Monday, May 18, 2009

Rules of behavior that reduce vulnerability to manipulators.

Rules of behavior that reduce vulnerability to manipulators.


Index - to experience and realize that we live in a society than before. We hit the jungle, where we (our consciousness) is hunting. ... On the morality and say nothing. The challenge now - only in the balance of power and the appropriateness of a course of conduct.


We should go slow in the zone of contact with the manipulator or the potential manipulator. (As advised grandmother - even just to avoid eye contact - D.) need information one way or another until we came. Better to avoid the temptation to stay in the "theater of scandals." You should not rely on its stability - the signals operate in the right direction, regardless of how we relate to them in our minds (even one operating environment of the office). Well, it was to hear the sirens Odyssey - he-Casa comrades to tie him to the mast ...


An important stage in the manipulation - capture the audience, the "accession". As described in one textbook, "success can not be manipulated without creating an ally in the spiritual world of the recipient." While the seizure was not there, he can successfully resist - and then the subsequent efforts of the crane lost nothing, and you can even monitor their removal and to benefit from. Effective such simple steps as the interruption of contact, care at the time. Every operation has its own capture scenario, its rhythm. If during a session of "victim" suddenly said: "I'm here to separate a while, but you still go ahead," - every effort will be nothing hypnotist.

If there is a possibility, it is useful to interrupt slovoizliyaniya manipulator issues that severely violate his script. Questions like "tell me directly where you drive?" This question makes robot move to the essence, not completing the "accession" and the audience, the investigator-but not denying it the ability to critically read the message. Alternatively, the crane will have to ignore the issue, which can cause resentment and strengthen the psychological defense. Even the railroad manipulator bewilder the man who is blunt and all peresprashivaet (or perhaps pretends to fool?). In general, any way to disrupt a program of manipulation is useful to complicate it and remove the obsession (the crane is to think about the simplicity and reliability of handling - check the sound, video, electrician etc.).

4. Variations in the rates.

The program of manipulation is very important momentum. Manipulator achieves success when he is ahead of the mobilization of psychological defense audience. Therefore, such a great importance and urgency given to sensationalism. Troop attack! Since then, the pace should try to bring down the crane, we can not allow him to impose his pace of our consciousness - they should not enter into resonance. This method is reflected in the folk wisdom: "tomorrow is a new day!" This means it is useful to interrupt the contact to raw thoughts, feelings and impressions "otlezhatsya" - and then start fresh in the head. It is necessary to impose a course of manipulation ragged and tough rhythm, immediately rejected the inlet conditions of urgency. In fact, the urgency is always false, artificially created. We can not succumb to this pressure, we can not immediately accept the assessment that we impose. The famous "tugodumie" farmers to a large extent explains their remarkable resistance to manipulation.

5. Screening NOISE.

Manipulation is successful in a "democracy of noise, when the flow of human scorer worthless messages, and he could not concentrate on the problem for which it should develop a point of view. Can not concentrate - have to catch at a slip him treatment. Resistance against the manipulation is reduced, if at the same time with a message that inspires him some idea, the consciousness of human impact "nuisance." Hence the conclusion: getting the message, which may be hidden "contraband", it is necessary to filter the noise, which are noisy when it is thinking about the message. Better in time at all to break out of the flow of messages, to reflect on one of them. The loss is small, this flow is not forever, and nothing really important to us bypasses.

6. Unpredictable.

Easiest to manipulate human consciousness, thinking that meets the clear and rigorous algorithm. If they dodge, it should be unusual logic and leads to paradoxical conclusions, to pick up the key to it is difficult. Manipulators West very difficult to find the approach to the savage, Chinese, Africans. Negros are already two centuries lived in the U.S., but still "odomashneny in small degree. In general, effective way to avoid capture and the impact of the crane is to create artificial volatility of your reaction (data sources, method of processing logic inference tempo effects, such as speech, etc.) In the words of C. Castaneda, "when you can not be predicted You neuyazvim.

You can try to deliberately delay or even block the automatic response - not to play into their stereotypes. Exit the corridor imposed stereotypical reactions to you, "change field" violates program manipulation. By the reaction of the author (at least simulated, lost in thought) to be seen whether he can finish his thought as a reasonable - or builds manipulative design. This is not an honest interlocutor sobesh, because his message is coherent.

