Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Intuitive forecast for temporary.

Intuitive forecast for temporary.

Today I want to teach you to view their future. I hope that this can be learned. This technique, with which I am not the first year. The easiest way to begin to explore her acquaintance with the line time (the concept of neurolinguistic programming, NLP). Today we need to learn it to identify, visualize, and then see its future developments.

Let's start with identifying temporary.

Identification of its temporary.

Try now to imagine yesterday.


Now think that'll do tomorrow.

How do you decide for yourself where the past, where the present and the future?

How do you know that some event has occurred, and the other only to happen?

How do you have the events of the past, present and future in space?

Most people simply visualize the events, ie represent them in the form of images.

If so, you have a way to delineate the space in the image of future and past.

One picture you put either the right or above the other. One may be closer, the other more.

Brighter or dull.

Now we need to go further: to continue to have events on the lines of time, increasing the time interval.

Such visualization can learn, and paired with another person who will help you understand your position and images of future past. Once you narisuete a temporary line, and it can be done mentally or on paper, you will be easier to understand its relevance to the events of the past, present and future.

This was the only technique to identify temporary.
Intuitive forecast temporary.

The next stage is try to address the prediction of the future. This technique requires certain skills. Therefore, try to obtain, in principle, and then improve the results.

To do this, imagine your Time Line. Look for it next year and will carefully consider it. Try to see a monthly breakdown.

Note: when you begin to devote one year, then your Time Line may be some changes. This individually, so you will not confuse his personal opinions.

Answer the questions:

What months are allocated to the lines of your time?

What they are allocated?

Actually, if you have successfully reached this point, you have already mastered the technique of predicting the use of temporary. Then, if you wish, you will review the annual segment of the month, which in one way or another allocated your temporary, and can work with a weekly breakdown, and even daily.

If not, you can try to work out in stages: first, in general, to understand your own coding time, and then presented as a temporary and then move on to the forecast situation.

If it turns out you can work with the Time Line and work with it to see the events of the future.
The method of achieving results through temporary.

If you see the Time Line, but the forecast does not work, then temporarily waive future viewing and use the methods of achieving a result.

To do this, place your temporary desired events you want to achieve. Apply them as you like, and mentally put it in the future.

In doing so, pay attention to the fact that your future and the time line should be painted a nice, bright colors.

If this is not the case, Sit in a calm atmosphere in polumeditativnom status and make changes in the illumination temporary.