Friday, May 8, 2009

Communication and intuition.

Communication and intuition.

Today we begin a conversation about communication and consider it as a spiritual interaction.

For communication with the fifth chakra center expressions. If this chakra is in balance, it helps to communicate our spiritual growth. In this case, we consider our interlocutor, as a unique personality, as a partner and teacher. And try to understand what lies behind the statement of rights, and pay attention to how our words affect on the interlocutor.

Need some practice for the deepest meaning of your speech the other person became clear. Approved in the desire to better understand your partner, you first have to learn the language of gestures. As it is known, the actual words have only seven per cent of the information.
The rest come from non-verbal information. The next stage is desirable to get acquainted with other ways of collecting information on the internal world of your interlocutor. With sufficient desire, you will find the necessary literature. In the future, based on this base, you can easily interpret the smallest non-verbal signals in the conversation, and almost guess the other person is thinking.

But that's not all. If you carries the idea that one person can make the presence of harmony in the world, the warm communication, you can do several exercises, and then make them part of their conduct. For example, you can take the Sufi exercise, the essence of which is that you represent a unique device that is able to absorb and transmit light. On inhaling you absorb white light and at the expiration of his pass on others during the interview. Even more simple exercise is that during a conversation just to try to understand the meaning of human communication, what are its values, to realize that all thoughts of your interlocutor is not alien to you.

Concentrating on communicating with others. Do not talk much about himself.

Try not to condemn people. This is important not only from the energy point of view: condemning, you lose the energy is blocked, your fifth chakra. In addition, condemning people, you were surprised to observe that after some time you can just repeat so you neponravivshiesya words or actions. The explanation can be found in the view that the age of 21 quick-karma, when a man in one life the opportunity to develop negative attitudes towards life, and often live several lives in one.

Negative thoughts and words may lead to problems related to improper functioning of the fifth chakra, at the level of physical sensations: from the thyroid gland, trachea, esophagus, neck, mouth, teeth and ears. Conversely, thoughts full of joy, love, inspiration, not only to spiritual growth, and bodily health. There were cases when the shift to the right thinking and communication has helped cure people physically.

Try every day to pull in any manifestation of discontent, in the words of today a unique day that will not happen again. And that is what he is wonderful!

A little bit off, to say a few words on how to conduct themselves in difficult situations. As one healer: Thanks Take any complex life situations. This is another opportunity to turn to God. Indeed, in difficult life situations, you can turn to God, to accept the situation. Caroline MISS writes about this: Preporuchenie themselves in the hands of the Lord in difficult situations can lead to a profound understanding of themselves and the internal insights. Someone is going through a very painful end of certain stages of life, such as breaking partnership or dismissal from employment. But I have not met people who would have thought that the pain associated with the completion of any period of life is not worth to be, because they led to a meeting with the will of God.

Our subconscious is configured for execution of what we speak. That is why working affirmatsii, which is why it is important to see to it that we speak, and consciously enter into life formula.
To harmonize the fifth chakra, use the tips below:
1. Type in your life the magic formula I choose health, I choose happiness, and any other useful for you. Magic formula, made by you, will attract the necessary quality of your life. You can also print them and hang out, for example, in the bathroom.

2. Try to be the bearer of good tidings. Set a period during which you will be set only on positive information. If during this period will be something that you previously estimated as a negative, find a bright side to this situation. Talk about all the other good that you noticed.

3. Use kastanedovskoy technique (for B. Sánchez)
During the three days or more strictly follow the golden rule: Do not criticize, do not condemn, do not zhaluysya. At the end of that period, or start the next, the same duration, or make a short break.
Note: The three golden rules necessarily apply, including in relation to themselves.

4. Please refer to the principles of Reiki, Think it over them, what they mean for you, pay attention to the first line:

It is today.
I will express gratitude.
I will not worry.
I will not be nasty.
I will honestly do their jobs.
I will be kind to friends and to all living beings.

Greet others joyful and kind words.
Make a positive outlook.
Write thank-you letters.
Tell the man what you value.
Sing, read poems, tell the truth.
Sign up for courses on communication, lead teacher.
Include in the morning warm-up exercises for the neck - embrocation elements Tensegrity or qi-gong.

Consciously treating dialogue as a way to bring the intimate thoughts of your Spirit and understand the message, the other spiritual beings, you will receive a careful and mental skills of communication. But we can say that this is only the first part of the communication.

The second component - it Telepathic communication with each other. People tuned to each other often communicate without words, or words conveying only a portion of their thoughts and feelings. Communicating in telepathic level occurs when we respond to nezadannye questions begin croon a song or get something dream. However, separating grains of darnel, you need to know that two people can croon the same song without any sonastroyki and mysticism: for example, on the way to work Mogi they listen to radio one and the same aggressive melody, not calling it a conscious attention. But we are talking about another.

The third component of this relationship with the inner voice or intuition, which helps to take the best decision at any time of life. Moreover, this solution does not involve a logical calculations of mind. It is believed that the ability to make intuitive decisions laid down by nature in every person. You need only to activate this ability. And we will try to do it.