Friday, May 8, 2009

Thrice urged people to consciously against the leaking of his earthly life.

Thrice urged people to consciously against the leaking of his earthly life. For the first time the end of his childhood, and he first begins to comprehend the logic of their own land. The point of all is at the same time. Children's logic and energy begin to operate a variety of ways, depending on the previous embodiments, which have been completed no peace and no joy with any of the satellites surrounding the new translation. No convergence embodiment can not perform a coincidence not Taja a connection with people, which started a new life. And for the first time an active movement of thought begins when the choice of love and hate a child. If a child is not weaving a harmonious ring in his previous life, he will return to earth again in the ring disharmony.

The second call - a conscious choice of work and personal love. There are people-centered development and the existing physical may still not yet have a full spiritual growth. Although the strength of mind and heart development, but their courage may sleep, but can live sensuality and intellect, not reaching more personal. Education family harmony as a cell, can also be based on only the control cards. For the mature man dominates his physical part of the Divine.

The third call rights, the concentration of all its forces throughout the climax of his life, harmony and joy, at least for a moment - it is death.

These three stages are not minuemy anyone. Their significance and their proximity to each other - it all depends on the opportunities created by the man, where only the forces of thought and heart, creating harmony, are the signs of time achieving a particular grade level.

No forces which drive people from the outside. None of those or other obstacles which could be judged the happiness or unhappiness rights, for each, to go to the land, has, through its elementalya as a tablet written by Lord Carmen. And at the plate by designated minimum possible rights. Same as what he can achieve, is the light of his path, with no limit. Everything always comes down to a lively and light on the ground. All-in-itself - as the band connects the baby with the scarlet elementalem up to 7 years, and through elementalya everyone connected with the lord of Karma, in whose district he was born.

There is no street. But there are many accidents, as soon as possible, trying to break its link with higher consciousness. In the tables, invisible to the naked eye, always clear the reader will read on diverse feelings and forces breaking into disharmony and earlier this creature.

Man it's time to get to know the truth of disharmonious beings. It is time to consciously consider their own and others' lives, it's time to change their understanding of "obnoxious" and patients to the awareness of them began to fight the darkness and light.

It does not matter that the people indifferent to their parents and loved devotedly and faithfully someone on the side. But it is important that parents are the eyes of good and clean look at the love that they tried to bring harmony to the human passions, they are entrusted, and using each of their children's love for the awakening of self-energy and heroism.

Permalink jealousy and recriminations, the child looks coldly at the house, give rise to pain and curvature of the energy man. No right of ownership from parents to their children. No fathers and mothers before eternity. Eternity knows only the cooperation of wise people, their unity in a common labor, that, passing the days of the earth, to grow, helping to love one another.

Ghost power "heads of the family" is bubble selfishness and grand, he breaks a hand of the day life at every turn.

It is time for a person deliberately to give the family unit and understand that it and its not based personal happiness, but izzhivaetsya thread delusions, weaving through the ages.

If you give life, it is your duty before him is exactly the same as it before you. And your connection - only your total karmic cycle in which you both will release each other from prejudice the credibility and admiration, but also to comprehend the greatness of force unification.

Postignuv it in his cell in the family, wake up to the truth, Wisdom man brings it to a circle of friends. Strong in it, communicating with friends by using their love of unconvicted, it grows widely wave covers his idea ring around it - and his joy penetrate walls conditions, it is in unity with each counter, and then the inevitable meeting with his teacher .

The path of conscious expansion of their actions in harmony brings people to the light of his earthly life a minute - to the death.

A blind person it is most afraid of. Why? For his merits, his body is no release. Conditionality time he speaks, and the love of truth, the very same force of his life, never able to escape the fire from him, because his loyalty does not have complete integrity.

Wholeness is not a bias, prejudice and obstinacy, which people tend to take for wholeness. Wholeness is a harmonious life of all bodies of human joy. And this wholeness can only give an opportunity to develop in one embodiment of stage three. And only in this seamless born allegiance to his ways, faithful teacher, the only loyalty that leads to movement chakramy revealing the eyes and ears.

Man it's time to realize where he was to seek mental strength. It is time to move the center of attention at all in itself, rather than the book. Wisdom - in itself. The book is able to develop a mind and life is a gray day is continuous application of the growing heart of wisdom.

Chtya his Labor Day and all the circumstances prevailing in it, man it's time to learn to read your clear and counterclaim life. It's time to see the effect is not destiny, but his own creativity in their environment. The gift of consciousness and attention have developed or sleeping Wisdom heart.