Friday, May 15, 2009

Third stage - perfect.


Third stage - perfect.

The student has received from teachers all the foundations of the sacred science. Through this first initiation, he slept like thick scales that cover his spiritual vision. Breaking splendent cover the mythology, digging his dedication to the visible world, to throw it into infinite space and load in the light waves of higher mind, where truth is emitted to all three of the world.

But the science of numbers was the only entry, the preliminary preparations for the great dedication. Armed with this knowledge, he had to descend from a height in the absolute depths of nature to catch the divine idea in the education of things and the evolution of the human soul for all the worlds. Esoteric cosmogony and psychology touched the greatest problems of life, to the dangerous and jealously protected secrets of occult sciences and the arts. Therefore, Pythagoras, and preferred to present their teachings in the night silence, solitary on the terraces of the temple of Ceres, a light murmur Ionian waves, and with mysterious twinkling starry dome, or crypts in the sanctuary, where the Egyptian lamps distributed smooth and quiet light. On women were present at these nightly meetings.

Material and spiritual evolution of the world - two opposing and at the same time in parallel and the movement on the ladder of life. One explains the other, but taken together, they explain the world. Financial evolution is a manifestation of God in the matter through the effects of the World Soul. Spiritual evolution is a growing consciousness of the individual monad and reunited through the efforts of their life cycle with the Divine Spirit, which they izoshli.

Look at the world in terms of physical or spiritual, does not mean to look at different objects, which means to look at the world with two opposing sides. Since the Earth's point of view, a reasonable explanation of the world must begin with the material of evolution, because the world appears to us from this side, but by showing us the world's creative spirit in the matter and further development of monads, the explanation that leads us imperceptibly to the spiritual point of view and makes us from the external shape of things to move inwards, from the surface deeper into the essence. Thus, at least, watching Pythagoras, who saw in the living essence of the universe, inspired by the great soul and a great mind. That is why the second part of his teachings began with the cosmogony.

Cosmogony visible world, said Pythagoras, led us to the history of the earth, and the last secrets of the human soul. This mystery, we come to the holy of holies, with the mystery of mysteries. Once it awakened consciousness, the soul itself becomes the most remarkable of all sights. But the consciousness is - no more, as the illuminated surface of its substance, in the depths of which tayatsya dark, and the immeasurable abyss. In the unknown depths of his divine Psyche contemplate fascinated gaze of all life and all worlds: past, present and future, which merge in Eternity.

"Know thyself and thou shalt know the universe." That is the secret of the wise. But in order to penetrate through the narrow door into the invisible universe immensity, it is necessary to awaken a direct responsibility of cleansing the soul and arm lampstands Reason, science began and sacred numbers.

So Pythagoras passed over from the physical to the cosmogony cosmogony spiritual. After the evolution of the earth, he explained the evolution of the soul over the world. Without devoting the doctrine known as the relocation of a shower (transmigration). Here are some of the man on the familiar to the esoteric tradition, enlightened deep soul experience: the fact that the waves in you that you call your soul, there is a double ether body, which embodies the immortal spirit. Spirit builds and weaves itself through the power of its own activities to the spiritual body.

Pythagoras called it the body of "fine chariot of the soul", because after death, he is destined to remove the spirit from the dust of the earth. This spiritual body is the spirit body, its sensitive shell, his strong-willed tool through which the body ozhivotvoryaetsya, and without which it would be lifeless. This twin is visible when you are dying or dead. Subtlety, the power, the perfection of the spiritual body varies, depending on the quality of which is its spirit, and substance between the shower and weaving of the astral rays, but imbued with weightless fluid earth and sky, there are more differences than among all the terrestrial bodies of the mass of matter. Although this body is much thinner and perfect around the body, it is not immortal, as concluded in the monad. It is modified and cleared of the environment through which it passes. Spirit form, and relentlessly converts it to his own image, and then gradually rid of it, processed in more air cover.

Life replaced, unlike that of another, but internally connected inexorable logic. If each of them has its own law and its determination of the fate - the entire serial number of them managed by the general law, which could be called the reflected effect lives. Under this law, the actions of one fatal way of life reflected on the next life. And man is born not only with the instincts and abilities, which he developed in his previous incarnation, but most of its existence is determined, primarily, the use of good. or bad, that he made of his liberty in the previous life. There are no words, no actions that would not affect eternity, says the old adage. According to esoteric teachings, this maxim applies just from life to life.

For Pythagoras seeming injustice of fate, deformity, accident, strikes rock, disasters of all kinds find their explanation in the fact that each individual has, or the existence of a reward or punishment of the preceding. Crimes generate the redemptive life, imperfect life is a life full of trials. Righteousness leads to the high calling of one another, the highest life - because of creativity. Moral conformity seeming imperfect in terms of life, manifested in full perfection, and precise justice in a number of lives. There may be a movement towards spirituality and wisdom, and may be contrary to the movement of the animal.

As the soul climbs the stairs of evolution, it takes more and more involved in choosing his reincarnation. At the lowest level of the soul is subject to a more advanced soul has the right to choose within the boundaries of its embodiments, the soul, holding the highest calling, the embodiment does not elect for themselves, but for the common good. The more soul rises, so clearly it retains its incarnations in the clear, irrefutable consciousness of the spiritual life that reigns over our earthly horizon, and sends its rays of light in the darkness around us. Tradition asserts that on the first level, the divine prophets humanity remember their previous earth lives. Legend says that Shakya-Muni during his ecstasy has restored the thread that links his historical existence, and about Pythagoras, there is that, due to the special grace of the Gods, he remembered some of their past lives.
