Thursday, May 28, 2009

Profile of human development.

Profile of human development.

"Good" and "bad" people do not happen.

With experience it becomes clear. Just someone might not be sufficiently developed in some aspect of life that does not understand, because sometimes vytvoryat something that we are not happy. And if this is not the first time, we can begin to consider it a "bad man".

But exactly the same and we can be something not very developed, and in places that something can not understand and do not behave exactly as they should. And it is true, that in some points we have specifically wedge ... (Let us be honest, almost every one of us is at least once, yes it was). And anyone that our behavior, too, may not like. But we will not become "bad" people, is not it?

It is therefore useful to separate the behavior from the person of his personality - a personality and the behavior it may be many and various.

All of us at one time and ever ...

We all once were on the lower levels of development and ever will be on a high. And, respectively, for each moment of life, everyone at the same time someone above or below someone in their abilities and their self-expression. It so happened, because this is the path - the path of evolution, which we as living beings, can not go, once lived, and each of us has at some stage in this path.

And another important point. At what stage we would not be at this point is to respect all the stages, because in every communication, not only we have some learning, but someone is learning from us, and helping him learn, we thus establishes what recently learned themselves. ... And then, who knows - maybe this boy, to whom we are helping now to move across the street, twenty years later would help our children get a good job. They say "World tesen" but more accurately - a holistic world.

There is no single way.

There is no one correct way of development for all, all measured on a ruler - who is at what stage of development - it is not possible. Now explain how it turned.

There is a general direction - waking people from around the state of consciousness to the divine, or even speak - of enlightenment. And even the determined phase, which are, in fact, the stages of our self in the waking state: the body - emotion - mind - soul - spirit. That is, as its first development, we suddenly realize how the body itself (just as a child), and then realize that we have a body, but we have something more. It takes time, and at some point we are just aware of their emotions as a component, then your mind ... and if you do not stop at a level slightly above average, then the soul and spirit. These are the main stages of human development. And each time to move to a new stage, we need to become them, and what we were before - to understand how its component. These are the basic steps.

However, the path of development (and waking) each person will be totally unique. Because the people first, is complex (the system), and secondly - the social (ie, lives in the same complex system as it is). And it imposes on him the vital need to develop in many areas simultaneously. But because the original living conditions (environment, culture, etc.) and internal organization (anatomy, psychology, etc.) each person is different, each somehow be developed more, but something less . And if you take and make some lines of development and draw up a profile of human development at the moment, each of us will have unique sections of lines of development.

Example profile of human development.

The lines of human development.

Immediately, it is noteworthy that by and large, this model - is also rather gross simplification of reality, but in any case, more objective than the "single line". In addition, the model profiles of human development is a "box-down" - it can always be supplemented by new lines of development or to replace any of them more objective.

Application of the model profiles of human development can be a lot (all the typical scope of psychology: therapeutic diagnosis, selection of personnel, the establishment of the motivation, the assessment of compatibility, teambuilding, etc.). But the most important application - see for yourself their strengths and identify those who need to develop (it can make everyone, without any tests, just honestly stating what it corresponds to). Just bear in mind that for each line of development may be the peak experience higher levels of recurrent falls in the lowest level, and is typical of the most consistent level. Good to see the full range of variations, but bear in mind is the level which is the most often.

The lines of development.

To date, psychologists describe the set of investigated lines of development, but I will cite here only the most important of those who managed to describe more or less accessible than going into a particularly sophisticated terminology. Some lines of development will be presented in a simplified form and explaining the additions.

Moral consciousness.

The line of moral development described by Ken Uilberom on the basis of moral judgments (Kolberg) and caring (Dzhilligen) through the expansion samotozhdestvennosti "I". In such an understanding of stages of moral development more accessible and practical, although the principles of moral judgments on Kolbergu are not obvious (magical desire, punishment / obedience, naive hedonism, approval by others, law and order, priority rights, social contract, universally ethical, universal-spiritual).

Man belongs to those who identified as to himself. If he is identified only with itself (as small children), he refers to the other selfish. If he is identified with their friends and family, he refers to them with care (but mostly only to them). If he is identified with his country, he refers to his fellow citizens, as a fellow (others may not consider as "their").

