Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The crisis and opportunities.

The crisis and opportunities.

The word "crisis" firmly entered our lexicon, some were surprised to repeat that does not notice it, and they say only the press creates the view that all bad. Others are already looking for work, among them are my acquaintances and friends. Third was horrified to think that they would do if the changes, and especially the loss of work and to touch them.

The wave of layoffs swept across the globe. Whole countries become bankrupt and turn to the European Union, and their residents to Abramovich, to save them.

A famous porn-magnate Larry Flint appealed to Congress to support its business in the amount of 5 billion dollars. Explains that the support of the automotive congress allocates billions of dollars. But, he said, the crisis in the car no one will buy, but the porn films can help in difficult times, so they say, is far more important than new cars. In fact, statistics confirm these words, according to research from the beginning of the crisis, more workers downloaded at work and view pornoroliki.

The head of one of the largest United States companies to sell real estate - 52-year-old Stephen Hood (Steven Good) - was found dead in his car, the Western media also reported suicidal German billionaire, the heads of the pharmaceutical concern Adolf Merkle, who allegedly ran a train . According to a native German billionaire, pushed him to suicide, the financial crisis, a marked impact on its business. In December last year, committed suicide the founder of the American consulting company, Access International 65-year-old Thierry de la Villyushe, to invest the European investors in the financial pyramid Bernard Medoffa.

In general, the world slowly go mad, and you can talk about this forever.

In general, one of the main negative trends - it upadnicheskie mood, fear, and the feeling of uncertainty for millions of people around the world. This creates a negative environment, which only exacerbates the situation.

But, as they say, Chinese characters denoting the word "crisis" for and "Possibilities". About hieroglyph meaning I do not know, but that crisis and opportunity go hand in hand - that's for sure.

Therefore, I will not describe all the terrible part of the crisis, focus on good processes that may accompany it, and how to live.

Companies are forced to improve the quality of their services or to withdraw from the market.

This means that we'll get more good quality services. I want to believe in it, although I have not noticed.
Companies will be forced to reduce prices on certain goods and services.

This means that we can get the service for less cost. This is already happening now. For example, now you can buy tickets cheaper than ever before and to arrange for a visit. In the shops are sales, and you can buy anything they wanted before, but cheap.

The employer is exempt employees who are not important for the company.

This means that an employee who was not in place, but fear of change, not looking for work for everyone, now it can do.

Some were dismissed.

This is a good time to rethink your path, to set new goals, to begin to engage each other, read books.

People will optimize your costs.

This means that many people left it at that, should pay attention and will be the rejection of unnecessary.

What are the positive trend for the self?

The crisis - it changes. Change - it is unstable. During the period of instability people looking for support, and run to understand that reliance - in spirituality. As a consequence, a growing interest in self-development, spiritual practice.

What should I do?

First of all, smile! :)

Secondly, you need to calm down! We do not go for the first time a crisis, there is the experience, go and at this time.

Thirdly, be prepared to change.

Lastly, look for the benefits of personal crisis for itself, for its development.

The fifth, begin to invest in yourself!

What, for example, decided to make me?

I also decided to look for a good part of the crisis.

Scheduled for the February trip to Barcelona! Now Aeroflot reduce tariffs and conducting a campaign to sell tickets to the capitals of the world at reduced prices.

When booking a hotel through a travel agency, I spent marketing offers on the market and said that he would go to competitors if the initial cost will be reduced. The result was a 30% discount on accommodation! It should be noted that about this side of the crisis I wrote above. In doing so, travel agents, who have worked poorly, began to work even worse, and those who are well, have to work almost "perfectly well".

Selected for a group of Daoist Yoga classes, going to start in February.

Bought tickets at reduced fares to Vladivostok, about to spring to visit the Far East and China.

Prismotrel courses in Spanish, now I think, to go or not, again in February.

That is, decided to invest in themselves, in their development and their love - travel.

For its subscribers to continue to prepare materials to reduce the cost of training courses, about a month preparing a new course, and continue to refine it.

So, the main recommendation - invest in yourself.

This is the best investment, but like every investment, it must be calculated and designed.

With regard to the acquisition of necessary skills:

Now for all the important skills materialize, translating ideas into a physical level. That is to master the techniques of forming events planned execution.