Sunday, May 10, 2009

It turns out that our intuition, as opposed to the logic that perceives the world as a whole...

It turns out that our intuition, as opposed to the logic that perceives the world as a whole. For example, you start a new day, it is necessary to have a logical plan, or at least an idea of what you'll do today. (Controlling the position). This is a logical approach. But, in addition, a part inside of us feels that we expect from the next day. (Holistic position)

This property is to feel the event is often called intuition. Intuitive tips in our life - a normal phenomenon. Each of us in life were many moments when something inside kept us to do, but not otherwise. But modern man is under very strong pressure stress.

Permanent clash with the rights mikrostressami, which he did not even notice, resulting in unconscious state of alert, ensure continuous operation of our chief packer - censorship of consciousness. Censorship of consciousness - it is a kind of filter that prevents stress reactions harmful to our psyches. Strong stress displaces censorship, and we forget them. In psychology it is commonly called displacement. For this reason, people are amnesticheskie failures of memory, because strong stress may cause damage to our psyche. And thus, since childhood, we have very strict censorship, which is close to us access to the unconscious. Censorship has its merits, for example, it protects us from the very content of the unconscious. Because if people will release their unconscious outwards, it could become possessed. In the unconscious contains a lot of strong, instinctively charged elements. Including religious, in other words, peak experiences. If these stresses were not sderzhivaemy censorship, then people would become obsessed with any experience. It could be a sexual maniac or a religious zealot. Of course, censorship is very important, but because of the constant artificiality of his life, we taught her, in addition to harmonizing the natural properties, to close so important for us to intuition. To identify the process, try a simple exercise.

1. Automatic letter. "

Grasp the handle. Easy to make yourself into a chair or table. Take a few deep breaths and flat, and exhale. After all, let me record that comes to you in the head, or goes to the mental gaze. This could be: "wallpaper, which I have a lousy wallpaper, dog, I think the work that we have today for dinner, etc." Then a little bit Cover your eyes and let the images come inland. How, for example: "The Seagull, which in its meaning, the river, and if I do this exercise, the letter A, a pen, a tree ..." Try to write down everything that comes to you in the head without a review of mind. Do this no more than 5 minutes.

Rest of the exercises and then return to the analysis and interpretation of the list.

The fact that you wrote - pile of characters unconscious. Try to analyze them as a whole. Why do you have in mind it is these characters? Highlight a few characters that you think relate to the intuitive prompts. (The dog, for example, could mean a busy day, the letter A - Aviamotornaya street, you are looking for today.) If you do this exercise at the beginning of the day, at the end of the day, you can re-read the entire list. You will see a strange piece. Some characters that you have recorded, came true during the day, and some show the nature of your current wishes. And some of the characters refers to the same censorship that seeks to control and constantly commenting to feel the pulse of your thinking. (Did I do the drill? I think about work.)

If you decide to do this exercise the next day, you will see how censorship is becoming more conscious, and you may like to ignore it, writing only the images and symbols. In this case, the evening, after the interpretation of characters, you'll notice is already much more coincident with the events of characters. This is one of the most exciting classes. Exercises such as this reveal and unconscious motives, and intuitive symbols. The point is that, once open access to intuition, a person can receive help, regardless of future exercises. This is simply the day when a person begins to listen to their inner feelings and understand when to intervene in their interpretation of the mind. Intuition is using all channels of human perception. It uses images, feelings, smell, and touch. etc. Let us felt the integrity of perception through intuition, doing the following exercise.

2. "Integrity."

As in the previous exercise, prepare a pen and paper to write down everything that comes to you. Abstracts, make a couple of deep breaths. Now send your mind (the main tool for awareness) on the perception of the willingness of all the channels. Realize that you feel at the moment. See how it develops the feeling that you caught. Pay attention to scent. What smell do you feel? And what flavor? Maybe you can catch some tactile sensations. Let me open like a channel and record which images pass before your mental gaze. If you just do not feel it is normal. This is the first reaction of censorship. So write: "I do not feel anything." And then continue to remove the information from all channels and record it. Do this drill no more than 5 minutes.

Interpreting after the drill: Do you realize that in normal condition do you use only a fraction of the channels of perception? A holistic awareness are all the channels of perception, it makes a strong intuition and holistic awareness of the people. Because the evil and the good man to smell differently. We can not feel, but the smell receptors could, therefore, our intuition tells us: "Do not talk to that person." There is something within us rebels against him. Therefore, the development of intuition and holistic awareness go hand in hand. When developing the intuition, it gives a strong impetus to the development of holistic awareness. Not enough and the three volumes to describe the specification of practices for the development of intuition. But one is true - the intuition has always perceive the world as a whole, as opposed to the logic that perceives and analyzes the part of the whole. In life it is important to both - and logic, and intuition - but today people are very poorly developed intuition and logic, very much. I would like to both equally helping people.

