Sunday, May 24, 2009

Limited wage slaves amazing! Psychology of Business.

Limited wage slaves amazing!
Psychology of Business.

Not surprising, some strange people. Explains that this work is hired and what it differs from their own business. But then there do not understand this, some, or just do not want to understand?

Delude ourselves happy?

What is worse hired work that hired the work - this is, in fact, the brake of Community Development, which is yesterday, the past.

People say: "it's a soldier who does not want to be General". And I say that "it's a worker who does not want to be the creator of its own unique case".

Humor psychology and thinking employee I am not going because it is a Friend!
The servant, who speaks with dignity, that he office, gives me only boundless surprise.

You know, after the abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861 in Russia were massive peasant unrest against the abolition of serfdom. Why do you think?

Because this was a manifestation of slavery formed psychology!
Actual quote:

"Serfdom - it is a manifestation of authoritarian paradigm, authoritarian attitudes, authoritarian consciousness. And in the minds of Mr., gentleman, patron, father - this is the framework in which people fell worldview of the time and the system of reasoning ... It seems to me that in Russia, authoritarian paradigm has not yet been eliminated, and we still encounter with its manifestations ". [B. Mironov]

"I would like to recall that in the first moments of the abolition of serfdom in some regions of the country there, oddly enough, peasant unrest. Why? I think the main motive was panic condition of the peasantry at that time.

Landowner for them was not only a man who takes away from them, if not all, a lot, but it was also a man who care for them. Sorry for the tight turn of speech, but perhaps many landlord to take their farmers as the most expensive animals in the household to which they have been cared for. This care lasted for decades and centuries, it is hard not to escalate, not only in tradition, but in the way of life.

Many peasants were helpless from the social point of view, they could not defend themselves, could not assert their rights, they could not do anything without your landlord. Therefore, the abolition of serfdom seemed to many a disaster ". [S. Poltorak]

There are currently no landlords, but there are employers, who played for the same role "survivors" and the "master"!

The employee had to depend on the employer's policy, but it is the most abhorrent form of dependence.

And even the regular change of their work - this is just "perebeganie" from under the wings of a "survivors" and the "master", under the wing of another. That is the essence!

Psychology of employee - it is dependent human psychology. And I never will call the employee, or a strong self-identity. Never.

Actually, this is amazing! Tell people that they are able to do much more than a hired job, and in response - some children's resentment, which is not grounded.

"Someone has to be an employee, one must be an employee", - only to hear and to answer the same thing. Day to day, from hour to hour.

Unable to do much more - make workers!

This is, after all, your life, and you yourself should be the answer, which you have made it much, or not achieved. I like the level of paid work - please.

Just do not need to prove to me that the employee - this is an important bird! It even sounds ridiculous. I repeat once again that this post was created only for those who want to achieve more in their personal and social life, more than the average.


No, certainly some people are very strange.
Actual quote:

"Seagulls stonut before a storm - stonut, mechutsya over the sea and to the bottom of it ready to hide my terror before the storm. And loons too stonut - they loon, unavailable delight battle of life: the thunder scares them strikes. Stupid penguin timorously hides body fat in rockier ... Only a proud petrel reet boldly and freely over sedym from the sea foam! "[M. Bitter]