Monday, May 18, 2009

From Drunvalo Melhisedeka "Live in the heart."

From Drunvalo Melhisedeka "Live in the heart."
Says he.

He and several other advanced masters, including his counterpart in female guise Shiset, recently returned from another space-time dimension, which is the "Great Wall", or the gap between the octave, where the result of evolution will come to all mankind.

The name "He" in ancient times had a special significance, it was a title, a title - "Chikitet", the "seeker of truth." When he returned from the future octaves universes, it was evident that he was quite different. His constant desire to understand reality is to get to the essence of events changed the knowledge he had already crossed the boundaries of their search and found inner peace.

Having before me, he looked me straight in the eye and said: - Drunvalo on Earth, we tried to discover the link between the creation of the world and human experience. We all [advanced wizards] trying to understand what is common between the thoughts of people, their actions and wonder. We thought that the answer is found, but now we know that this is not all.

It is now clear: when a person is trying to create, using only the force of mind, he chooses the wrong tool - the brain. And even if his intentions were very good, as a result there is good and evil. This is inevitable, this is a property of mind.

I want to tell you that the building should begin in the sacred space of the heart because the heart knows no separation, and any realized the intention would not be second, a dark side.

For me it was a phenomenal revelation. I stood silently, staring at Toth, and suddenly realized that what he said is the truth. I was so thrilled - as is often the case when I came to understand something grandiose - that hardly could wait until the first opportunity to try to imagine what he was saying.
Creation of the heart.

Since ancient times, from the moment of awareness about the existence of God, we pray that He has changed the circumstances of the outside world. But apparently, God did not listen too closely to the requests from worshipers. Why?

Asked whether you have ever been this question: "Why God did not give us what we ask?" The Bible says: "Ask and it will be given to you." But this did not happen. Perhaps, by reading further, you will find the answer.

Let Concerning the question of creation and creativity. In school and at home we were taught that we are all dependent on external forces and obey the laws of physics. If you believe in it, it thereby limiting yourself, by yourself and choose a reality.

But when a long time ago, people thought very differently. They believed in the spiritual side of existence, where the power of the human spirit can change the external circumstances.

Greg Brada geyser in his book "The Influence of Isaiah tells of how, in 1947, archaeologists have found, along with the" Dead Sea Scrolls "scroll of Isaiah. In this ancient document stated that people have incredible strength, which may affect the future course of events, to predict the fate and impact on external and internal world.

Our tehnokultura feels like the result of the approval of the imagination. Is that so? If we are in no way able to influence their present and future, then all that he has spoken to us is untrue. But in the eyes of many people, he was able to influence the molecular structure of matter, turning water into wine! He returned the rights to life!

Modern science refers to this as the legends, fairy tale story, because "no tangible evidence and explanations for such miracles do not exist."

Here are the words of Jesus Christ (The Bible, the Holy gospel of John 14:12): "Verily, verily, I say to you: he that believeth on me, things that I create, and create and create more now."

But what about the new children that appear in different parts of the world? They can do what ever it showed Christ to people, and science has been forced to admit it, as evidenced by material placed in such esteemed and popular publications as the "Nature Journal, and Omni Magazine.

Scientists do not know where these children so phenomenal ability, but can not deny that they exist. It's a fact. How does the sacred space of the heart is connected with all this? Before I try to explain it to you, let's see how the brain is able to perform miracles, and to compare this process with a cut from the heart.

Creation of the mind.

How often do you ask about something in their prayer, Lord, but did not get? In "The Influence of Isaiah" is disclosed the reason for why this happens. The ancient book tells us that any miracle starts with the attention, or concentration of mind, - you have to concentrate fully on that, what to keep.

For example, most in the world you want to cure for serious illness, so all your thoughts are focused on only one - the desire that the patient was part of the body or body became healthy. Of course, one only wishes, even very large, it is not enough, but this is the first and most important step on the road to recovery.

For the concentration of the mind should be intent. Continue to make in this example: You have focused on a sore body, now your goal is to let the evil of you.

But that's not all. In general the process should involve three components - mental, emotional and physical.

In the mental - in mind, to capture a patient's body or body parts in a healthy condition. The brain need to know exactly what the recovery process is under way or will begin soon after a certain period of time. It depends on your willingness.

You agree to an immediate cure, or you need some time to prepare for such a change? Awareness is important, but it is not enough.

The next level - emotional, it must also be involved. Humans need to know how it is - to be healthy when the disease has not worried. You really need is to feel, not trying to compensate for the lack of emotions, conscious representation.

For many people this is not an easy task, but without the emotional involvement of the parties did not happen.

And still so far short. You can pray to God for healing, to concentrate fully on the issue which you are concerned, sure of what you already do not hurt, even to feel joy about the coming healing. But, if not activated third component, the result may disappoint you.

How many people praying, going through all the stages described, being assured that their desire to be fulfilled, begged and cried for hours, but nothing happened. And all because in the equation did not have one unknown. On the last part of the reason is almost all forgotten or just not give it meaning.

The third element of the process - the body.

Continue on this example: you have to feel the physical level, how the patient came into the body of the rule again to function normally. But this is not the same as what it is mentally.

You feel that you have no pain, his body filled with life, including that part which you are most concerned about now. You have a healthy and beautiful body. When you reach this final stage, and your body will respond to the whole chain of actions, you will begin to wonder.

But there is something that, as in "The Impact of Isaiah" is not mentioned. He argues that if the source of the request or action is the brain, the result we get the opposite - and good and evil. In other words, praying the Lord of Peace, we have peace and war.

This is exactly what is happening in the world today. Millions, billions of people around the world pray for peace and prosperity, but until now the world is thriving and prosperous country remains a place where the war goes. (Currently on the planet are 46 wars.) So, to move forward.

Confronting the logic of feelings and emotions.

In the process of creative minds involved thought, they follow one another in strict logical order. Therefore, no matter what our mind is created, you can smoothly follow the path on which the reality of moving from one stage to another transformation. Even if it is a miracle of creation, it also has its own sequence of actions.

But as I said before, the result is always controversial - in conjunction with the advantage is always negative.

The heart is acting completely different. The process of creation is through the dreams and images, expressed in terms of feelings and emotions. In this case, the logic to anything, so you do not need to comply with the order of priority in order to move from one stage to another.

For example, if you pray for rain, and the prayer goes straight from the heart, he can begin immediately, though only a few seconds back in the sky there were no clouds. It's like a dream in which you see yourself in Italy, and after a moment provided with the very different circumstances in Canada. How you can get to Canada so quickly?

You are in fact easy to accept all that you see in dreams, but think that in three-dimensional space is impossible. Or maybe it is not so?

Suppose you had a new world.

That's one of the last elements of information that you need to learn to take part in the conscious creation. I am talking about the understanding that comes through personal experience.

Notwithstanding that fact, how you can learn this, but between the sacred space of your heart, three-dimensional space and outer bodies - stars and planets - there is always a connection. Sometimes it is not immediately possible to see, but if you continue to access the heart, composed in his sacred space, then be sure to find it.

This is extremely important, because communication with the stars and planets is the conduit between the dreams of your heart and the outside world. If the source of self-expression will become a sacred space of your heart, then through the wonderful stars, the communication between you and your heart in a different way can interact with the outside world, because you open the truth.