7. DISABLING emotions.

Most stereotypes, using manipulators, heavily painted emotionally. Raskachat sense - to arm half of success. Therefore, the general rule can be: seeing that for some reason pressure on any you feel should be on time, deliberately blunt this feeling. Accept messages dispassionately, as a machine, and then the cold head to think about them alone with themselves, without prompting. This may seem cynical, but helpful to the problem at first called "play" at all outside of the moral context - as the military planning their bombing. "Play" and then include the moral constraints and preferences. Very often, the feelings of play to turn the emotions kanalizirovat them on an abstract or a slip scapegoat, withdraw understanding of the principal actor. Sometimes a goat even glad its role.
Helpful reception verify the adequacy of the feelings which you razberedili advocates, is that you suggest instead of "enemy" any other figure, not as odious or attractive. There is this sense? If not, then the problem is not linked, and inspire in order to manipulate.

8. DIALOGICHNOST thinking.

Manipulators are trying to turn us into consumers of ideas, in the attentive ear, and advanced pupil: We have been deprived of any open dialogue, because it removes the delusion. Dialogue breaks manipulation. We have only one option - to move the dialogue on the "molecular" level, even to him as a mental process. But do not take any allegations without question. We must make efforts to find a hook to the question even in the "round" approval, and to remember that the property of our mind - away from difficult issues, "cover them under the rug." Therefore, in many responsible professions put something like a mandatory list of questions that in carrying out complex operations have to ask - and answer aloud, as it happens from the pilots. If we learn to "talk with ourselves, our thinking is likely to get out of ruts provided manipulators, it becomes unpredictable. Maybe we will become like crazy, but crazy is not possible to manipulate their conclusions in terms of a paradox given algorithm.


As one of the main methods of manipulation - squeeze problem in artificially constructed context (often the wrong context), the protective equipment will be the rejection of the proposed raising the question, rotation imposed by the context of other built regardless of the potential manipulator.

10. Provide alternatives.

Manipulator, preventing the dialogue, is an advantageous solution as it has no alternative to - or start thinking, reasoning. In this condition there must be immediately brush. How is it not a given? Being that can not be! It is necessary only to allow himself prikinut in mind the different options for solutions, as the whole building collapses manipulation - and immediately visible selfish intentions. Simply naming the very real alternative, you can stop the manipulation. If you can not call them out, then you should submit them in mind - but at least you personally to protect themselves from manipulation.

11. Inclusion of common sense.

This is something difficult for an educated person, but with some effort available. When you hear passionate speeches, it is better to skip past the ears of beautiful phrases and catch only the main argument. Then assume that it is correct, and consider whether the common sense solution to something that offers a fierce speaker. "And how did I?" - This is the first question. Oddly, more often than not it turns out that he himself would you not done so.

12. SEARCH root issue.

Manipulation in many ways is that the people offering this interpretation of the problem (conflict), which leads to fact. People are noisy, worried, perhaps even prishibut of a shunter, but the robot does not bring harm. Ideally, of course, to give a false interpretation of "representatives" of the suffering in conflict (eg, in the case of social contradictions - the trade unions, communists, etc.).

Even Dostoyevsky said that the need to reach the last question. This means that we should immediately reject the proposed treatment and to begin to put questions to the step by step going. You will quickly come to the substance from which you just give manipulators - so gives the pilot a missile from the aircraft, producing a heat trap. It seems hot rocket than the engine exhaust and the rocket rushes after her.

Turning to the slightly deeper levels of interpretation problems, it appears in a completely different light.

13. INCLUSION OF MEMORY, projections for the future.

Memory and Foresight - the basis of psychological protection against manipulation, because they were and are one of the main objects of destruction. Manipulators using a variety of technologies to slip us a sense of time, they put us in an eternal present, "they impose on us a special, closed time performance. Breaking the cycle of paws paddle - then break out of this temporary bewitched circle.

Every time you have to do the force and restore the memory of the problem posed in front of you manipulators. If there is no time and that is something to read, to inquire, to ask knowledgeable people, the better I do not believe offers you the myth and try to tie those facts which you surely know.


One of the main principles for the protection of manipulation - the rejection of language that describes the potential manipulator problem. Do not take his language, his vocabulary, his concepts! Retell the same, but in other words, avoiding any ideological, recondite categories. Re-let gross and sloppy, but in absolute terms, which can be translated in a very earthly, tangible images - bread, warm, birth and death. We are slaves of words. So no need to call a commander takes us beyond the pharynx manipulator.


Add to this a similar principle as an exaggeration. Bring the proposed issue of an exaggeration to the absurd - determine the main direction of efforts manipulator. This method usually is particularly outraged because he manipulator is usually weak.


Main Board - think. And to think hard, hard as ditcher sabotaging heavy clay.