Monday, May 25, 2009

How to find your own significance? Psychology of Success.

How to find your own significance?
Psychology of Success.

The truth is that before each of us in life is a very difficult task. The challenge that we should meet very high quality and just in time! This is "easy task" is in front of me, before all you individually in front of every reader of this article separately to each inhabitant of planet Earth.

"What is the objective of such a global, that each of you should decide?" - You ask.

The answer to this question may surprise you. The challenge for each full-fledged person psychologically, is to acquire in this life sense of RELEVANCE! Stop for a moment and think about what I just said ...


Nothing in this whether we are constantly striving? Neither is there all the time are looking for? Neither yourself honestly - it was the desire to feel his own importance in many cases is the main motive of our social behavior. The sense of their self-worth ...

Listen to the three solemn words! Is this not an answer that explains many of our actions? Think for yourself ...

Why are we in fact do in the most prestigious universities? Why do we buy expensive cars, a pity that even to scratch? Why do we acquire navorochennye cell phones and half the functions that we never even going to use? Why always with the foam at the mouth defending their point of view? Why go to luxurious facilities? Spend money on cosmetics and hairdressers?

Why swears to other people? Involved in sports? Figure out the fundamentals of our business? Smoke? Learning to play musical instruments? Why stylish dresses! Desire to earn more money than can spend? Why would we enter into communion? Why study the complex technology of manipulation?

Yes, yes, yes ... In fact, all this is happening for one reason. Because of their self-worth SEARCH FEELINGS! Well, think for yourself!

And because of what we so badly suffers, if we go do not take? Why do we suffer mentally, when we show disrespect? Why feel bad when we offend? Why do we grumble when we were not able to make a good impression? Yes ... All of this happens for the same reason. Due SEARCH sense of importance.

The sense of his own significance - it is one of the most important, the underlying motivators of social activity of modern man

Nothing was done! Do you want or you do not want to, acknowledge or not acknowledge, but the fact remains - a sense of his own importance - is not just a powerful driving force of social activity of any human being, but also basic needs of life orientation.

The vital task of any human being - to find their own sense of importance, to become a meaningful man!

Allow me, dear readers, to reveal to you in this very important SECRET in human psychology. Understanding the secret of human psychology will allow you to see the new, large-scale perspectives on the psychological impact of other people.

Stop! Rock out right now by reading this article and pay attention to what is happening inside you? What do you feel when just reading my words "... a very important SECRET in human psychology, an understanding which will allow you to see the new, large-scale perspectives on the psychological impact of other people ..."? :-)

Please tell us the truth, you feel inside you that something like a boil, as if something inside the break china from these words? As if a foretaste of something special, right? :-)

True, all right. My words have so much influence on you, because absolutely everyone wants to know the secrets of influence on other people. Why? Yes, all for the same reason, their self-worth!

Information that you can learn the secret of the impact on other people already gives you a sense of self and worth, is not it? :-)

Foretaste of what you will learn the secrets of psychology, gives you a sense of importance! After all, that is true, right? Everyone wants power over others. Everything! So what, now move directly to the SECRET? I will tell you some of them.

So, if you truly want to become a strongman, you should thoroughly understand that the majority of acts of ordinary people driven by a need to sense their own concern. Of course, this knowledge would be foolish not to use in their favor. By this I am you, dear readers, actually, and I appeal to. :-)

Based on the need for their self-worth people, you can easily manipulate them, ordering, manage and use it to their advantage. Encouraging prospects, dear readers, is not it? :-)

Let us for illustration take a simple example. Well, at least the same example with the students of higher educational institutions. I have often said that higher education institutions is extremely inefficient in terms of training. However, this is not the whole truth. Even more interesting fact is that the bulk of people go to study at university, because the existence of higher education gives them a sense of importance! And nothing more, my dear. :-)

And, of course, it is not knowledge, not skills, which are usually chosen by students spontaneously, chaotically. Of course, realizing this psychological phenomenon, before I used the "full-reel".

For example, when I was a traditional commercial firm and needed to do something I myself do not like, or required to influence the efficiency of staff, I did the following. I approached the young graduates, who I have worked, and a solemn kind of spoke about the following:

"Michael, you are also specialists with higher education! You finished THAN HIGH SCHOOL! Why are you so badly do its work? It is unacceptable for your professional level!!! ":-)

Hearing the magic words "specialists with higher education", Michael aforenamed stretched upward as if to Strunke, a person has his own expression of exclusivity, eyes blurred, as if in euphoria.

I continued: "Michael, you need to do this is such a work. I very much hope for you, because I know that you are a specialist in higher education! But for those you can always rely on! ":-)

I even fail to complete the sentence as Michael arrow nessya perform what he was told. Of course, not even asking for this special compensation. I was satisfied. The same can be done not only with young professionals, and not only at work. Index - to find what is in man a sense of his own importance, and manipulate them as much as your heart desires. :-)

Yes, based on the need for their self-worth, to manage people is very easy. By the way, now I have not already done so with the graduates. There is much more profitable ways to use the other person. But this, with your permission, I will discuss later.

Perhaps you say that not every person can be managed just like Michael. I totally agree with you. However, keep in mind that I have only a small, fairly obvious example. :-)

However, based on human needs in its own value, can be manipulated not only the way I showed. Is so much.

So, I hope you understand that the need for its own significance - it is an important psychological phenomenon that can be used profitably for themselves. Moreover, as used for the manipulation, and to protect it them. On the effective protection against manipulation, too, want a separate conversation.

Personally, I am confident that protection from manipulation, not only adults but children should be taught to kindergarten age. Otherwise, there is great risk that the child will become a life-long puppet in the hands of unscrupulous manipulators.

