Sunday, May 10, 2009

Trust yourself.

Trust yourself.

Some people argue: "What will happen to world if all begin to trust yourself? In fact, most no longer control himself and fell to the pigs, if only to follow their desires. Let's not forget that we live animal instincts!"

There is no point to this view argue, as I am simply convinced otherwise. The basis of rights is not the instincts of animals (though as bad, for example, the cat's instincts?), A divine beginning. The man initially clean. In the future, the society makes his or conscious, or vice versa. Society shapes the aspirations of man, his desires and thoughts.

Begin to trust yourself - this is beginning to recognize a piece of God, and through this piece again and start to feel it with him to live one. Along the way, we will face many unpleasant manifestations, stopped us in the upbringing and education.

We'll see how we are stupid, cowardly, indecisive, and false. But this is not our essence. This format of conduct imposed by society, it is unconsciously a repetition of other people.

But everyone wants to be in the heart brave, smart, beautiful and generous. Although it appears his ego. But this desire is a manifestation of a true man. After all, no people who want to be stupid, cowardly and false. Even if they are such, that still want another.

Knowing this, we must not be afraid of the way "Trust yourself." Yes, the opening will be unpleasant. But without these findings it is impossible to go further. To the new born, you want the old died. Bold will the one who realizes that he was cowardly and who wish to become bold. Therefore, the sooner we look the truth is, the faster that we can see the light of truth.
What is light?

Sometimes, said: "All the answers inside us, sometimes:" Ask, and the universe will respond. " It is not where, but the answers come. And I like the hypothesis that there is an information box, where you can draw on existing knowledge. And then you do not need something to remember and re-invent. Just ask a question and immediately get an answer.

It is clear that "a question and answer this, so much depends on our ability to formulate questions, clarity of thinking. So, perhaps, not all open access to this information field. Or a very rare.

This way of thinking - a process of formulating a question, send it to the universe (the connection to the information field), and the perception of the answer. The speed of thought - is how quickly we all do it. Clean thoughts determine the speed of thought.

About the purity of thoughts - this is, of course, only a hypothesis, which is close to me. What is clear from human thoughts, the closer it is to God. What does this mean?

God invented the laws of the universe in which everything that exists there now. Man, endowed with freedom of choice, have the right to violate these laws. BUT! The law stipulates that they can break.

For example, one of the Act states:

"If you breathe the fresh air, drink clean water, there is a natural food and thoughts to keep in joy, then your body will be healthy as long as you want. If you will do differently, then the body starts to get sick, grow old and die."

It is obvious to all of us by law. Can it continue:

"The healthier the body, the higher its sensitivity. The higher the sensitivity, the more subtle vibration the universe, it can take. For example, the energy emanating from the plant, from the stars of God. Absolute sensitivity allows you to feel the grace."

It is less obvious, but true. You can go even further:

"The cleaner (богоугодны; to what the God), our thoughts, the higher the sensitivity of the mind. The man with clean thoughts able to perceive information from the universe and the thought of God."

Clean thoughts determine our speed of thought and the ability to perceive the truth firsthand. The speed of thought determines our effectiveness in this world and the extent to which we are happy.

Therefore, you need to start with their own thoughts.

Consider, please, that this is my language, my words, my thoughts. Look grain of truth to take your soul. Trust, above all, himself.

The trust itself requires training, requires perseverance, requires courage. In our speed of thought and purity of thoughts is not yet happening on a click of the fingers. But there is a chance.