Monday, May 25, 2009

Jill Edvardz "For the brink of belief"

Jill Edvardz "For the brink of belief"

There is a Zen story about a university professor who came to inquire about the new philosophy. While the master Nan-in silently preparing tea, the professor expounded at length his own beliefs. Nan-in began to pour in a cup of tea for visitors, and continued to pour. A cup was overfilled, and Nan-in was still poured, until the professor exclaimed that: "It is already full! There is no longer fit! ". "Like this cup, - explained Nan-in - you're already full of your own opinions and hypotheses. How can I show you Zen unless you first do not release their bowl? ".

Each of us has a cup of opinion about the nature of reality - we realize it or not. For most of us have a bowl full of materialistic view of the world: our faith in the scientists and experts, our belief that the universe is a meaningless coincidence that consciousness somehow arises from matter, that there is an objective reality that is gradually investigated. We reluctantly left our beliefs. New Vision fulfills the promise of individual and societal change, but only if we are prepared to "empty our cup of" and listen.

We create our own reality.

We not only leads to a life of atoms and molecules but, according to metaphysics, we are ballet-masters of dance. If consciousness is the source of all, nothing happens unless we make it happen. Our thoughts determine which of an indeterminate number of possible and probable events actually appear in our reality. Thus, metaphysics says that nothing happens by accident. We create, or give permission to all to a single event in our lives. No exceptions. As it presents Lazaris: "There are no footnotes, no hidden meanings: we create all".

We make every success, every failure, every disease, every relationship, every promotion, every case of the "lucky - unlucky", each family quarrel, every issue, every injury, every "incident" - everything. There are no triumphs and tragedies, except those we create. Each of us - the source of all our suffering and joy.

Beliefs create an experience, rather than vice versa.

If our house is burgled, for example, we created this reality. This is not just a "wrong" to us. We make it happen. We brought it into our lives, because it reflects some aspect of our internal world. Maybe we believe that the world - a dangerous place that you are no longer in safety, even in their own homes, that people are basically greedy, that we live among bad neighbors, or feel guilty for something that is tangible property ... Whatever the reason, our objective - to learn from the experience (in the first place does not allow it to strengthen the beliefs that make it happen, but learn about yourself and understand that thought creates reality).

Kontaktery clearly indicate that the creation of our own reality, not to be understood symbolically. It should be understood quite literally. Our objective reality correctly reflects our internal world: "Transforming our thoughts, feelings and beliefs in objective reality as naturally as the water turn into ice, for example, or a caterpillar turn into butterfly", - said Seth. If we believe that the world is full of pain and suffering, we will make it so. If we believe that the world is full of love, joy and laughter, then this is - "probable reality", which we will create. Each with his hand, and an optimist and a pessimist, both are right. Life is samorealizuyuscheesya prophecy.

Yes, our limited rational mind, which zakovan in the materialistic world view, consider these ideas as completely insane. Of course, the real world and the flesh! Of course, we are victims of fate and good luck! After all, if we create our own reality, why we are not aware of this? And we urge ourselves that life is produced surprises us that the events simply "happen to us"? One reason is that, for physically, our thoughts and beliefs do not manifest themselves immediately. For example, a firm belief that we offer a wonderful new job, could be sown for a year or more before it actually happened, and now, when this happens, we say that we are lucky, or that it had to happen.

In the world of spirit, as in the world of dreams, each message appears immediately. We draw a murmurous creek in a luxurious green meadow. And it immediately in front of us! We first becomes fire-spitting dragons, haunt us, and they appear! In the intangible areas, as if on land, we create our reality according to our beliefs and expectations. How in heaven and on earth. Those who expect that after the death of a pearl is the gate to greet St. Peter, try this, while others who believe that they were flawed, could initially create your own hell of fire and sulfur.

Nevertheless, in the physical world, through the illusion of time, beliefs create reality rather slowly, giving us the opportunity to learn to control physical energy, consciously take control of their thoughts and beliefs to create the reality that what we want to learn how to create a paradise on earth.

But as it is logically possible that each of us creates his own reality? Will not the reality of our conflict with each other? Metaphysics believes that everyone writes his own play, and then acts like a magnet for those who are in line with the script until we meet their scenario. This attracts like. If we think we are badly treated, we prityanem to imagine those who would treat us badly. If we expect people of warmth and love, we meet those who confirms our expectations. Participants joined amazingly complex, with each person we meet (or even hear about it), and forms part of our scenario, including the "episodic role", for example, the seller, which you're buying bread, and the scripts will always be compatible. Fortunately, we can rewrite the script. When people in our lives change, it is because we have decided to change. We can even move to another town, country or the profession, which will now feel more at home.

(To be continued).