Friday, May 8, 2009

On the difficulties of life, health, and work on them.

On the difficulties of life, health, and work on them.

One of the main causes of disease, physical and psychological - the inability to adequately cope with adverse situations or situations that are perceived as negative.

Without going into detail, the mechanism of disease is derived as follows: A person, when confronted with negative information, is unable to cope with it, the negative information is stuck in the human body and is not processed them.

Further, this negative information can accumulate in certain energy structures, which are beginning to live their lives, parazitiruya on the human body (in the physical body or outside it).

The symptoms of this disease may be different, for example: the inability to perceive the surrounding beauty of the world, worsening of chronic diseases and the emergence of new, unexplained attacks of fear and depression, obsessive ideas and imagination, different types of pain, cold sensation along the spine, shaking fingers, and as a result of mental and physical suffering - the tendency to suicide.

Resorting to traditional medicine does not eliminate the cause of the disease and can only partially alleviate the suffering. Healers do not have the necessary skills, can help only if, the negative information is formed in a concentrated form of energy structure.

As a result, people could only partially clear or podpitat energy. In this case, one can say that the man is on the verge of Light and Darkness, and not through special exercises, or not finding a specialist, eventually, can come to death because of the aggravated and new diseases, or suicide.

The threshold of negative information that could rewrite man, for each their own. It depends on the attitudes of Man and of its nature and inner strength.

A person may realize that his health and the perception of the world is something amiss, but how to get rid of this, he does not know. Do not helping in this case, and psychological ways to re-negative relationships.

What should I do? If there is no person who is professionally engaged in this kind of cure disease, then the only person who can help you with this - so yourself.
Connecting to the Higher Energy Force

This connection is implemented through the establishment of an appropriate prayer formulas, and pronouncing the formula himself. You create a prayerful appeal to any of the Supreme Force, which believe it: for nature, the Creator, Christ's power, etc.

There you formuliruete request for the treatment of specific diseases, or ask for healing of body and soul.

Such an appeal to the supreme force has nothing to do with affirmatsiyami or psychology. And you'll know about what is at stake when the feel the flow of energy, which is in the form of a wave from top to bottom.

I do not want to set you on this, but be prepared for a temporary deterioration of the health or situation, if you have a cluster, there is negative energy.

It may worsen the condition and if you are working to prevent and even did not suspect that over the years, meeting with ill people and situations you have accumulated a lot of negative energy.

Pain, worsening of the emotional state - a direct reference to the fact that work is going. In this case, it is necessary to increase the number and energy appeals to the Supreme Force. In severe cases, continuous treatment for several hours.

With this many hours alter treatment intensity: in the first minute with the highest concentration of that later in the background, and, later, again with great concentration.

A person can feel the accumulation of negative energy. He could feel it as a block in certain parts of the body, or feel the numbness of the body or body area more cool than neighboring areas.

In some cases, the congestion can be felt as pain. For example, the majority of pain in the heart associated with disappointment in love, indelicate attitudes partner to you, betrayal, deception and negative attitudes on the part of your partner or the person you are interested.

A few observations:

A prayerful appeal to the Supreme Force is better to start in a calm home environment. The room must be ventilated, it is possible to light a stick aromatizirovanuyu and highly desirable to light a wax candle.

You are calm, go into meditative state, begin to give away consisting phrase, in which the address to the Supreme Force requesting healing (on the strengthening of the Spirit, exile illness, cure a separate body, strengthen the immune system, etc.)

Such treatment is useful and to understand its ways and settings in the spiritual perception of reality. This treatment, in a specially created environment, the most effective.

It is also necessary to remember the state of energy and cause it to any situation, for example, on the way to work, etc.

The state of prayer, after treatment: at some stage, some immediately, some after a few days, is to improve the overall state, leave the fears, there is interest in life.

In some cases, when a concentrated accumulation of negative energy is split, one may feel that the body block disappears, but at the same time, negative feelings may arise in other parts of the body.

This indicates that the accumulation of information is broken, but the negative energy is removed from the body. In the future, you need to work on parts of the body with the remnants of negative information, connecting the energy of higher force is a section, creating an appropriate phrase.

When you access the energy of Creator, it is desirable to introduce a formula for prayer that the phrase: "... but not what I want, but what I ugotovil Lord".

An interesting phenomenon of prayer treatment is that you have is a formula of themselves, but, over time, you may find the phrase drawn from other sources, almost word for word.

Once the main work to remove negative information will be made, you can move on to other techniques. All I wish happiness and health.