The same evening, this fact has informed the governor. Svedenborg On another morning, he was called to the governor, to whom Questions Svedenborg accurately described the fire, the beginning, end and duration. The same day news of the fire spread throughout the city, worried especially because the governor himself has been involved, and a lot of people worried about their property and their friends. On Monday evening arrived in Gothenburg relay, sent from Stockholm during the fire . As the letters arrived the fire was described exactly as it described Svedenborg. What can I bring to the veracity of this event? friend writing to me about it, researched, this event not only in Stockholm but two months ago and at the Gothenburg, and he knows there are many decent people, and had the opportunity to gather detailed information from residents of the city where Dolny still be alive, most personal witness, if we take into account the slight time (9 years), the leaking of 1759g. " - Letter to Ms. Charlotte Knoblok given Mammep'om in the book of life Svedenborga.

It operates at a distance: focusing on the thought and the will of the people who are connected with him by ties of personal affection, it can be to them, and his astral body and can be transported in addition to his physical body. The appearance of the dying or dead in front of your friends belong to the same category of phenomena, but with the difference that the appearance of the dying or deceased person is called the soul usually unconscious desire, in agony, while the Adept the same phenomenon in a position to produce the full consciousness. Usually adherent feels as though surrounded and protected by invisible, high, light beings, giving him strength and helped him in his mission.

Very few adherents, reaching full power. Greece knew only three: Orpheus at the dawn of the Hellenistic, Pythagoras in his apogee, and Apollonia Tianskogo during his final decline. Orpheus was the inspirational founder of the Greek religion; Pythagoras - the organizer of esoteric science and philosophy of his school; Apollonia - magician, stoic, and a preacher of morality in the period of decline. And all three, despite their differences in mind the divine light: the spirit, fervently seek to save souls and invincible power, clothed kindness and clarity. But the tranquility of the great souls only apparent: it is felt by the furnace flame, but always tempered will.

Pythagoras is an adherent of higher level and even with the scientific and philosophical speculation warehouse, which is most suited to the modern mind. But he could not and did not hope to make of their students committed followers. The beginning of a great era has always been a great mastermind. His followers and disciples of his followers make up the chain to penetrate magnetism, which extends the idea around the world.

At the fourth level of dedication Pythagoras was content transfer their students how to apply his teachings to life. For "Epifanio" review from the altitude, leaving the soul deep and Saving ideas for terrestrial life.

The origin of good and evil is incomprehensible mystery to anyone who does not give a report on the origin and end of things. Morality, which does not mean the higher court rights will only be useful and forever imperfect. Indeed, human freedom does not exist in reality for those who feel their passions slave, and it is on the right does not exist for those who do not believe either in the soul, nor in God, for whom life is an outbreak of consciousness between the abyss of nonexistence. The first live in bondage in the soul, frigid passions, the second - in the slavery of the mind, the limited physical world.

Not a religious person lives and the true philosopher, much less theosophist who sees the truth troichnosti its merits and in the unity of their faith. To understand the origin of good and evil on the spiritual eyes are watching and saw three worlds, not one. He sees the dark world of matter and the beginning of an animal, which dominates the inevitable Fate. He sees a bright World Spirit, invisible to our world, a huge hierarchy of the liberated souls, where reigns a divine law, which operates Providence. Between two worlds, he sees the half-human, their base immersed in the natural world, and peaks on the divine world. His genius: Freedom. Because when people know the truth and delusion, he is free to choose between Providence, who wants a free performance of the truth, and the rock, which itself has broken the law of equity. The act of will, coupled with the action of the mind, there is only a mathematical point, but from that point based on the spiritual universe. Each soul feels instinctively that theosophist understand the mind, that is, that evil is what brings people to fatal conditions of matter, hence the separation. Well the same is what makes it go up to the divine law of the Spirit, ie, to unity. Its true the appointment is to climb higher and higher by its own efforts. But for this it must retain freedom to fall.

Terms of freedom extends to infinity, as the man rises, and the same range is reduced to an infinitely small quantities, as it falls down. The higher the climb, the more freedom, because what better person comes into the light area, the more force it takes for good. Conversely, the lower the slope, the more slavery, for each drop of evil in the region reduces the understanding of truth and ability to dobru.Takim way over the last person dominates Rock, the future - freedom, and the present, forever suschim, which can be called eternity, - Providence. Of the combined actions of Destiny, Freedom and Providence raises countless proportion, and hell, and paradise for human souls. Evil, as the differences with the divine law, not the cause of God and man, and why evil exists only relatively and temporarily. Well the same condition and in conformity with divine law, there is a real and forever.