Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cheating in our lives.

Cheating in our lives.

He who has ears to hear, yes,
He who has eyes will see da ...

How old is humanity, there is probably the same and there is deception. He hit the ancient philosophers, it is written in the Bible ... Life is evolving, moving forward, and frauds still accompany our lives, to which it makes a lot of trouble: it's a very unpleasant feeling deceived man.

Some authors differentiate concepts: truth - lie - lie - lie - a lie, highlighting aspects of the problems inherent in each. We will now give the definition of these concepts. I propose to reflect on how, on what grounds can understand that your interlocutor deceives you. And as a guard against that.

Who is he, that your interlocutor? Husband, wife, business partner, colleague, subordinate? In any case, at the center need to question the motive. Should himself to answer the question: what benefits people, lying to you? Why would he need this deception? Because deception for deception occurs not so often. Why bother yourself fantasies, if the man we never see and we have no personal interest to him.

Come from the very simple but nevertheless quite common: trying to attract your attention, Gypsy fortune-teller. Playing at psihokompleksah client, such as curiosity (fate, love, enemy, health), generosity (help), pity, superiority, fear of (evil eye blackmails or damage), she wants one thing: money. So, the motive is clear. Now the question arises: and how she is doing? I want to dwell on technology divination used not only Roma but also many other "prophetess."

First, the client size of "yes" and "no" - reactions. And then confidently Gypsy "guesses" the past, winning the confidence of the client. This admission can be used to determine if you are deceiving people, or telling the truth. Asking your interlocutor a number of questions to which you are confident he will respond positively and calibrated his behavior, you ask him questions to which he responds "no." And behavioral key in your hands. Now, no matter what your interlocutor said, you clearly know his true reaction. What you need to watch what you want to pay attention?

We react the body, mind and language. They are deeply linked, so all of our thoughts one way or another, reflected in our body. The body can not lie! It is important to be able to take those signals, which come to us from the body of our interlocutor. What signals are there access?

- Change in voice modulation, and volume,

- Changes in the characteristics of intonation,

- Internal voltage

- Changing the tone of muscles,

- Gestures, is not peculiar to man,

- A chaotic motion, or vice versa "freezing" (when a person tries to control),

- Oculomotor patterns.

A. Binet wrote: "... the personality and individuality manifested literally in everything, including how people sit down, take items." It was to reconcile these different branches of psychology together. Because the most complete picture of the man, please, if you classify certain stable features of human behavior. A reliable prediction possible by relying on a system of signs (which it is desirable that these signs have different mechanisms of expression). If you use a different methods of analysis and observation with subsequent correlation of the results and find a common characteristic of the personality, the assessment of human would be more accurate. VG Zazykin proposes to use the aggregate data from various sciences of man. Even if each of them separately has certain limitations, the comparison of such data would provide a stable invariants of personality traits and behaviors that are necessary for accurate assessment of prognosis. Human behavior, his reactions are different variety. But always, it is important to allocate the major determinants of human behavior, and build on them, building a logic of its actions. There is widespread bodily-oriented technology. With their help, through the body can obtain all the information about the person. As the body can determine the structure of nature, identify the problems right. In short, to understand who is in front of you. Much is happening in a person other than his will, without conscious control. There is a clear methodological principle: the existence of a quality you can always correlate with the characteristic feature, which is like an indicator of quality. It turns out that the way to a man very much. And the principal has become able to trace the changes that occur in man. Index - to be able to watch. Immediately the question arises: Is it possible to learn this? Yes. Knowing what to pay attention, then you need only to train.

Where and when you may need is the ability to change the behavior of another person read the deception? Well, first of all, this must be specially trained employees of such officials as police, tax police, the FSB, customs officials. This ability is important for personnel services. And secondly, this skill is useful to everyone in our daily lives.