3. "Proactive censorship"

Sit back, take a pen and notebook. Try to catch the first reaction to every word that you list. And immediately burn it in front of associated words. For example: "the table - a house, a chair - the road, a hospital - leg ..."

Here is a list of words: door, room, house, fence, roof, name, action, joy, connection.

When you recorded the first coming on the association of the word, you may have noticed that if a wait a little longer, you begin to get a lot of any other words, the mind enters into a dialogue. Then you have grasped what distinguishes intuition from intellectual activity. Intuition - this is the first impression! Pay attention to the words that you burn. That is what is now your subconscious, your ulterior motives. But some of the words are intuitive insight. This hints. Intuition, as well as other processes that can bring to work. For this purpose you need to know how to properly formulate a question, that is, to put it in sufficiently specific.

Assume that you will some kind of trip, or you're a business person and you have a folder with the documents, where some are promising.

How to appeal to their intuition?
4. "The intuitive answer"

Take a pen and notebook. Make yourself comfortable. Take a few deep breaths. Relax. Clearly and specifically formulate your question. For example: "What experience do I get from this trip?" Or: "What I find a sign lucrative contract?" Then let the will of intuition. Fully otbroste censorship and internal commentary. Just trust what is happening and record all the images and sensations, passing in front of your inner eyes. This may be a sequence of images or sensations. Write down until you feel a natural conclusion. Usually it takes less than a minute.

We turn now to the interpretation. What you burn, and that you see on the sheet? Try to see these words, the characters in general. Perhaps you feel that some of the words are clearly false and artificial, and the other characters really are the answer. I think you can easily distinguish the positive and negative characters. But some characters are indeed difficult to interpret. For example, such a symbol, like a bird, for different people can mean very different. For a bird means freedom, then, that it will soon be free of problems. And for another, for example, a businessman seeking to provide lucrative contract - this is the logo profitable firms. When you interpretiruete characters, you should also bear in mind that the questions about which we feel excitement, any strong emotion or fear, or desire, we often give wrong answers. In such cases, should have recourse to another intuita who has no emotional relationship to the subject.

Exercise "The intuitive answer, you can use when you need information or if you're looking for the answer to a question, or before an important trip, any matter or choice. Over time, practicing this exercise, you will learn how to get more accurate information to distinguish real images from the mind games and interpret the images immediately. You see, the characters that we perceive, and intuitive, telepathic, and have no relationship to the language in which we speak.

Professor L. Vasilyev was struck by the fact that in the telepathic experiments transferred the images, not words. And transfer more accurately.

But why is our intuition to a greater degree of perceived symbols? We receive in response to your questions a lot of characters of intuition, which need further interpretation. The answer is quite simple. The characters - are keys to a compressed energoinformatsii. In answer to your question, we get the energy response, we are convenient to take it as an image, it takes up less space. In fact, the same symbol for us may mean a list of some of the relationships. We can open the list, interpreting the resulting image. This recalls the use of archivers. Some computer files may contain too much information, covering a very large amount of computer memory. To compress this information used by special programs. To restore its original form, simply take a pair or two buttons. The same is true of intuition: we get the compressed images, we can interpret, that is, to disclose in accordance with our relation to the image. Images - a universal language, the existence of a single language that is accessible to people of different nationalities. Therefore, regardless of distance, people have the ability to develop telepathy, or such, can take and send images. A intuity - interpreted by the intuitive responses.

There are also several methods for the guidance of our intuition for the current target. They are based on the phenomenon of our unconscious desire to the subconscious purpose.

5. "Интуиция Guide"

Make yourself comfortable. Several abstracts. And let one's attention to examine the environment of room. Locate the item that most caught your eye. This can be a chair, a notepad, or any object from the situation room. May I seek your attention to this subject. Release attention towards you and let me feel or see their mental gaze of all the associations that he is in you. Just let your thoughts freely evolve. At this time, hold a pen and write down everything that comes to you in the head, all the characters thoughts or emotions. Maybe you remember something from the past. Try not to censor, and write down everything that comes to your mind.

The interpretation, as in other exercises, developing intuition, includes a selection of characters, tell the future, and the characters, registering your hidden desires that you have not noticed, and which should be implemented. Define your attitude to these characters. Answer this question: What do they mean to you in general? When interpreting the exercise, it is necessary to remember only that his goal - to give you a hint that you should do, what to strive to become more sinhronistichnymi from existence. These tips we receive, and in addition to this activity, which draw attention to something during our walks, work, intimate gatherings.

Attention is always unconsciously trying to send people to his future unrealized goal. Therefore, we notice that a hint for us, that is included in the focus of attention of our desires. In fact, the majority wants, especially in its infancy, we are not aware of. That is why we lock sinhronistichnost: we ask the questions and answer them logically, rather than to capture the feeling and get back on their life path.

Train your intuition, do not cover this important channel of perception. Of course, the logic is very important when it relates to the use of information already received or the final calculation and planning of a case. But the intuitive hint that emanates from the depths of the unconscious, and perhaps, from the very essence, is just as important.