Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Seven methods of implementing the objectives.

Seven methods of implementing the objectives.

Energy Rights, as we said, like a tool. This tool can and should be configurable. The role of the settings in the instrument played by the desire and the role of setup - a decision and meetings around the decision. While living in this insane world, each person chooses a goal. Someone wants a quiet life, someone is thirsty of money at any cost, all this question of choice of individuals. For each person only acceptable way to your existence, it is impossible to imitate someone else, in other words, a person can only what he can.

But change is always a chance. This opportunity begins with the decision rights, when he changes the installation of your computer and says to himself: "I will dwell on another, I will live thus and so." What happens to the energy at this point? She begins to rebuild, all the currents are sent to the cherished goal. And if you insist you want to achieve a certain goal, you will attract the necessary situations where you can demonstrate that counter the purpose of their actions. Index - to know exactly what you want. Then bioenergetic capacity will be focused correctly. And the desire to necessarily prityanet from the outside world relevant situations - a possibility. This seems a very mysterious process. Although much simpler: a strong desire to always unidirectional attracts goal. Because this has a great sense of power induction and, therefore, the existence sends after a period of time possible. Maybe you have not noticed, but many of your ideas come true. Simply it was unconsciously. All of your life now - is the result of your dreams and desires. Do you think only your actions have played a role in their implementation? No, not just actions. Action should be given the appropriate situation. Many hold the speculative impulses and ready for action, but the situation, action to implement, does not occur. This suggests that the desire comes from the mind. That is, the desire to man, is not supported by underlying motives and power of the highly directive wishes.

Therefore, we have two types of desires: the desire to be known as one of the mind - it happens when we simply thought or trying to superficially imitate others' successes. And the root desires emanating from the depths of the heart, desire, to which all our creature totally involved. The latter have a strong induction power, so attractive for the situation of foreign life and give the man a chance - to act. That is all arranged. Look at my life - everything that you have - so different varieties of your desires. His life, you unconsciously shaped their vibration. So everything is working, a strong desire to be enough to drag the situation. Thus is formed a fate, this is its engineering. But people who have reached the vibratory level of consciousness, do so consciously. Whatever their individual approaches differ, they all consist of seven main steps. Let us explain this semishagovuyu model.

Step 1 - find a wish. You must have a strong desire to start. Usually people do not know what they want. It is necessary to apply the method of relaxation and naturalness, so that you understand what you really want. What you want, not what you need. Can you help in finding the desire of the two lists: first, where you provide all what you need most. Write ten things needed for their degree of decay. A second list - what you really want to do, regardless of the needs and concerns. Give ten desires to the extent of decay. When both of these lists are, try to feel your heart that you really close. When you have identified with the desire, the second step begins.

Step 2 - ingrowth of desire. The desire to become a dominating your entire being. It must fill you impregnated your thoughts, all your actions.

Step 3 - deliver faith. You want to show the quality of faith, and said any doubts, decide to go to the end. To fight and win, to go and never give up. Believe in your success.

4 step - the sound aura. Auricheskaya shell must be set to desire. That is to say, and heart, and the shell should be in unison zazvuchat selected request.

Step 5 - Search biomagnitnom field. You must close your eyes and feel yourself stretching through space, outside the city or country. Then, feel, find their target. When you're caught, and feel that you have found the goal, then link it to a common desire, shared by some intentions and decide where and how the situation should occur in your life, helping to implement the goal. Imagine and feel of these situations call for help your experience, consider the possible places of intersection of these situations with the opportunity to realize this objective and the Program itself is in the visualization.

Step 6 - the appearance of people, relationships and money. At this stage, nothing special do not have to do, but simply not to interfere with coming to you new people and situations, and maintain all necessary contacts. You will see a line up the situation in relation to you, can it tell you how it is better to act.

Step 7 - Sami action. Here - you pulled a situation, but not always, you have enough spirit and determination to act. You have done such a big way, the situation and the opportunity in front of you, but you are afraid to take the first step. It happens very often. The problem of this step to ensure that you have found the strength to move to action. To perform actions necessary to achieve the goal. You must be consistent in the actions as above were consistent in the mind.

It is this semishagovoy model used by all who have reached the vibration level of awareness. Unconsciously, this model works for all people, they do not even suspect that living in a world of vibrations and automaticity. We take this very deliberately.

Engineering his own life - this is totally normal, unconsciously do it all people. It helps to reveal hidden desires and sgarmonizirovat life in the right direction. It also helps save time in the early stages of the project.