If he is identified with all mankind, it applies to all people fairly and without bias, regardless of their race, color, sex or creed. No division into "their" and "outsiders" as well as philosophical position, allowing us to obtain something from another.

If a person is identified with all the space it belongs to all beings with respect and kindness, because it understands that they are all perfect manifestations of the same Spirit, who is also himself.

1. Egocentric level - I
2. Sotsiotsentrichesky level - we (as a family, society, country, nation)
3. Mirotsentrichesky level - All of us (all people without exception)
4. Shamansky or level of yoga (mystic, shaman, yogi) - All creatures (in this land, without exception)
5. The level of Bodhisattva (saint) - In general all creatures (all worlds)
6. The level of the Buddha (enlightened one) - all shown to contain and reality.

Values (worldview).

Worldview Rights is largely determined by its values. The most convenient and exact hierarchy of values is represented in Spiral Dynamics model of Don Beck and Chris Koval, based on the original idea Clare Greyvza. For your convenience, each level indicated by the color further, however, direct communication with the color levels are not.

1. Beige (instinctive) - survival, satisfaction of needs, reproduction, satisfaction with instinctive desires
2. Violet (animist) - Respect for the natural spirits, worship of ancestors, protection from harm, family ties, traditions and rituals
3. Red (self-centered) - strength / power / action, self, self-absorption, desire to dominate others, monitoring, sensual pleasures
4. Blue (absolutist) - stability / order, conformity, obedience for the sake of future rewards, the meaning, purpose, certainty
5. Orange (multidimensional) - ability / success, competition for the result, influence, independence
6. Green (realistic) - harmony / love, the union for mutual development, cooperation, spontaneity, acceptance, awareness, sense of belonging
7. Yellow (system) - the independence / dignity, to be part of a living system, self-knowledge, good questions, integrity, flexibility
8. Blue (whole) - the global community / life force, the collective conscience, the preservation of life on Earth, adapting to the reality, integrity, interconnectedness

Requirements (motivation).

This line of development represented by Ken Uilberom and largely coincides with the concept of needs Abraham Maslou (food / clothing / shelter, safety, sex / love / friendship / belonging to the group, respect and prestige, self-expression and self-realization). Uilber invited to consider the needs of people in the system of human interaction with the surrounding world. In this submission requirements are the processes of exchange, in which a person begins to need, according to their growth and development.

1. Material exchange - food, things that work.
2. The emotional exchange - sex, security, power, recognition, care
3. Mental exchange - information, knowledge (skills), the membership, the discourse of self-reflexive exchange, self-exchange
4. Spiritual sharing - mental vision, and communication with God, union with God
5. The spiritual exchange - identity with the Spirit, Self

Cognitive development.

Cognitive development of the line represented by me in a simplified form based on the composite description of the line from the dam, Uilbera and Piaget. Kognitvnoe development reflects our ability to learn.

1. Sensomotor level - feeling, perception
2. The emotional level - motivation, emotion, image, doponyatiyny mind
3. Represented the level of the mind - the symbol of the notion, opinion
4. Specifically, the operational level of the mind - understanding social rules and roles
5. The formal-operational level of the mind - a formal way of thinking, logical ability
6. Postformalny level of intelligence - visual and logical thinking, the perception of multiple perspectives, polyvalent logic, understanding of systems
7. Superior intellect (mind-over) - the mental thinking, vision, world soul


The line of development of emotions reflects the entire spectrum of feelings - from the basic sensations (the previous level of reaction to them was excluded) to the most complex of emotions and feelings of "one taste", which appears outside of the dual world. This line of emotions proposed by Ken Uilberom.

1. Feelings and the physiological state - the touch, temperature, pleasure, pain
2. Protoemotsii - tension, fear, rage, satisfaction
3. Emotions of conceptual thinking - anxiety, anger, desire, goodwill, safety
4. Emotions of thinking the rules and roles - love, joy, depression, hatred, affiliation
5. Emotions of the formal-logical and visual thinking - the universal passion, global justice, caring, compassion, vsechelovecheskaya love, altruism mirotsentrichny
6. Emotions mental level - awe, admiration and love for all living creatures, compassion
7. Emotions fine level - Anand, ecstasy, love, blessing, holiness
8. Emotions causal level - infinite freedom, liberation, compassion bodhisattvicheskoe
9. Emotions nedovoystvennogo level - one taste