Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Neanderthals were still living in the far north?

Neanderthals were still living in the far north?

At noon on Dec. 24, 1933 stoker and the sailor Alexander Pavlyuk Nikolai Vershinin alighted on the ice to snow to napilit galley. Weather was clear, half moon hung over the horizon, and decided not to light the torches, only hinder, blind.

Perfect silence reigned around - and it is no wonder: zveroboynaya schooner "Sea Hare" wintered away from cities and towns - unable to return to port on time, and ice surrounded the captured ship. We had the winter.

Pavliuk Creek, a short, pridushenny forced Vershinina obezhat hummock. Polar bears often wandered around the "Sea Зайца. On the other side of hummock Pavliuk no. At pritoptannom snow roll hat, mittens and rifle. Sailor decided not to pursue the beast alone, and кинулся on the ship for help.

We decided to go in search of Pavliuk, after a more favorable weather, although no one had doubts that their comrade was dead. Aloud it was a hunter-nenets Alekseev, claiming that the fireman became prey, but not the bear, and people of ice.

Indeed, Vershinin and the rest is clearly seen footprints in the snow. Were they not bear, and remarkably like the trail barefoot feet, only the thumb separated from the other slightly more than the Europeans. Alekseyev said that the Nenets have long known that in the northern seas of people live ice. Called so because during the polar day, they live on the block of ice into the sea and feed on seals, but the long winter night, sometimes approaching the camps and attacking the Nenets. When asked why, the hunter simply replied: "want to eat."

The squad of four men went to look for. Were found again bare feet. The size of print were forced to assume that they belonged to creatures (not yet decided to consider them human beings), a large and heavy, and had them since at least half a dozen individuals. Consequently, there was real danger of attack.

December 30, managed to pick off the bear, who climbed onto the deck "Зайца. Fresh meat is prized Arctic seafarers: moreover, it also protects against scurvy. But the innards of the fat and the crew left on the ice, liver bear poisonous to humans. He left not without malice: Hunter Alekseev sure that people охочи ice to bear tripe.

Six things and really went out of the hummocks and cautiously approached the remains of the bear. They really like the people, but looked much bigger, at least two meters of growth, broad-shouldered, covered with white wool. Two individuals were significantly less for a half-meter, perhaps, baby. Anthropoid attacked on the inside and began to greedily devour them. Then picked up the remains of medvezhatiny who were unable to eat, and fled for the hummocks.

Immediately, take the good weather - calm and clear skies - Harchenko sent a detachment of the prosecution, five men under the command of the navigator Solomina. Seven - eight kilometers persecutors noticed the island, which sent anthropoid.

Island raised over the ice field a few meters. In rock holes seen - a cave, and the traces lead to one of them. But there were other traces, leading to another cave. It looks like an island inhabited by dozens and dozens of these creatures. But winterer firmly decided to explore the cave and find out the situation until the end. Fire torches at the entrance, with weapons drawn, they entered the cave. It was empty! The inhabitants fled through another course!

The cave was very spacious, and probably served as a dwelling. Everywhere roll the dice. In a corner of the stone, as on a pedestal, Belela bear skull, skull near-space, bear, and in depth, at the very wall, natural niche, they found a human skull! The absence of two front teeth has led to recognize its skull Pavliuk accident - he lost his teeth a month ago. By deciding to take the skull, Vershinin found a knife, which, undoubtedly, belonged Pavliuk, as mentioned on the handle and the initials "AP".

The navigator decided to inspect the other cave. There was a tough way to show people the ice that attack winterers not. However, the gate to the entrance, people saw that he was overwhelmed with stones. People ice неслышно managed to bring and set stones, large and heavy, weighing many tens of kilograms. The second course was also engulfed!

Returned to the first. Undo the last stone, and holding a carabiner, winterer came out and frozen slain: they stood at least hundreds of people ice!

Moon shining brightly, the snow reflects the light it could be read even a small newspaper text, and they could well consider the anthropoid.

People of ice were really human beings, not animals! They used guns - in the hands of many were morzhovye tusks, while others - the tibia bone bears, but dangerous in their hands look like stones. Tall, about two meters, covered with thick white hair, they seemed very strong. Forearm and tibia were significantly shorter than the shoulders and thighs. Superciliary arch issued ahead, their eyes light Red light, but they read and undeniable wisdom. And finally, they exchanged among themselves, exchanging guttural one-and disyllabic words. Their intentions were clearly hostile, it seems that they were arguing who owns mining. And the production, of course, considered to be five winterers with "Sea Зайца.

By order of the navigator squad closed shoulder to shoulder and went to meet people of ice. Those are not going to let the extraction, three or four of them jumped very close to polar. The team gave a broadside. The bullets, the roar of the flames from the fire and scattered the people of ice. Those fled to the rocks and started to throw stones at winterers. We had to hastily return to the ship.

Who they were, people ice? Nikolai Vershinin felt that our relatives - Neanderthals. Marginalization of a successful branch, kromanontsami, to the Far North, they have adapted to life in ice. Critical to the existence of warm temperature is not the natural environment and the availability of food. Arctic Ocean was a food conveyor, which stood at the top of seals, walruses and polar bears, therefore, a man could well feed. Evolution is worried about the defense mechanisms - increasing the subcutaneous fat layer, the return of fur cover and so on.

In the 30-ies started active development of the Arctic. Its natural resources are used sometimes predatory. Sharply decreased food base, which threatened the population and people of ice. Cannibalism is further accelerated the reduction of the tribe ...

But to this day among the polar running stories about strange creatures coming out of the darkness. And winterer the risk of a rare break from his home at night unarmed.