Monday, May 18, 2009

Science joy.

Science joy.

First, what is most remember: attention to each person with whom speak to each case which do. All human life - only the mind. This is the first necessity of life. Those who do not will develop its focus in the life of each day, will not be able in any field to achieve something greater.

Each of us passes unheeded, hundreds of meetings, because it is not developed habits of flexible and fully complete switch attention from one object to another. It always comes back in scattering attention, or rather, in a one-sided focus, miss, out of sight all but bring the spirit of thinking. All must remember to keep everything in memory, even if the sky shined in his soul. In your room is not a mirror to ensure that you have walked past him, but to ensure that you exit from your room to the people, the complete order of their appearance. This is the first of conditions, from which you no one is liberated. Not about yourself you should think, framed in front of the mirror folds of her dress, but about the people for whom your appearance
may be irritated if grubbiness hits you in the eye or ridiculous in their costumes. Remember that the fall in poverty often
sloppy. Even highly developed spiritually hindered their negligence to move forward in their way. Every room nepribrannaya abhorrent highly developed and clean person.

The second conditional statement: "Hello," which told people to each other. Must you have a better understanding of the word as regards the love of bow fire and light in man. It is not only a simple external reserve of courtesy to you, but the skeleton of your own benevolence, at the time of the meeting with the man. Begins in the usual people slit their conditional communicate with each other to make a noble heart. Becoming part of a spiritual channel, communicating in ways that do not push people, and not impede their perception of your own image and attract them. Keep track of each other, but it should be easy. Does not represent an furious, and the strictest mentor himself, as you do not want to be for others. The soul of each one of us - the same delicate flower who needs love and care. But we must understand that their own soul grows and is cleared only by force of goodness that had a heart of the counter, not the order will obey without which lightness and kindness - is the way of evil men.

There is nothing in the universe that could make a man standing alone. All the world is connected threads of love. And note that if a person developed it myself until the end of each open continuous achievement of human fate. Be attentive to the people around you, and you will expand its attention further and further. And you will see on a lot of miles range, and which need your help. Attention Rights tires and narrow because it is a lot of long and drawn to himself. When it ceases to focus on yourself, it knows no fatigue. This is for many a long and difficult work. A person starts to seem that he just does that, thinks about others. And in fact he has only a talented nature and is looking for a wider application of their talents. And then there are two ways: the way the mind and the path of the heart. Going through the heart do not ask themselves, good or bad is what they do. They go and do that. It is simple kindness.

Do not seek to understand how, where and whence is man, if he met you. Look for him to lodge a minute in this meeting. For nothing is more important on earth than Leaky now this meeting. If sumeesh make to meet their world, your task is executed. Bditelen be in his care, and the entire life or for one minute will not pass you by. Those who came to you - most importantly your business. It is the first in importance, to give him full force, and feelings and do not leave any parts of spirit and mind for the future. Looked closely at a meeting with people who think only of them. Do not admix each meeting thinking about themselves and not primerivay a way every other person, as a dress. You can not wear dresses all the cuts and you can not eliminate all types of labor. It is possible only in this age-old form of work you carry your "now" in the greatness of the knowledge finest strings of human heart, in such love and compassion for the ways of man that in all that you throw into the world of work, people will find new and easier opportunities loving win.

You have to take a fresh look at each person, looking at it not that immediately, and all you can see, not catchy qualities of intelligence, beauty, wit
or evil properties, and that inner strength and kindness of heart, which alone can be a light in the darkness all around to their prejudices and passions. And if you want to carry the light and freedom of the people begin to peer into people in a new way. Start vigilant to recognize the difference between small, randomly in a man and his great qualities, born as a result of his work, struggle and a series of victories over ourselves. Start now, not tomorrow. Get away from the prejudices that people - that what he seems, and judge him only by his actions, trying to always stand in his position and find a justification. How would loving you are, find the path to unity in the beauty of human foot is not possible. There are old people who seemed especially given longevity, so that they understand this property is love, to learn to recognize the opposite of his point of spiritual maturity, not Leslie to the people with their understandings, disputes, complaints and father, believing that once they have it think so, then it is and there really should go and lay out all of its pot, there buzzing. Thinking about each word. Always detect everything that surrounds you, and remember firmly that there is a situation where best to keep quiet. The apparent inertia of the outer man, all visible, it is often the most active help to those who complain to your inactivity. The same people that run on the day in the welter of their passions, and quickly, have all the seeming vain assistance, they are on the ground in the true sense of relief and even bring harm rather than good. For real help - this is courage, perhaps, sometimes, harsh word, which does not enjoy the counterclaim, rather than stroking the head of lachrymose rights. And to be expressed because it is the courage to help your counterclaim, you must grow in his spirit, in his fearlessness and sensitivity.