You wonder in vain, I know personally a lot of people who can not say "No", can not provide an adequate response can not show their initiative. This unmurmuring puppets in the hands of strangers. Such people are not so little!

But now, dear readers, you should realize one very important thing. That's the case. Knowing how (means) a particular person satisfies their need for their self-worth, you can easily identify who you are - strong personality or NO? :-)

There are two ways to meet human needs in their self-worth - and fruitful way NEPLODOTVORNY (destructive) way. Do not worry. All fairly straightforward, although it sounds cumbersome. :-)

First, fruitful way of meeting human needs in his own importance is that people are living in some case and tries to develop its maximum, thereby bringing huge benefits, especially myself, as well as the entire society! This is the path of strong personality.

Their job - it does not search for easy money (by the way, remember, please, that easy money does not exist in nature), or any other material benefits. In the highest sense of "his case" - is an expression of his attitude to man the world!

Look, what I said, it is very important. Thanks "commitment" You express their attitude to the world. In a "his case" people actually interact with the world, expresses himself in this world!

Well, how do you even imagine that people expressed themselves as being in? :-)

Of course, only through its own activities, he can express himself. This necessarily translates into a particular project, material or intellectual product.

I therefore once again, over and over again that if you do not have a business, not the project actually translated the idea, you never can be a strong personality! Well, but as something else? :-)

If you do not have a business (as translated the project), you can not be a strongman!

Otherwise you just float with the stream of life and do not specify this flow of life, no vector alone did not invent or is not making efforts to express themselves.

This applies to the situation when you make a single, routine, standardized work, which is no different from the normal activities of the machine or the machine (I'm talking about paid work).

Understand, please correct me! Man - this is not an appendage to the machine or technological process, and vice versa. No person should serve as a system, technology, organizational or production processes. A system of production and organizational processes should be used for humans.

And what should people do? Rest, of course. And rest in my mind - it Express something.

So I created, so to speak, at the time of this article. I do custom and not routine work. I REST! You think I am? Do you think that the strain? No pennyworth! I write and rest ... :-)

Only in his own cause a person can regain a true sense of their self-worth! :-)

Only in his own cause a person can regain a true sense of their self-worth!

I am sometimes asked: "Is everyone should be an outstanding, brilliant, or a businessman?" I answer so: "First, do not have to be strictly business, but have entrepreneurial skills - need EVERYONE! And, of course - no paid work with a fixed salary. Secondly, about how to be outstanding. And as you want about yourself? You have a personal wish to be trite and mediocre, so there? "

No, not so. Everyone wants to be an exceptional and outstanding. And this must be achieved. The vital task of any human being - to find their own sense of importance, right? :-)

Thus, fruitful METHOD gained its own significance - is the way a strong personality. Of course, I will not conceal from you that the way any lie of danger, difficulties and mistakes. Without that, nothing. If you are looking to pass on the narrow path of success and never stumbled, then you just Otpetye dreamer! Mistakes are inevitable.

The same show and the people who pass the course Universal "Strong personality". Many make mistakes, even though I tell in the course, what mistakes might waylay.

I want to tell you, dear reader, that I shall be very glad if you decide to choose in their lives Fruitful METHOD gained their self-worth and reach success in their own case. At my help you can always count on. All the necessary psychological knowledge about how to make your life a success, I have a store. :-)

The second destructive way of meeting the needs of their significance lies in the fact that people no longer in the life of a business, not develop it, but instead finds its satisfaction with the needs of destructive forms of behavior.

Such behavior is very much, but I will try to point out the typical. Well, consider yourself as a person can give themselves their own significance, if he does not own, an interesting case? I think you guess how:

- The ongoing search and change of sexual partners;

- The desire of all around to give lessons, learn how to live, educate, to condemn [remember some of the parents and other caregivers?];

- Conspicuous authoritarianism, tongue-in-cheek importance [remember some of the teachers in universities and schools?];

- Regular family scandals, fights, identifying relationships, swearing [That is why people swears in families - this is compensation for the loss of their pathological significance of any of its affairs!];

- Maintenance of various religious beliefs, from the exotic to the traditional [Religion - it is a way to escape from the morbid life problems rather than to find yourself in your own business!];

- Care of mysticism, esoteric, astrology, etc.;

- Severe or chronic illness [Do you like thinking! Sick people - is often the most distinguished person in the family !!!];

- Serving others' interests (the interests of children, other family members, supervisors at work, political leaders, etc.) [It is easier to lose yourself in service to others, than to become a strong personality!];

- Make other people's orders, orders, instructions, directives, targets, guidance;

- An introduction to alien companies, organizations, socio-cultural areas or projects [his is nothing to invent!];

- Regular participation in alcohol and entertainment companies, and events [dilapidate life!]

- Etc., etc..

As you can see, dear readers, the options to meet their self-worth destructive way too much. But the main thing that they all sums - is the lack of pronounced PERSON.

As I said, a person can express himself only in his case. When a person is attached to other people's cultural, ideological, religious, philosophical systems, as well as to other people's industrial, commercial, technological, organizational systems, he loses all chances to become himself, to express themselves, and thus become a strong personality.

Man it seems that, to introduce something alien, giving themselves to the cultural, ideological, financial and economic subjugation of other people, leaders, he receives a long-awaited self-confidence and calm, has an opportunity to express themselves.

This ILLUSION! This self!

No! Working on someone else's idea, to strangers, in a foreign system in a foreign company, it is impossible to become a strong personality. Obtained with a sense of confidence is a sham!