Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Do not worry about the day tomorrow ... Psychology of Success.

Do not worry about the day tomorrow ...
Psychology of Success.

This is exactly what is written in Scripture about human concerns about the future. What does this mean? Is the call to live today? Perhaps it should be recognized that the way it is.

Let's try to imagine the magnitude of the anxiety resulting from the uncertainty of people in the future. Let's talk about confidence in the future.

Thousands and millions of people every day quake with fear at the fact that they are waiting for tomorrow! So what! What? E-e-e, give the thought a moment. Well, here: "Tomorrow, they will die! .."

Well, maybe not tomorrow, after tomorrow, or after the day after tomorrow. In general, the chances that it bypasses us considerably less than the chances that you'll live forever ... Right? :)

You know, that kinda thing? The most curious, that is not known when the death of you nakroet - whether today, with the angle of the neighboring houses; whether tomorrow, right in your favorite bed, day after tomorrow, right from the earthly paradise you to claim an unexpected tsunami directly at the light.

Then one long distance friend loose on the world. She says that soon will come the end of the world, and what should I do - it is not known! What to do? Rusks dry! Perhaps, in the light of bread on the card. And why do you believe that this can not be?

End of the world, then, in your opinion, perhaps a famine food in the other world does not? It is logical as it does:)

So, "do not be anxious about the day tomorrow". How it should be understood? Yes, in general, and should, as written - do not worry about the future. What's in it will happen, who knows w?

Do you think astrologers or psychic knows? Hae-Hae ... Maybe some of them and know well that from that?

Well, you know, say that the fifth number of the second month of the year you receive ennogo spelled with Duri pans from your beloved zhenushki, so much so that slyazhete in nearby emergency department.

So what? And what you now live up to that point? What are the "pleasant" thoughts? I think not very happy, yes? :)

Well, well. For the purity of the experiment, imagine that the greatest psychic of all times and peoples Baba Dunja foretell you that the fifth number of the second month ennogo year, you will find in his garden a gold coin valued at the time of Rurik "milon" dollars, no less! (And why are you in February at his garden popretes, curious?)

Then live in the present! Do not you think? But the main thing - how you will live up to this moment as you live! Do not walk, and fly across the sky ... Do not speak, and sing a sweet voice ... Do not wash the floor in the house, and dance the waltz with a mop ... In general, pleasant waiting inspires, is not it?

But nezadacha, it turns out that Baba has forgotten Dunja see what happens the second month of the sixth ennogo year. And just as you caught "werewolves in epaulets" when you try marketing your coins, and severely obmanuv, sent to rest on its laurels ... into eternity.

Here's a story can get, why not? In fact, their whole future life, in all minor details are not know, right? But remember how you lived during this period (until the fifth number of the second month ennogo years) in the first case, and as the second? Day and night, do not find? :)

The moral of the following: "What will happen tomorrow - it is not known, and attempts to find it meaningless, and therefore more genuinely imagine myself that tomorrow you will find all the most remarkable, that only could happen because the reason for this exactly the same as for the reverse, ie absolutely! "

In summary, in carrying train, relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery in the window, otherwise it's nothing! At least, though the fact of travel get any pleasure. :)

Similarly, should apply to any future events. In other words, "do not worry about tomorrow", dear friend! Do not.