Never in their everyday dealings with people does not seek an explanation from them. Look to please people, try to begin to meet with each of joy. But avoid the one who, bend one's own, trying to look at your reasons for his gloom. Run those families where they live, quarreling. Those who talk about his love for family, but in fact are tyrants, and fuddy-duddy, not fewer criminals than any thieves, which were claiming the value of people. Anyone on the path to knowledge, must try to speak, so that none of his word not yazvilo not zhalilo. If you will bear the kindness in your heart, do not tactlessness. Take the new rule of conduct: do not ever say anything about your brothers and sisters, when they are not with you. And he said to just do something that is not involved your irritation. Each time a word of condemnation was ready stripped of thy mouth, I remember how little you still have to live in this body, and as each lost in the emptiness of the moment is not alone corrupts your soul, and spirit of everyone with whom you met at that moment. Take away with them as a covenant: the courage and tact. Never say the words, until the full self-will not lead you to believe: a person that complains and complains to me, is at a point in its evolution where it has not yet been opened, all of himself that he made his entire life before, makes it now. And only then look for courage in itself to give the most generous response to the question of the lowest, most contemptible complaint. Always, meeting people, supporting them or giving them the knowledge, umeyte cook in their souls the soil, which can be understood transferable by you.

The first concern about a person if he is entrusted to you - able to be in his position and did not exceed its capacity in the case referred to it. Firmly remember not as a theory, but as the practice of daily work: "Maybe - not to be." Every time you think about yourself first, you have told me: "How difficult to move in the understanding of these masses, you've already discovered a crack in its defensive half of the network and reduced success of dela.Nelzya break into someone else's life, offering their assistance, if he did not possess sufficient knowledge, in addition to the courage and bravery. Rare courage in the people the truth. It is very valuable not only because it protects the individual from the many hard days, but also protects the other, helping them to throw off his fur lies. But to ensure that this quality can creatively help people, the person must be exactly vigilant to recognize how responsible the truth about his own affairs and have lyudyah.Nelzya in the heart of divine kindness, and when it does not develop to the scale of a device sensitivity . You can not hold the fire power of spirit and not develop a full understanding of the nature of the counter and to always know exactly to what extent you can, and should bring it to your fire. You can not touch Because the grind of the Single Life only as Prono to grind, all the gifts of truth to people. If you submit neponimayuschemu most Kyrgyz treasure, he could die from poor treatment, not bringing any benefit to its surroundings, or yourself.

Nobody's eyes could not be forced to disclose. On land the eyes of each disclosed when it is long and a lot of work. Kindness in a personal spiritual relationship, false notion of compassion, then there is a desire to introduce people in the world unprepared for new ideas, and spiritual creativity, in the height where you want to have all the power and harmony of the whole organism, always leads to disaster. Like a flower bud, forcibly-set on the sun is too bright, zasyhaet, instead of being disbanded, and the spirit of man, put in a higher plan earlier than the harmonious development of all his body forces themselves will cause drag and vibrations and waves of higher frequency, the plan does not not only the fruits of creative fire, but is in a curvature. Enter a new orbit motion creative forces, save in the memory of the beginning of its journey, the beginning of his pursuit. Remember that you were not always strong. It is not always won the love of you without anger and bitterness. And you will be easier to meet his love, his mercy and peace of the spiritual abyss that lies between you and the people whom you share your new knowledge.