Friday, May 22, 2009



This inexplicable phenomenon - a complex set of anomalous phenomena, accompanied by the emergence of windowpane characteristic round holes. The most famous American visit "glazier":

April 12, 1954 magazine "Life" said: "The city Bellingeme (Washington), an invisible man in a week broke more than 1500 slides. Especially got cars that have glass razletalis straight on the go. They never found ordnance (items) that it was done.

April 15, 1954 the Chief Constable of the City of Seattle Dzh.Lourens made in a newspaper the Daily Times condemning unknown thunder broke in one night, hundreds of glass. In the laboratory, ballistics tried to reproduce the holes in many urban ispeschrivshie showroom, but experts have not been able to achieve anything resembling ...

April 17, 1954 three counties in northern Ohio were attacked "ghost glazier." Ringing fragile glass was given simultaneously in Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland, Kentucky and New England, and in addition, more than a dozen cities in Canada. In those days newspapers have reported that the mysterious attack to destroy the glass in Italy ...

The reporter from the Cleveland Kabbidzh Robert testified in court that the person seen as a no apparent reason in turn "exploded" in the glass a hundred cars parked from the backlog of the shop. Two assistant sheriff in King Country (Washington) swore that right on their eyes alone scattered "unbreakable" windscreen with a huge truck.

When they returned to their patrol car, and found that it covered the windscreen, and pock-holes. A well-known lawyer from Ensenady (British Colombia) Manuel Kareaga reported that the road I heard something similar to the sound of the fall of something heavy on the car bonnet, and turning saw the rear glass "melts like snow ...

The police never found the perpetrators. If the American "special" and have found the true explanation of what happened, the public is not present. Perhaps the results of examinations and investigations were eventually classified as once happened in our country, when the glazier has proved particularly strong.

This happened on Sept. 20, 1977 near the town of Petrozavodsk witnessed an unidentified flying object, like a huge luminous jellyfish. The phenomenon has been so tremendous that there was thousands of miles away - even from the territory of neighboring states. UFO sailed high in the sky, sending to the ground thin fiery rays. As a result, many windows of houses Petrozavodsk left with neat round holes melting edges ...

In the USSR Academy of Sciences, on this occasion, began a research program that has received the code name "Grid EN. At the same time, as evidenced by some of ufology, the scientists joined specialists from the Ministry of Defense. What conclusion has formed a team - it is not known. Information obtained declassified "Secret". Officially "Petrozavodskaya jellyfish" was explained by atmospheric phenomena encountered during a missile launch from the cosmodrome in Plesetsk. But this does not explain the nature of the round holes that appeared in the windows of houses Petrozavodsk.

"Ghost glazier" tie back to the phenomenon of ball lightning. This version, for example, adheres to the researcher GERMANY, senior researcher at NPP "Istok" G. click. When "glazier" showed himself in the house of pensioner Shchelkovo A. Tikach, witness noticed a light flash outside the window.

Immediately poslyshalsya tinkling glass kruglyasha, falling between the window frames and glass in the left hole diameter of 80 millimeters. Known as "fryazinsky case, when the entire class (30 students and a teacher), as seen from the street to the window Pull fireball. The window burst, dropped a glass disk 50 mm in diameter.

According to some observations, the emergence of strange holes in the window of the house is a prelude to subsequent poltergeist. Photo circular hole in the box sent to the commission "Phenomenon" engineer V. Bagrov of Tuapse. In an accompanying letter, he said: "... I am suddenly aware that the apartment of someone else is. Looked fast and corner of the eye noticed a fleeting movement curtains.

Actually, I am not a coward, but then the whole body like ice bound, a horror I suddenly sweep. Overcoming fear in the cotton legs went to the window and otdernul curtain. UV-F, no! But then the middle of the room skripnula flooring, then more, more ... Similarly, someone invisible slowly walked toward the door. I yanked it was catching up with "this", but he was unable to leave the place until steps have not subsided in the hallway. You can say that I found a temporary clouding of reason.

But in the window glass is convincing evidence that the visit is not invisible to me prichudilsya.Eto accurate circular opening diameter of about five centimeters. "

Next "ghost glazier" picture and a resident of the city of Surgut, Tyumen Region V. Martynov (pilot). He writes: "The round opening in the window glass was in my absence, so that the nature of its appearance, I do not know. I will simply say that that I live on the fourth floor of nine panel homes.

Difficult to imagine that someone climbed onto a specific height to just poshalit making glass cutter hole diameter of 50 millimeters. But that's not all. Near the window in the corner at us is a coffee table and two chairs, so now - a few days later (after the appearance of a hole) in the corner has been handed out intensive knock, to clarify the origin of which failed.

Another oddity - on people in the apartment from time to time is quite unreasonable planish "sense of desperate longing." It would seem that everything in life happens, but "black melancholy" occurred only in one corner of the apartment, with a sense of there so badly that one day I even had to call to his wife "Soon "..."

Curious story has occurred in the city Vsevolzhske, which is 30 kilometers from St. Petersburg, in a wooden house, whose tenants fond spirits. One night someone clearly knocked them out the window. Mother went to open the door, but the porch no one was. Wonderful cause, but the freshly fallen snow under the window and there was no trace of man who could knock.

Not a ghost is asked to visit? Befogged woman returned to the house, and then ... The glass in the window, which knocked invisible, exploded with a thud, and there appeared little round hole. When the hole photographed, the film is clearly demonstrated by a person old woman, who looks as if in a window of darkness. None of the residents of the house did not identify the person illusory women can be seen in the photo.